Monthly Archives: July 2019

Diplomacy: Sergey Lavrov, An Iron Fist In A Silk Glove

Sergey Lavrov

The face of modern diplomacy.

What makes a good diplomat?

Many qualities embodied in the same person:




-well read

-having charisma

-able to talk to people in a way that induces them to appreciate his point of view

-able to persuade people to adopt  his point of view

-able to make deals in a charming way

-having manners and taking into account the other side’s interests and opinions, without losing sight of his own ones

What makes an exceptional diplomat?

All of the above plus:

-wisdom, the superior form of intelligence

-patience, the ability to keep a smiling face while being patient

As someone said: 

diplomacy is the art of letting someone else have your way.

This is the face of an exceptional diplomat, Sergey Lavrov.

Transforming rivals into neutrals, neutrals into allies and allies into friends.

He reminds me of one of the greatest diplomats of all times, Otto Von Bismarck . Prime Minister of Prussia, 1860-1890, Chancellor of Northern German Confederation in 1867 ( The Iron Chancellor):

“The secret of politics”? Make a good treaty with Russia”

“Do not expect that once taking advantage of Russia’s weakness, you will receive dividends forever. Russian has always come for their money. And when they come – do not rely on an agreement signed by you, you are supposed to justify. They are not worth the paper it is written. Therefore, with the Russian is to play fair, or do not play”.

“Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wiseman tears from the mistakes of others”.

“Preventive war is like committing suicide for fear of death”.

“The less people know about how laws and sausages are made, the better they’ll sleep at night”.

“Politics is the art of the possible”.


His portrait was very difficult o make.

I am not sure how much I succeeded in capture his expression, but I did nail the cigar.

Pirates of the Persian Gulf



Pirates of Persian Gulf

U.S. Marine Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr. who assumed command of U.S Central Command -CENTCOM. UK Defense Minister Her Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for Defence ,Gavin Williamson Navigating on the Flying Dutchman.

US is trying to create an international flotilla for “escorting ships in the Persian Gulf”.

“It’s really an international problem. “ ”It’s not a United States problem — although certainly the nations that immediately abut the Strait of Hormuz have a special responsibility to ensure freedom of navigation, of commerce that flows through for the world.” said GENERAL MC KENZIE , COMMANDER OF CENTCOM.


A pirate flotilla, to block Iran from navigating in its own waters. And from selling its oil.

It is formed of UK+US.

Ex empire of pirates and buccaneers and the current empire of pirates and buccaneers.

U.S. Marine Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr. who assumed command of U.S Central Command -CENTCOM.

Her Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for Defence ,Gavin Williamson ( I think he was dismissed and UK has now a woman as Secretary of Defence).

Navigating on the Flying Dutchman.

The Flying Dutchman is a legendary ghost ship that can never make port and is doomed to sail the oceans forever, its crew having committed horrible crimes.

In ocean lore, the sight of this phantom ship is a portent of doom.

The myth is likely to have originated from the 17th-century golden age of the Dutch East India Company ( probably the first mega corporation, that inspired British East India Corporation, then American Corporation with a dollar printing press+an army to protect it).

But the Persians are an ancient civilization-too smart for those low life pirates.

Iran seized two British oil tankers, while respecting the international law.

UK and US steal and cheat and are still losing, while the resistance fights respecting the International Law and is winning.

It’s like double slapping the bitch( both cheeks).

New Bill of American Rights

1.The  quest for profits from new wars shall not be infringed

2.The right of US government to promote peace through war is inalienable

3.Everybody is equal, but Corporations are more equal than the rest of the people

4.An unproductive, consumerist economy has to be promoted by all means, including new wars.

5.Abridging the freedom of speech is  fashionable again

6.The right of the people/ nations to bear arms is not for foreigners

7.All imperial soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any country without the consent of the owner

8.The right to save the petrodollar trumps any right a country  might have to be secure in its lands

9.Everybody is presumed guilty until proven innocent

10.All people/countries have the right to their day in court-but  US names the jury 

11.The powers not delegated to the United State are null and void.

The Deal The Century

The Trojan horse

Kushner, the first son-in -law, pulling the deceptive Trojan horse ( well, it looks more like a Trojan pig, but you get the idea).

Paraphrasing Virgil with his” Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes” I can confidently say:

“Timeo iudaeorum et dona ferentes”.

"The Deal of the century " better known as "The Trojan horse "

Timeo Iudaeorum et dona ferentes.

Proposing a so called economic approach to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, completely decoupling politics from it, as if there’s no political crisis.

“Since the 1990 Madrid conference, the peace process had been built on the principle of “land for peace”, where Israel withdraws from Arab land it occupied in 1967 in exchange for peace and the normalization of relations with the Palestinians and Arabs.” ( quote from an Al Jazeera article)

The 1993 Oslo Accords provided a political vision for Peres’s plan – a two-state solution .

Meanwhile,  futile attempts were made to have  “peace talks” , where Palestinians received only promises , and Israel continued to expand and occupy more lands ( they call these ‘settlements”).

Palestinians continue to lose and Israel continued to gain.

“ The deal of the century” is based on the same principle :

Palestinians’ interests are completely excluded .

They receive a promise of “peace to prosperity”, promise for  improving their living standard .

For this to happen, they need to benevolently give up their  land, and their right to self- determination .( deception number 1 and 2).

50 billion $ in investments.

The source of the money is unclear: Europe, China and Russia  did not attend the conference.

The Donald thinks that the Gulf States will cough  the money up.

This is viewed as a new Marshall plan.

But, for this to happen, Palestinians need to be independent and have a country and a saying in how that money is invested.

“Palestinian Authority has no control over borders, infrastructure, ports and airports, land, water and other resources.

It does not even have full control over its own budget.

Public servants are not getting paid in full because the occupying power, Israel, has decided to take a portion of the funds allocated for salaries”.( deception number 3)


And, even if they did have a country, accepting DEBT money equals slavery for a country.

Because I’m sure that the money /profits will go to US/IL and Palestinians will be left with the DEBT.( deception number 4)

The plan does not mention Israel as  a party to the conflict. This is the  deception number 5.

This deal, if you want to name it “The deal of the century” you have to add” for Israel” … not for Palestinians.

Palestinians get “The deception of the century”.

It’s the final  move to remove Palestinians and occupy all their remaining land.

The Donald has already made a few major steps in this direction, including recognising Israel’s annexation of Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. ( Golan belongs to Syria).

Next move:

US recognition of Israel’s annexation of parts of the West Bank, where over 600,000 illegal Israeli settlers currently live.

People worshiping the Golden Calf and  having only materialism as guiding principal in life think that everything can be bought.

They’re wrong.

About Epstein

The question in Epstein case is :  Why did his case resurface now? Why now?

Epstein is a known pedophile.

His first trial was a mockery of justice, left unquestioned by MSM.

53-page federal indictment, involving 36  underage girls, was sealed.

Alexander Acosta ,then the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, agreed to a plea deal to grant immunity from all federal criminal charges to Epstein, along with four co-conspirators and any unnamed “potential co-conspirators”.

Acosta later said he had been told that Epstein “belonged to intelligence”, was “above his pay grade” and  “to leave it alone”. ( Wikipedia )

Epstein was registered as a sex offender in 2008 , but left free to continue his activities for 11 more years.

He received a sentence of 18 months , did 13 months in jail, not in a state prison  as are the majority of sex offenders convicted in Florida, Epstein was housed in a private wing of the Palm Beach County Jail. He was allowed “work release” to his downtown office for up to 12 hours a day six days a week ( he basically slept in a prison cell during the night and went home in the mornings).

Sentenced reduced from 18 months to 13 for “good behavior” , meaning he slept quietly and well in jail.

After he was released, while on probation, he was allowed numerous trips on his corporate jet to his homes in Manhattan and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

With the risk of being accused of “conspiracy theory” I’m going to offer the following conclusions based on facts :

1-Epstein’s right had and recruiter of girls used for sexual activities was Ghislaine Maxwell ( his Madam).

Her father, Robert Maxwell( born Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch) , was a British media proprietor and Member of Parliament.

He was a known Mo$$ad agent.

Read about him-even Wikipedia mentions this.

He was involved in many cases, including Mordecai Vanunu  given information about Israel’s nuclear capability to The Sunday Times, then to the Daily Mirror, which resulted in his kidnapping by Mo$$ad and 18 years in prison.

Maxwell  stole hundreds of millions of pounds from his own companies’ pension funds, triggering their collapse and bankruptcies .

n 1991, his body was discovered floating in the Atlantic Ocean, having fallen overboard from his yacht. He was buried in Jerusalem.

Those who knew him say he was absolute Evil.

So , we can confidently say that Ghislaine Maxwell  and Epstein are Mo$$ad agents.

2-Acosta, who supervised the plea deal to grant immunity from all federal criminal charges, is now, the Donald’s Secretary of Labor.

This is called : you scratch my back and I scratch your back.

Or reciprocity.


And it is involving the Donald.

3-Remember the recent shooting down by Iran of that American expensive drone .

Perfect “cases belli” wasted , because the Donald didn’t start a war against Iran.

The most vociferous voice pleading for this war belongs to Bibi.

4. And we’ve come full circle, as all this reminds me of another :

a-American President

b-another sex scandal, involving a Jewish woman, and most likely Mo$$ad agent

c-another war that followed.

a-Bill Clinton.

He is involved with Epstein too.

26 trips listed in Epstein’s black book , on Epstein’s private plane, Lolita express, to Epstein’s private island.

Small world.

b-Monica Lewinsky and the little stained blue dress.

c-NATO bombing Yugoslavia and its destruction, the destruction of Serbia and the construction of a Muslim enclave in the heart of Serbia, Kosovo, with the biggest NATO/US base, Bondsteel.

The scandal started beginning of 1998, lasted the entire year.

The war started beginning of next year, 1999.

Clinton remained president.

So, I conclude that this reactivation of Epstein’s case NOW is a “sword  of Damocles” hanging above the Donald ‘s head( and above the heads of the men from his circle).

I think all this  Epstein scandal is a little nudge towards  war with Iran.

But, I don’t expect to see any important head rolling.

We will discover that this is part of “national security ” and we are not granted access to it or ” the victims need to be protected” and the perpetrators  can’t be revealed.

Maybe some small fish will fry, but that’s it.

No involved top 0.01%  will be harmed in  Epstein’s re trial.