Monthly Archives: April 2024

The Sum of All Fear. The Sum of All Evil. The Sum of All Failures.

  • Carl Jung :

To maintain order and control you must isolate the intellectual, the sage, the philosopher, the savant before their ideas awaken people.” 

  • Robert Anton Wilson :

We live in an age of artificial scarcity, maintained by ignorance and fear.”

  • Arnold Toynbee, A Study Of History :

“ A society does not ever die from ‘natural causes,’ but always dies from suicide or murder—and nearly always the former.”

  • Jordan Maxwell :

” The elites use war to make blood sacrifice”

Legend for my caricature :

Top left :

1.Jerome Powell flying on the petrodollar :

the weaponized dollar used for the control of the world means inflation-> famine-> pestilence-> depopulation

2. Benjamin Netanyahu Mileikowsky, Israeli PM riding the bomb :

a hot WW III might become reality ( ( we are already in WW III, but the bombs and nukes are not flying, yet )

Just look at this video about Judaism and especially at Netanyahu @44:35 talking to a Rabbi about how to speed up the arrival of Messiah ( the Rabbi says : ” You have to do something to bring the Messiah “and Netanyahu replies: ” We are doing it ” )

3.William Burns, director of the CIA

4.Sir Richard Moore, director of British MI6 ( he is a ” Sir “, an aristocrat, was knighted )

Other infamous knighted British are :

the war criminal Tony Blair


the notorious BBC pedophile Jimmy Savile, who was also a friend and confident of the Royal family.

This tells you what you need to know about Britain and its ruling aristocracy .

5.David Barnea, director of Mossad.

CIA -MI6 and Mossad represent the same Agency working for the American Zionist Empire : they are the 3 branches of the Empire’s main subversive tool, specialized in terrorism, assassinations, spreading disinformation, false flags, color revolutions and regime changes .

They will continue to do Kosher false flags until gọyim morale improves, i.e. until gọyim fully grasp their cattlehood status and decide to do something about it.

But, I doubt it because Americans are the products of their environment : the Empire of Lies. That’s why, Americans are completely detached from reality.

There is some hope now with the students’ protests against the genocide committed by the jews in Gaza. These kids are finally waking up to who is ruling the US and who their real enemy is.

The pro-Palestinian protestors can expect to be blacklisted for life from any meaningful employment, which should enlighten them as to who our unelected rulers are. But, they have a lot of courage, as they have nothing to gain with these protests, and a lot to lose.

Compare the students’ courage with the insouciance of the rest of the population :

Americans are psychologically obligated to believe that the US is ” the land of the free and home of the brave ” and that they are exceptional nation and that the US is the best place and everywhere else is worse.

If they thought the opposite they’d have to do something about it. But, they won’t do anything, because they are too cowardly and their egos are too big to admit they have been fooled .

As Mark Twain said :

‘ It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. ‘

Because the key specialty of the CIA-Mossad-MI6 is terrorism, I drew Burns, Moore and Barnea sitting on the shoulders of terrorists.

Bottom left :

6.”” the leader of the free world “( can’t keep a straight face while writing this ) ,

Joe Biden, eating ice cream and thinking :

” BRICS cannibals are eating Uncle Scam…I mean, Uncle Shlomo…I mean Uncle Sam, like they ate my uncle in WW II “ ( lol, lol )

He is the perfect representation of a dying, degenerate,, corrupt, demented and evil empire.

“ The leader of the free world “ thoroughly reading the teleprompter, instructions included. ROTFLMFAO. Notice the trained monkeys in the background.

7.The Devil behind them does not need any introduction.

All that the American Zionist Empire has left are proxy wars, terrorism and spreading weapons of financial mass destruction, it can only lie and print fiat. And even these are not so efficient anymore.

What I mean by ” the American zionist empire ” is this :

1-the USA = represents the muscles of the empire. It is the key to the zionist domination of the world.

It is the strongest country in the west, with the biggest army and still holding the

” exorbitant privilege of possessing the world reserve currency , the petrodollar ” (controlled by The Federal Reserve and its shareholders which are the biggest banks on the Wall Street .

2-the UK = represents the brain of the empire

This is where it all started, where the Devil was released in 1684 when the PRIVATE Bank of England, the first bank spreading DEBT/ USURY was created. This happened after Cromwell’s revolution ( 1649-1651) allowed the Jews to return to England in 1656 . You might say this is a conspiracy theory, I say it is a fact.

It was also in England that the first Corporation acting as a state within a state , East India Company, was first created.

The British empire of Pirates and Buccaneers then spread its rotten colonial financial system to all its colonies ( that represented the entire world at that time ). Eventually, most colonies got rid of the British occupiers, but not of their financial slavery shackles.

As an eschatology side note, it is interesting to notice that the Qur’an said that the Devil was released on an island . That island can be easily identified as Britain.

3-Israel = it is the heart of the empire.

If you have any doubt, look at how the US and UK ( and its vassals in EU ) unconditionally support Israel with its genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

4- Saudi Arabia and the oil producing Gulf States were the blood of the Empire. The oil sold ONLY for dollars was the backbone of the US financial power. ( Kissinger’s deal for the petrodollar in 1972 ).

This allowed the US to print unlimited amounts of dollars without having significant inflation as all foreign countries were forced to buy dollars in order to buy oil and to recycle their dollar surpluses into buying US DEBT ( US Treasuries ). This way financing the US DEBT and the US wars .

But, this is coming to an end :

Saudi Arabia and UAE are now part of BRICS 10 and are selling oil in other currencies. Oy Vey !

The Empire is bleeding, it is losing the petrodollar as the word reserve currency. The spice is not flowing freely anymore. Hemorrhage, when it reaches a critical point, is lethal.

Even an exceptional and chosen evil empire can’t survive if it exsanguinate.

It is not a matter of ” if ” anymore, it is a matter of ” when ” and this ” when ” is closer than you think.

The USA + UK + Israel = the American zionist empire.

America  +  UK  +  Israel are Married Until Death Do They Part ( which might come sooner than they think ).

They are also known as the Empire of Lies, the new Empire of Pirates and Buccaneers, the Evil Empire, the Empire of Chaos, the Death Cult.

The empire’s motto is :

” It’s easier to kill someone than to control someone “, as Zbigniew Brzezinski, one of the empire’s grey eminence said.

This is the most evil empire known in human history. It was very successful in its evil deeds. Until now.

It represents predatory capitalism and colonialism, using the weaponized petrodollar and western financial system, which is a Ponzi scheme based on creating the dollar as debt and spreading inflation, which slowly lowers people’s quality of life.

The American zionist empire is a parasitic system build on the premise of rent-seeking and passive income acquiring by a ruling parasitocracy, sucking the blood out of the entire world and using violence in order to protect its position. The system was designed for global financial exploitation and wars. And it is not sustainable.

Even the empire’ s “ strength “, its financial exploitation system, is flawed and already had the seeds of its destruction sowed inside it, when it was created.

Because the exponential function of compound interest is self destructive.

And we now are here :

the Federal government borrows $ 1TRILLION EVERY 3 months now and pays over

$1 TRILLION in interests ( and these are growing exponentially ).

US is a parasitocracy, a decadent, degenerate, on its last legs Empire, which does not even know what spirituality or morality are, trying to pretend it’s still relevant, and trying to protect its last bastion of power, the petrodollar, by means of military might projection.

Observe that everything the US does nowadays, revolves around wars, war threats and terrorist acts. This is in fact a projection of weakness, not force.

Evil is self destructive because it lacks empathy and produces horrors that become too difficult to ignore by the rest of the world. Evil is devouring itself in the end, like the Ouroboros snake. It has no choice but to do so. Because Evil becomes complacent with its own perceived superiority ( see America’s exceptionalism and jewish chosenness) and this leads to decay.

Ouroboros also means rebirth, but this time it will be only destruction and not rebirth. No any ” Build Back Better “, it won’t gonna happen.

The western ruling class has always been evil, but now, it has become so mediocre that any possibility of rebirth of their power over the world has faded away.

On top of that, the world has become smarter and stronger and has means to protect itself.

The problem with the western jewish ruling class is a problem of psychopathy. Psychopaths have a great talent for pushing down and out real talent and competence so they could control everything easier and then end up with no talent and competence at all to solve their problems when TSHTF and everything is FUBAR. Look how pathetic American diplomacy and leadership is !

They are deeply brain damaged and ultimately doomed by their judaic supremacist ideology. They can’t understand non-psychopathic, normal people who are willing to sacrifice themselves and resist.

Actions have consequences and nothing can stop what’s coming .

Do not worry !

Hakuna Matata ! No worries !

The evil American zionist empire is on its way out as a superpower and there is nothing they can do to stop it. They will cause some more pain and suffering through proxy wars and terrorism, as we are witnessing with Ukraine war against Russia and Israel committing genocide and terrorism against its neighbors and against Iran, while trying to start a war which would involve the US, but this will not change the outcome.

Only countries that want to be poor and gay are on the empire’s side.

The rest, those who want to be normal and prosper, the smart ones, those who are on the right side of history, form the Resistance. The Resistance is rapidly growing now.

The site that feels that their cause is the most righteous is more motivated and wins, in the end. The Resistance knows that their side is righteous and moral.

This is why the Evil American zionist empire already lost, even it has not acknowledged it yet.

Americans rarely receive the government they think they want, but always receive the government they deserve. The US is now bankrupt in every conceivable way. Especially morally.

The week point of the empire is Israel.

Israel is now viewed as a pariah and it is going down. The empire will follow. EU, which is The Empire’s political way of controlling Europe, will collapse. NATO, which is the Empire’s military way of controlling Europe , will disintegrate.

The empire’s chances of survival were already minimal after it made the mistake of attacking Russia. The total support of what the jews are doing in Gaza and the West Bank will seal the deal .

As for Israel, they are finished in all scenarios : 1 million jews already left and more will follow, their economy has shrunk by more than 20 %, their ports are non functional, more than 100,000 squatters …I mean, settlers …had to be evacuated from their homes and they will not be able to return. Ever.

So even if Israel is not completely destroyed by Iran and its proxies in the event of a larger war, it will be destroyed by demographics and economic collapse. The US will try to support Israel and Ukraine with money and weapons as long as it takes, but the US itself does not have too much time left.

Israel’s existence was based on the premise of military supremacy ( gone now ) + Israel’s guaranteeing the security of jews and attracting jews from other countries to relocate to Israel ( gone now ). Israeli jews are leaving, not relocating to Israel.

That’s why the desperate attempt of Israel and US Pentagon to downplay Iran’s attack. If Israelis knew how successful Iran’s attack was, the exodus from Israel would be enormous. And Israel can’t afford this. Israel has to lie. Well, this is what Israel has always did, since its creation : lied.

The Affirmative Action US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, even tried to present the boosters of the Iranian missiles as the proof that they were ineffective and intercepted. Pathetic.

The Empire is losing on all fronts.

The US, UK and Israel lost to Russia and Iran in Syria, when they used ISIS / Daesh as proxy against Bashar al-Assad. Syria was gravely affected but not destroyed because Russia and Iran saved it, while killing almost all ISIS fighters ( except some saved by the US Army and transported to other places.)

The US, UK and Israel is losing to Russia in Ukraine.

I am certain that Ukraine will collapse soon, not later than this fall, most likely during the summer. The Russians already said that the US NATO will need to prepare for the unconditional surrender of Ukraine. This will trigger a major crisis within NATO and Europe .

Macron ( Rothschild’s boy ) has recently said that Europe should start thinking on how to restart building relations with Russia, after the war in Ukraine is over. Hilarious and sad. Did Macron ask the Russians what they think about this ?

Israel was bitch slapped by Iran when Iran responded to Israel bombing Iran’s territory, Iran’s embassy in Syria. Israel’s action was a cowardly terrorist act and a declaration of war. It was also against international laws, Geneva conventions, moral standards and human decency.

No other country bombed a foreign embassy…except, of course, the US :

The US ” accidentally ” bombed China’s embassy in Belgrade, Serbia in 1999, during US NATO illegal war against Yugoslavia, a war done to destroy Russia’s ally, Serbia, when the US NATO bypassed the Security Council to illegally attack Yugoslavia because of the prospect of certain vetoes by Russia and China.

Israel was defended by the combined forces of US, UK, France and Jordan plus its

” famous Iran Dome “.

They were given notice 72 hours in advance .

And Iran still managed to hit all intended targets with its missiles ( and it seems that Iran didn’t even use its most advanced ones, nor did it use its hypersonic ones ).

Israel spent an incredible $ 1.3 BILLION to shoot down all those drone and ballistic missiles decoys. US NATO spent over $ 2 BILLION to protect Israel.

And Iran ‘s missiles hit Nevatim airbase, Ramon airbase and the Israeli top-secret intelligence-spy base in Jabal al-Sheikh (Mount Hermon) in the north of the occupied Golan.

The US and Israeli propaganda are trying to say that they intercepted 99 % of Iran’s drones/ missiles. They intercepted the decoy drones and the decoy missiles. The ballistic missiles got through.

Propaganda does not win wars. Not in Ukraine and not in Israel.

Israel, which was considered the strongest army in the ME, lost its military supremacy status. The entire US NATO force had to intervene on behalf of Israel ( 150 planes used to help the jews).

Israel has lost to Hamas, a concentration camp militia armed with AK-47 and home made MANPADS. None of the official Israeli goals have been reached. Only the unofficial ones have been reached : killing innocent children and women and destroying all infrastructure in Gaza and starving 2.3 million Palestinians.

How brave these jews are !

The US Navy and its NATO vassals are losing to Yemen’s Ansarallah government in the Red Sea.

Entire US NATO lost to Iran .

Entire US NATO lost to Russia in Ukraine.

Entire US NATO is losing to Yemen’s Ansarallah government .

US NATO is a paper tiger.

Russia is squeezing France and US out of Africa, the Sahel is currently liberated ( Niger,

The US had to agree to withdraw its troops from Niger, where the US had its largest drone centurion Africa.

Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad, Sudan, and Eritrea. 

Oil and gas, gold, uranium, minerals, wood.

Senegal’s new president, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, 44 yo

Ibrahim Traore, 36 yo, in Burkina Faso

Aby Ahmed, 46 yo, in Ethiopia

Andry Rajoelina, 48 yo, in Madagascar

are the new, young pan-African generation focused on sovereignty, ditching the Western colonial powers and reorienting Africa toward the East and relations with Russia and China.

Some African countries, like Egypt and Ethiopia , are already in BRICS +.

This is a monumental development since it means that Russian forces are now present in all three of the Sahelian Alliance/Confederation’s states  and France and the US are out.

Forget about Taiwan and a war against China !

And now, they are losing on the PR front, at home, to students of 33 major American Universities, who are protesting Israel’s atrocities in Gaza and the West Bank.

I have been saying for a long time these things :

  • The USA is the Zionist Command Center and ruled by an organized jewry who controls every aspect of the American society
  • There is only one party , the Party of the big money interests, with two wings : The Republican Party wing and The Democratic Party wing. The President is a figurehead.
  • the current events are the final installment of the ” 7 countries in 5 years plan ” overlapped with Israel’s Oded Yinon plan for a New World Order and its ” rules-based order “
  • It all started with September 11, 2001 false flag.
  • The 9-11, 2001 flash flag was done to justify the “ war on terror “ and start the remodeling of the ME, to remove the strong secular Arab states which were the enemies of Israel and create conditions to attack Iran, as the last stage 
  • Afghanistan  and Iraq were invaded to create a second front of attack on Iran, from both sides.
  • But, after 20 years of failures and the planning on a war against Russia, the empire had to withdraw from Afghanistan (it could not afford  both wars in Afghanistan and Russia)
  • This is the final stage, it took longer than they anticipated and this spells doom for their plan, because their enemies got stronger and are better armed than the empire.

The goal is to get to Russia and her vast natural resources, estimated to more than

$ 100 TRILLION. This would have saved the bankrupt western banks.

Look at this FACT :

The CIA has been involved in supporting Ukrainian Nazis since the creation of the CIA, and this was done with the only purpose to use Ukraine against Russia .

US Central Intelligence has been supporting Ukrainian National Socialists, under every US President from President Harry S. Truman (D, MO) onwards, since it’s creation by the National Security Act of 1947: 


Discover the role the United States played in the growth of nationalism in Ukraine

If they could get Russia, China and Iran would fold easier.

But, they can’t.

If you have any doubts about what I said, look at the recent events that prove it:

1.The House and the Senate passed, in a bipartisan way, a $96 BILLION bill to :

-fund Ukraine war and pay Ukraine’s bills, salaries and pensions ( $ 61 B)

-fund the genocide in Gaza ( $ 26 B for Israel )

-fund a future war against China, using Taiwan as proxy ( $ 8 B for Taiwan )

-ban TikTok ( because it allows too many videos showing Israel’s atrocities, and it is the only social media not controlled by jews ; jew Mnuchin, Trump’s Secretary of Treasury, offered to buy TikTok, lol )

-to steal Russian sovereign funds which had been frozen ; what a dumb move

$3.5 billion  to open new processing centers for Muslim migrants– they plan to bring to the US all Palestinians not killed by IDF, that’s why the US is building that pier in Gaza

-to spy on Americans without a warrant -warrantless surveillance on the American population

Bipartisan means :

The two wings of the Party are forced to stop pretending they are opposition parties and act in a similar matter, so they could advance the empire’s interests, which are always in opposition to the people’s interests . This ” bipartisan thing ” never happens when people’s interests are discussed.

In one bill they managed to :

  • Fund wars of aggression on the competition : Russia, China, Iran ( because the US is incapable to compete in an honest way )
  • Fund genocide ( hey, US Congress and Senate, do you remember that the UN charter says it is the DUTY of all countries  to actively oppose a genocide ????)
  • Kill the First Amendment ( Free Speech ) by  censoring the only social media not controlled by jews, TikTok and forcing the sell of TikTok to jews. Notice that unlike google, facebook, etc, TikTok was not created with the CIA’s help, hence no backdoor for spying , Huawei gives the US no backdoor to users’ accounts.
  • Steal sovereign funds of a nuclear armed country

Incredible lawlessness and criminality. Illegal and unconstitutional ” legalized “. This might just be one of the most shameful pieces of legislations in American history. 

Remember that the US already provided over $500 billion in direct money and weapons to Ukraine and Israel.

This bill funded MUGA and MIGA and no MAGA ( no money for Americans ). It is probably the last Hail Mary of the Empire.

A genocidal jew maniac and a jew who plays the piano with his penis, while sending all Ukrainian males to death, just got another $ 100 billion from the American tax payers. The Americans got warrantless surveillance.

Keeping the dollar afloat relies on being able to threaten and force everyone to use it.

What do you expect when the political parties are funded by jewish billionaires ?

This is Biden’s cabinet : out of 30 positions , 28 are occupied by jews. Incredible.

This was Trump’s cabinet :

This is AIPAC ( a foreign organization, but not recognized as one ) admitting it controls all American politicians :

…the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.

~ Carroll Quigley 

Mike Johnson has received $ 524,110 from AIPAC after he passed the bill and $95,000 from a foreign organization.

Here, you can see how AIPAC bribes…I mean, sponsors American politicians, they don’t even hide it. Why would they , they know Americans are docile imbeciles.

AIPAC own site :—-m#df497367-acda-4d84-b5f1-c51a582a58af

The House will vote on the  Antisemitism Awareness Act

which would regard antisemitism such as:

“Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations”.

“drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.”

2.There is direct evidence of human rights violations and war crimes committed by Israel and the American zionist Empire is ignoring them.

UN calls for investigation into mass graves found at Gaza hospitals.

United Nations leaders demanded a “clear, transparent and credible” investigation Tuesday after mass graves containing the bodies of hundreds of men and women were discovered on the grounds of two major hospitals in Gaza that were previously under assault by the Israeli military.

The mass graves contained some people stripped naked with their hands tied, raising concerns over potential war crimes, the U.N. said, describing the bodies as 

“buried deep in the ground and covered with waste.”

Palestinians began exhuming bodies from a mass grave near Nasser’s hospital complex in Khan Younis following the withdrawal of Israeli troops.
▪️A total of 310 bodies were found over the past week.

Some of the mass graves found had bodies having hands and feet bound and having missing organs and skin and have been decapitated. People with their skin missing .

WTF !?!

Stealing someone’s skin is a new low, even for Jews.

Are they planning to go into the lampshade business ?

To understand this, consider that :

The largest skin bank in the world is located in the Zionist entity of Israel.

The Israel National Skin Bank, according to the National Library of Medicine, was created in 1986 and since then has been operated by the Israeli military.

Israelis donate almost none of the skin used in the bank.

Guess where it comes from? There is no crime that the zionist entirety won’t do for shekels.

And this is another war crime, in the West Bank :

a US government assessment determined that three battalions in the Israeli army committed “gross human rights violations” against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank “but will remain eligible for US military aid regardless because of steps Israel says it’s taking to address the problem.” 

-ABC News

But, the US will not place any sanctions on Israel , not condemn it and continue to send them money and bombs ( ” to finish the job ” ) :

The rights violations committed by Israeli forces “will not delay the delivery of any US assistance and Israel will be able to receive the full amount appropriated by Congress.

The violations in question were committed prior to October 7 and took place in the occupied West Bank. They include the execution of Palestinians by Israeli border police, as well as torture and rape during interrogation. 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on April 21:

“If anyone thinks they can impose sanctions on a unit of the IDF, I will fight it with all my strength.”

Here is US State Department spokesperson, Patel, disgracing himself and the US :

Reporter: Evidence at Gaza mass graves show torture and signs of being buried alive, Palestinians called for an independent investigation, what’s wrong with that?

Patel: We’re asking Israel

Reporter: You’re asking the accused to investigate itself?

Patel: We’re asking Israel

What a Punjab retard !

Compare and contrast this American display of total subservience to Israel with the immediate cessation of all funding to UNWRA based on a (baseless) accusation leveled against UNWRA and coming from Israel.

Funding was immediately suspended – and is still suspended, to this very day – even though the Israeli government still has not produced any evidence whatsoever to back up their accusation against UNWRA staff.

The accusation alone was enough to cause the US to stop giving necessary help to the starving people in Gaza.

Yet here we have a situation where the US State Department actually has determined that war crimes were being committed, but the US will do nothing to address it because Netanyahu *says* he’s addressing the issue.

The US has disgraced itself in every possible way. There is no coming back from this.

3.Peaceful protests of American students and the vicious reaction of the US government, Senate, Congress, media, etc.

33 college campuses in the US are protesting against what is clearly a genocide taking place in Gaza by calling for a ceasefire and a halt to institutional investment in Israel as well as a suspension of ties to Israeli government educational bodies. 

The response of the political class and media ?

The movement is labeled a manifestation of “antisemitism” by Congress, by the White House and by nearly all of the mainstream media.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is saying that “antisemitic mobs have taken over leading universities” similar to  Nazi rallies in the 1930s and he called for a major security crackdown on the demonstrators. Is Netanyahu the US president ? Apparently, he is.

They are asking that those involved be expelled, be put on a list so that they would be denied employment in the future, the students are beaten and arrested and intimidated in every possible way. The Congress even asked the FBI to investigate if the students’ movement is funded by China… what? Not Putin ? LOL.

They even had snipers on the roofs of universities, snipers for PEACEFUL unarmed  students’ protests : AWP 7.62×51mm sniper rifle against students protesting against genocide. WoW !

See how the policemen treat otherwise peaceful protestors compared to how they stood idle when Antifa was burning down neighborhoods:

The US government is saying that jewish students do not feel safe at these universities.

Oy Vey ! It’s another Shoah !

Maybe they should ask the Palestinians how safe they feel.

But, wait, it gets even worse .

Look what the jewish controlled US government and politicians are planning to do :

Waleed Shahid:

“Israel hawks, including the Anti-Defamation League, call for FISA to be used to surveil and spy on student, anti-war activists in order to combat “foreign terrorists and other overseas adversaries.”

And this :

Rep. Thomas Massie:

“Some of my colleagues are introducing legislation to create federally sanctioned “antisemitism monitors” at colleges.

I’ll vote No.

Policing speech, religion, and assembly is not the role of the federal government. In fact it’s expressly prohibited by the U.S. Constitution.”

Thomas Massie is the ONLY US politician with some integrity.

4. The US has vetoed 4 times a UNSC resolution for ceasefire and one for the recognition of a Palestinian state. A Palestinian state was NEVER considered by Israel and the US.


America was the sole Security Council member to vote against the resolution.

The US has vetoed a UN Security Council resolution that would have paved a way for Palestine to become a member of the world body.

Palestine is currently a “permanent observer state” at the UN that participates in many meetings but does not have voting rights.

The draft resolution debated on Thursday contained a recommendation to the UN General Assembly to hold a vote on updating Palestine’s status within the organization. The document was rejected with 12 votes in favor, one against, and two abstentions.

US Alternative Representative for Special Political Affairs Robert Wood said that “there are unresolved questions as to whether [Palestine] meets the criteria to be considered a state.” He argued that Palestine cannot be admitted to the UN as long as the militant group Hamas controls Gaza.

America’s support of Israel is leading to its demise. It’s no longer a matter of if, but how soon :

Remember, no Palestinians were arrested on 9/11, 2001 but Mossad agents dressed as Muslims were.

If Netanyahu loses his PM position in Israel, I suggest that AIPAC makes him the US President this November and this way we would cut out the middle man.

America is a de facto plantation of Israel because all politicians and bureaucrats and the media are owned by Israel, whether that be because they’ve been bought off, or because they’ve been blackmailed ( or both ) AND because the organized jewish mafia runs the US, from the Federal Reserve and big banks to all MSM, entertainment industry, big Pharma, big Food Industry, academia, big corporations, etc.,etc.

That’s a matter-of-fact. If you don’t understand this, you are retarded or a shill .

Sick, inhuman, satan worshiping, disgusting countries, both.

Belgian MEP Marc Botenga:

“The genocide of the Palestinians would have been impossible without the support of European countries. Now that one mass grave after another is being discovered, there is still no sanction against Israel. Unforgivable complicity.”

In every horror story, you can find something good.

Always look on the bright side of life :

Israel’s genocide of Palestinians has revealed to the world their primitive and barbaric supremacist state, as well as its fundamentalist religious justifications, they substitute for international law (Talmud and Torah).

It has also revealed that their aim is the complete extermination of the Palestinian people and the theft of their land.

They have also pulled the curtain back on their shadowy control, behind the scenes of our phony Potemkin American democracy. All American politicians are Judenschwanzsaugeren ( it sounds less vulgar in German ) and are working to Make Israel Greater Again and don’t care at all, at all about their American constituents.

It has revealed that we live under the American Zionist barbaric rule, the Talmudic rule.

5. The MSM has been completely and irreversibly discredited because we now have the confirmation that all American / western media is under the total control of the jewish power

A leak has exposed a New York Times internal document that provides editorial guidance about words that should not be used in any article relating to Gaza or to Palestine. They include “genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” “occupied territory,” and even “Palestine” itself. The intent is clearly to eliminate any words with negative connotations what might be applied in some fashion to Israel and to what Israel is doing, even going so far as to not include any suggestion that Palestine itself might be considered a legitimate political entity.,internal%20memo%20obtained%20by%20The%20Intercept%20this%20week

There are no politicians and journalists in the US, only PROFESSIONAL LIARS.

Consequences for the Empire :

Malaysia has asked for the abolition of the veto of the 5 permanent UN Security Council members, especially in the case of “situations involving mass atrocity crimes such as genocide”.

This is a direct result of the atrocious and shameless American behavior in supporting Israel committing a genocide .

Israel is a pariah entity.

It has no credibility.

The entire world despises it ( except for a few western imbeciles ).

After Israel DELIBERATELY killed UN workers, the Israeli representative at UN said that

“ they deserved it “.

It’s the first time in history we’re witnessing a state not only murder UN workers on such a scale but actually tell the UN they deserved it, and scold THEM for criticizing the killings.


The world is witnessing jew chutzpah .

–Even the Israeli newspapers have reported that Iran’s attack cost the US and Israel 

3 billion dollars in launching over 150 jets and missiles and Iran still hit the targets they wanted. 

Brown University stated the US has spent $14 trillion since 911 on wars mostly in the Middle East .

The U.S. funds wars, while China funds development.

— ” It is long, long, past the point where you should acknowledge that the Israeli state is now a pariah state in the world that it will never recover from the genocide that it has inflicted on the Palestinians.

And it would be a very, very good idea if your government got on the same side as the majority of the British people. “

John Rees, Stop the War Coalition, Britain

— ” We have got to maintain the pressure on this government to understand that they are isolated, to understand that by selling arms to Israel, they are complicit in genocide, for which they should be brought to justice.

And to ensure that if a new government comes in under Sir Keir Starmer, he will know from day one, that any further military adventure by Britain in support of America will be met by hundreds of thousands out on the streets. “

Chris Bambery, Journalist

— “Words fail me to be honest, you know, everyone can see what’s happening in Gaza.

Everyone has heard the words of the ICJ ; everyone has heard the words from the United Nations, its Secretary General and all its agencies.

It’s clear for everyone to see what is happening in Gaza and what the Israeli forces are doing with the weaponry that comes into their hands, including weaponry coming from Britain.

What is our government thinking? “

Kate Hudson, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

Half of those gathered in the UN Security Council room left before the speech of the Israeli permanent representative.

The jews have lost their most precious possession : their PR.

–Iran stripped Israel of its military clothes and left the jewish king naked for the entire world to see

Seyed Mohammad Marandi, University Professor at Tehran University and political analyst :

“The main targets were 2 airbases. All 20 or so missiles struck their targets. The other drones and older generation missiles were inexpensive decoys that depleted the Israeli air defense capabilities of most of its very expensive missiles.

This was just a small slap in the face.”


“Iran’s retaliatory attack on Israel will go down in history as one of the greatest victories of this century.”

Iran has become the leader of the Muslim world, an unexpected consequence and lethal blowback.

The EuroSquatters are Kvetching, big time.

Their panic is worth seeing.

Russia refuses to honor Israel’s request to condemn Iran’s attack

Israel did not condemn the Kyiv regime’s attacks on Russian territory “

said Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova in response to a call from Israeli Ambassador to Moscow Simone Halperin to condemn Iran’s attack. 

She also said that “she does not remember such statements, but remembers regular statements in support of the actions of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky from Israeli officials.

Russia has openly accused the US ( CIA ) for being behind the terrorist attack in Moscow

Maria Zakharova, again :

“You are behind all those ISIS-type structures; you – the United States, Great Britain – yourselves brought them into being “

She also said that ” US officials boxed themselves into a corner because it allowed independent analysts to remind everyone else what ISIS really is.” 

The Empire is so desperate that it has asked its faithful chihuahuas, Poland and Lithuania, to provide Ukraine with more cannon fodder :

Poland and Lithuania will send back to Ukraine the Ukrainian men refugee of fighting age.

Financial Times


Israel’s reactions have generated lot of hate towards Israel around the world (AND towards jews, being that Israel is a self described ethnostate, the Knesset voted to name Israel ” an exclusively Jewish State ” ) and has also increased the condemnation of the US by the world because of its unconditional support for Israel.

This has been a PR disaster for jews worldwide and for Americans too. So many countries and people who were neutral and/ or ambivalent, now despise and hate them for their war crimes, and rightfully so. 

I doubt that ordinary Americans understand this, but there is a tremendous amount of ill-will towards the US out there across the world and this is because of recent events in Gaza and Ukraine.

When it all blows up, and it soon will, Americans will discover how unexceptional they are, jews will discover that they were chosen by Satan, not God, and the poor dumb Europeans will discover they were only an inconsequential pawn of the Empire.

The American Zionist Empire is currently busy rearranging the chairs on the Titanic while the orchestra of the MSM is playing.

It does not matter, as the Fat Lady has finally decided to sing : the collapse is imminent.

And all propaganda bullshit will become irrelevant ( it already is, in fact ).

Reality has a way of making people get their priorities right. Especially if Iran decides to close the Strait of Hormuz.

The excuses, double standard, hypocrisy, the constant lying and hubris of hegemony are nearing the end, on all fronts.  Dollar supremacy, Military supremacy, Economic supremacy, Exceptionalism are all waning simultaneously.  

Which domino will fall first ?

Europe ? ( European economies are circling the drain )

Japan ? ( the yen is collapsing )

Israel ? ( Israel is a welfare state which has become unsustainable now )

Canada? ( is currently a joke )

The collapse of America will be very broad and well deserved.

Truly a bipartisan effort. The Republicans and the Democrats should enjoy this as they love bipartisanship.

What the Russians experienced when the USSR collapse is nothing compared to what Americans will experience.

The collapse in USSR stopped at stage 3 : financial, economic, political. The US will go through all 5 stages : cultural collapse is already here and social collapse will be a Mad Max scenario .

“The economy of imaginary wealth is being inevitably replaced by the economy of real and hard assets.”
Vladimir Putin

The Talented Mr. Netanyahu

The Americans should be grateful to Netanyahu for:

– making Israel the most despised and hated country on earth, displacing America from that position ( also America is a close second now for supporting Israel ) .

-for showing Americans who their masters are ( transforming another ” conspiracy theory ” into a fact : jews run the US )

-speeding up the demise of the petrodollar ( from the ruins of the American zionist empire, a normal country might emerge ).

The world should thank Netanyahu for and for revealing the true face of Israel / jews / judaism.

The world should especially thank Netanyahu for shortening Israel’s existence as a country .

In the last 4 years, Israel had no less than 5 elections, this should tell you about Israel’s stability as a country. And this, was BEFORE Israel’s current multiple suicidal acts.

This sordid affair in Gaza is Netanyahu’s crowning achievement : he worked his entire life for it. This genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is Netanyahu’s self-perceived messianic role.

The jews had a big problem in the occupied Palestine : despite constant squatting and land theft through ” settlements “, they were outnumbered by the Palestinians’ high birth rates.

Demography is destiny.

So, they had to do something : this genocide / ethnic cleansing is ” the final solution ” to the Palestinian problem.

Netanyahu, being a very talented mass murderer ( one of the best in history and the best one alive today ), knows how to do a proper genocide :

kill the children and women first ! Kill all Amalek !

Bibi is just a reflection of the Israeli jewish society. Both in Israel and abroad.

Remember history :

Passover custom in Jerusalem, one of the most important jewish celebration, allowed Pontius Pilate, the praefectus  of Judea, to commute one prisoner’s death sentence by popular acclaim. The jewish crowd chose the thief and murderer, the criminal BARABBAS, over an innocent, the Prince of Peace JESUS.

And no, THIS IS NOT ANTI-SEMITISM ( as wikipedia claims ) , THIS IS A HISTORIC FACT.

The Sanhedrin organized the indictment and the Hebrew crowd condemned Jesus.

Jesus had been arrested on request from the Sanhedrin and the Grand Priest Caiafas, he was being tried, and Pilate couldn’t find a thing wrong with him. He was innocent after all, the only man to ever not sin at all… He wanted to release him. The Sanhedrin threatens with massive social unrest. Pilate let the jewish crowd decide and washes his hands. Jesus is crucified as the jews’ wanted.

He let the Jews to choose between GOOD ( JESUS ) and EVIL ( BARABBAS ).

And the Jews chose EVIL, Barabbas.

Barabbas is the Jews’ legacy.

PS : Passover comes from the Jewish ritual to mark their doors with LAMB’S BLOOD so that the Angel of Death wood pass over them and so they could save their first born children.

Jesus was GOD’s LAMB.

Passover is only a jewish holiday. This happened during Passover, a jewish Holliday, you can’t say that ” other crowd not the jewish crowd ” made the choice.

Look at this video :

Jewish Rabbis bathing in blood.

It is the same today :

Netanyahu’s Sanhedrin chose to organize a genocide of the Palestinians and 96 % of jews in Israel support this and all the jews in positions of power in the US or western countries support this.

Not only that 96 % of Israelis support the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, they believe it should be done in a more brutal manner. What is even more disturbing is the glee with which Israelis celebrate ( videos are witnesses ) the murder of Palestinian children and women.

The masks have come off the jewish faces. The jews have finally spent all their unlimited holocaust credit.

Their option of getting out of what they have done in Gaza by “doing the right thing now” is long gone. They have really gone too far. The whole world now sees them for what they really are and that is the most terrifying and dangerous thing to them.

They went too far this time, in plain view. In their arrogance, they believed they could escape accusations of mass murder because until now, Israel did what it wanted with impunity and without any consequences. But not anymore.

Extreme arrogance, or CHUTZPAH, is one of the most important pillars of judaism.

Torah practice, is a sacrificial religion, which developed around finding someone else to send to ‘the Elohim ‘.

Their Talmud describes non-jews as ” cattle “, left on earth by their God JHWH, for the only purpose of serving the jews. Their Talmud says that Jesus was a con man who now is in Hell boiling in excrement.

How American, the so called Christian-zionists, Evangelicals, can believe the ” Judeo-Christian ” bullshit and support Israel no matter what, is beyond me. They are the most ardent supporters in the US of Israel and their horrible crimes against humanity.They think that by facilitating Armageddon, they will be saved and Jesus would come the second time. They fail to understand that Jesus was the Prince of Peace and he would not support the destruction of the Earth through total war. Only Satan would do this.They are followers of a Satanic cult.

Benjamin Netanyahu changed many thing during his remarkable career : his name, his appearance, his partners in crime, his methods of influencing events.

Only one thing remained constant : his quest for power and total control .

Acquiring absolute power, per se, wasn’t the worst he could do, the worst was the way he used this power to achieve what he perceives as his ” Messianic role of creating a pure jewish state, Eretz Israel “, using any means necessary, including ethnic cleansing, genocide and terrorism.

Netanyahu’s father was an Ashkenazi jew from Poland.

Poland, the Baltic Statelets and Ukraine were the places most infested with Ashkenazis ( part of The Pale of the Settlement ) and this fact explains a lot about their behavior today toward Russia.

His name was Benzion Mileikowsky. His grandfather was a rabbi zionist ( aren’t they all ?).

Mileikowsky changed his name to Netanyahu when he ” settled ” in occupied Palestine.

Netanyahu in Hebrew means “ God has given “ ( Yah ).
Interesting translation of this Ashkenazi’s real Polish name Mileikowsky .
Even more interesting knowing that he was raised by SECULAR parents and he is non religious.

BTW, Netanyahu supports LGBTQ+ rights ( sodomy ) ( like all jews).

Who is this God who ” has given ” ?? ?

The God of the 666 Angled Star of Remphan ( there is NO Star of David in the Bible ), who demands daily human sacrifices? That God, Mileikowsky ?

Binyamin Netanyahu was Benjamin Nitay in 1978 and an American citizen, when he addressed the American public explaining that ” the Palestinians have no right to an independent state ” and that Palestinians should get citizenship in Jordan.

He was 28 years old then.

This TV program is called ” Manufacturing Intellect ” ( lol ! ), a pathetic American zionist euphemism for propaganda .

The creative imagination in choosing names for their propaganda always amuses me.

Bibi Netanyahu in 1978 addressing US Congress and explaining that a Palestine state should not exist

In that video, he says that ” the issue of self-determination of Palestine is NOT at the heart of the Middle East conflict “, but :

” The real core of the conflict is the unfortunate Arab refusal to accept the State of Israel. “ ( imagine these Arabs’ nerve to reject the occupation of their land by the jew squatters ! )

 “Nobody wants peace more than Israel “ ( hysterical ).

“I think the US should oppose the creation of a Palestinian state for several reasons, the first being that it is unjust to demand the creation of a 22nd Arab state and a second Palestinian state at the expense of the only Jewish state… I believe we should fight for our survival. If I have to, I will fight again, but I hope not to.” 

The US did oppose the creation of a Palestinian state using deception and not respecting signed treaties ( this is an American and jewish trait, btw ).

Nitay, who became Netanyahu, did fight and now…

Now, at 75 yo, Netanyahu is implementing ” the final solution ” to the ” Palestinian problem “, aka, genocide and ethnic cleansing, using American money, American bombs, American international and diplomatic cover, American vetoes at UNSC for any resolutions condemning Israel’s horrific crimes against humanity.

Benjamin Nitay, aka Binyamin Netanyahu, studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University, both in the Boston area, and worked at the Boston Consulting Group, an international business consulting firm.

Of course : born in Jerusalem, Netanyahu ( Nitay ) became an American citizen and studied in the US.

The US is a milking cow for all these dual citizens.

He was in IDF, the Israeli Democidal Forces, like ALL Israelis.

Get this :

Between 1978 and 1980, he was Head of the Jonathan Institute, an NGO devoted to the study of terror. It is where he perfected using the art of terror to achieve his goals.

Clarification : all these American zionist NGO are sponsors of international terrorism.

Bibi Mileikovsky, known as Netanyahu, is at his 6th Israeli cabinet.

He occupied most positions in half of them, as a ” One Man Cabinet “. Like a Medusa .

At one time,

Binyamin Netanyahu was not only the 5th time Prime Minister of Israel but also 

Defence Minister, 

Foreign Affairs Minister and 

Health Minister.

Whilst still subject to police investigation for fraud and corruption – which he denies.

( All positions at the same time, in the same cabinet. Very democratic ).

And I didn’t even count the positions he held and still holds in the US government(s), as I was afraid of being considered too anti-Semitic.

The talented Mr. Netanyahu ( my drawing ):

My opinion is that :

His investigation for criminal activities-> has led to Netanyahu trying to change Israel’s Judicial System -> which has led to massive protests-> which has led to Netanyahu implementing ” the final solution for Palestinians” EARLIER than it was supposed to be implemented.

Netanyahu has been investigated and questioned by Israeli police in two cases, “Case 1000” and “Case 2000”.

The two cases are connected.

In Case 1000, Netanyahu is suspected of having obtained inappropriate favors from businessmen, including James Packer and Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan.

On 3 August 2017, Israeli police confirmed for the first time that Netanyahu was suspected of crimes involving fraud, breach of trust, and bribes in cases “1000” and “2000”.

* * Aron Milchan is a well-known Hollywood figure who produced popular films such as “Pretty Woman” ,“Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” “Bohemian Rhapsody,” and “12 Years a Slave” and also worked for Israeli intelligence. 

 New York Times :

” Milchan made a fortune from arms dealing, including covertly procuring weapons for Israel. “

Milchan’s company had illegally exported devices that could serve as nuclear triggers from the United States to Israel in the 1980s.

In response, the US government refused to renew Milchan’s 10-year US residency visa. However, according to the indictment in Netanyahu’s trial, the Israeli prime minister successfully lobbied senior US officials, including Secretary of State Kerry, on Milchan’s behalf to reinstate it.

** Israel was able to acquire nuclear weapons after Israeli operatives aided by US citizens stole more than more than 300 kilograms of highly enriched uranium from a nuclear fuel manufacturing plant in the small town of Apollo, Pennsylvania over the period from 1957 to 1978.

** You see here proofs of the vast Israeli spy / Mossad network inside the US.

Bibi tried to change Israel’s judicial system, and this triggered huge protests in Israel.

What Netanyahu wanted to do with his judicial reform was :

to stay out of prison

-to follow the American model of judges being elected by politicians 

In 2001, Bibi said that ” 9-11 was good for Israel “.

Sept. 11 Was Good For Israel – Benjamin Netanyahu

9-11 was very good for Israel and other American jews, connected to it :

Lucky Larry Silverstein, Netanyahu’s friend, who acquired the Twin Towers just

6 weeks before the attack and ensured the towers ” against terrorist attacks ” ( unusual at that time ), then pocketed $ 4.5 billion after 9-11 and the right to build the new tower….Jewish luck.

Tower 7, which was not hit by any plane and ” pulled ” by Lucky Larry.

Building 7 housed several intelligence and law enforcement agencies :

it held IRS and DoJ evidence of major tax / SEC fraud crimes by Wall Street corporations ( most of them, jewish ).

Rabbi Dov Zakheim , the Pentagon’s Comptroller, who did not have to explain how

$ 3 TRILLION disappeared on his watch, and 8 Navy Intelligence officers investigating the financial crime were ALL killed and all evidence disappeared when the missile…sorry, the plane hit the The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), a core element of the Navy’s Information Warfare Community, in the Pentagon….  Jewish luck.

-Jewish Hedge-fund CEOs made $ billions overnight by shortening the airline stocks of the two air planes involved.

BTW : Right Before Hamas Attacked Someone Shorted Israeli Stocks And Funds and

placed unusually large bets anticipating a drop in Israel’s stock market, just days before 7 October . But, Israelis were ” caught by surprise ” on 10/7 , lol.

Nearly 100% of the trading volume in EIS on October 2,2023  reported to FINRA consisted of short selling.

BOTH the Israeli and US Regulators , including jew Secretary of State Janet Yellen + jew  chair of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Gary Gensler,  know EXACTLY who benefited : It’s not like these ‘mysterious traders’ are untraceable. 

Let’s keep it simple and cut the zionist chase :

The official 9-11 fable and any American credibility collapsed with Tower 7, at free fall.

University of Alaska :

“The principal conclusion of our study is that fire did not cause the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11, contrary to the conclusions of NIST and private engineering firms that studied the collapse. 

The secondary conclusion of our study is that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building.”

Meaning : controlled demolition .

9-11 was a false flag, the most criminal JOINT operation on US soil of CIA – MOSSAD-PENTAGON-ZIONISTS IN US GOVERNMENT.

And Bibi Netanyahu said this was ” good for Israel “

Of course it was good :

The US removed Israel’s enemies when it implemented its ” war on terror “, which was also ” 7 countries in 5 years ” plan , overlapping with Netanyahu’s ” Oded Yinon for Eretz Israel ” plan.

Netanyahu has been very rude to all American presidents, even if the US has provided free money and weapons to Israel.

Israeli chutzpah means Netanyahu knows that the American goyim have to do what you ask them to do because American jews run the country and their loyalty is toward Israel.

During a meeting with Clinton in 1993, after Netanyahu finished his talking points, he left the room without waiting for Clinton’s reply.

This made Clinton furiously saying :

” Who the fuck does he think he is? Who is the fucking superpower here ?”

Who, indeed?

Netanyahu saying that ” it is very easy to manipulate Americans ” .

He treated even ” the black Jesus ” Obama disrespectfully .

Netanyahu about America and how he treated Obama :

The rumors about Obama ” giving Iran pallets of money ” started after Obama did the ONLY good thing of his presidency : the nuclear deal with Iran, JCPOA.

Trump gave Israel everything he promised to AIPAC before being elected, except he did not start a war against IRAN.

“… Benjamin Netanyahu has boasted, with a grin, that America’s President Donald J. Trump followed through on his proposal to declare      the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) a terrorist group... ” ….This gift from Washington came on top of

… recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, this was also a gift for Genie Oil Company

.. threatening members of the International Criminal Court if they try to prosecute Israel for war crimes,

…moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem,

… removing the word “occupation” from the State Department’s assessments of human rights infringements on the West Bank,

.. .eliminating relief funding for Palestinian refugees,

… leaving the U.N. Human Rights Council because it was too critical of Israel,

… looking the other way as Israel declared itself a state only for Jews ( theocracy, not democracy )

.. Washington also ignored the bombing of hospitals, schools and water treatment infrastructure in Gaza while Israeli army snipers were  shooting unarmed demonstrators demanding their freedom.”

Trump payed some Arab states billions in bribes to make peace and recognize Israel , ” The Abrams Accords ” ( now dead ),

—Trump unilaterally withdrew from the nuclear deal with Iran, JCPOA, which was AGAINST AMERICAN INTERESTS

…Trump assassinated the Iranian general Soleimani, who was one of the main personalities who organized the defeat of ISIS

Rumors are that Netanyahu  promised Trump that if he bombed Lebanon, Israel would rename Beirut to Trumpopolis. After all, Israel renamed Golan Heights as Trump Heights, after Trump gifted Syrian Golan Heights to Israel and Genie Oil Company.

Now that Israel will bomb Lebanon during Biden administration, the new name of Beirut will be LetsGoBrandonoppolis.

Trump and his Secretary of State, the CIA guy who ” lied, cheated and stole “, Mike Pompeo, have been the best supporters of the zionist state. Probably, part of MAGA.

Banana-hair and the Tally Man : Trump and Pompeo.

( lol ).

The Three Graces of Zionism :

Fat American psychopath Pompeo  celebrating with the jew psychopaths the killing of Palestinian babies. Disgusting :

Well, CIA Pompeo and Bolton ( another Trump pick ) learned early to dance on Bar Mitzvah tune. This is how you get to the top.

Bibi knew how to wear his zionist haute couture, with many gloves for long hands.

But, Trump did not partition the Persian Gulf toward Iran, even if he killed Iran’s most beloved General Soleimani, a hero who organized the fight against ISIS and convinced Russia to intervene in Syria.

I am sure that Trump will play ” Moses and Which Way to Persia ? ” in his second term as Biden administration seems reluctant to do it .

Here is The Donald auctioning himself and members of Israel’s ruling Likud Party probing him for presidency :

How humiliating for an American president !

Who is the fucking superpower, American goy ?

I predict the Tribe will select ZionDon.

The tribe is moving from left to right because the “conservative religious right ” is a much more pliable host. 

They already have that idiot Evangelical Mike Johnson as speaker of the House, remember the theatricals when he was ” elected ” ?

Biden has transformed the US into a pariah state with his support of the criminally insane Israel.

The Necromonger, the Sniffer and the Watcher : Bibi, Biden and Blinken ( the 3 Bs)

Even after the outrageous Israeli precision strike on the western aid workers, which has killed British, Australian, American and Polish citizens, the US will not stop aid in money and weapons to Israel.

Even after 40,000 civilians were massacred ( 70 % children ), all hospitals, schools, Universities, buildings, infrastructure were destroyed in Gaza.

Even after 1.7 million Palestinians are now subjected to starvation by Israel. BTW, where are the rest of the 600,000 Palestinians in Gaza ? Are they dead ?

Biden Not Changing Israel Policy After Meticulous Slaughter of Aid Workers

The White House has also backed Israel’s claim that the strikes on the aid workers were an accident despite clear evidence that it was intentional.

The aid workers for the World Central Kitchen were traveling along a route that was pre-approved by the Israeli military. They were in three separate cars with the WCK logo clearly marked, and an Israeli drone fired at least three missiles at each one until they were all killed.

It was not an accident and not the first time Israel does this.

Let’s remember other 4 times when Israel attacked ships trying to bring aid to Gaza, which had been under an Israeli blockade for the last 11 years.

The ships were boarded, aid was stolen and on the last convoy, in 2010, Mavi Marmara, a Turkish ship, IDF shot 11 people .

This ended the efforts to deliver aid to the Palestinians, trapped in the largest concentration camp on earth, and under an illegal blockade done by Israel.

Bibi is not only using his death squads to kill children, but to trigger a wider war to involve Syria, Lebanon and Iran and to involve the US in this war.

Israel is desperate, indeed : after 7 months, IDF, considered as the best army in the ME, has not succeeded in destroying a militia of a concentration camp armed with light weapons and home made RPGs .

Israel is desperate and stupid and Israel can count on the US for being stupider.

Multiple attacks in Syria, the last one being the outrageous and illegal bombing of the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, killing 11 Iranian officials and IRGC .

Internationally condemned . Russia asked a UNSC meeting about this.

Bombing Lebanon.

Bombing Iraq.

Organizing terrorist attacks in Iran , one in January, at the commemoration of General Soleimani and one just now, inside Iran.

Iran responded to the first one by bombing two Mossad centers, one in Iraq, Kurd area and one in Pakistan.

The response to this last attack and bombing of its embassy to follow.

There were multiple terrorist attacks lately, all related :

Terrorism in Russia, blamed on ISIS-K ( done by Ukraine, using stupid Tadjiks, Ukraine itself being a US proxy ).

Chinese engineers working on the Silk Road in Pakistan killed by Baluch Separatists . Baluchistan Separatist movement and terrorism is directly funded by NED. NED Is an NGO that is funded by US gov. NED is the civilian branch of the CIA.

Israel bombs Iranian embassy.

Iran suffers from terrorist attacks again.

Brian Berletic beautifully correlates all of these terrorist attacks in this video :

New Atlas :

It’s amazing how the vast majority of terror attacks in the world, always seem to happen to the “enemies” of the US and Israel, but almost never happen TO the US or Israel….

….almost like these terror groups are being financed and run by the CIA and Mossad…

Bibi is very brazen and Israel acts as if it is above any international laws.

Why? Because the jews have total control over the US and EU.

Look at this recent picture of Bibi and Blinken ( who is a jew, who said, get this , that ” he comes to Israel as a jew ” ).

Look at the body language !

Notice who does the demanding and who does the appealing ?

Netanyahu is relaxed, amused and giving orders to the jew Blinken representing America and who does not look too happy.

I can’t even say what jew creeps me out more : Netanyahu or Blinken .

Israel’s national interests override US national interests when it comes to concrete US foreign policy. LOL.

Americans are gutless hypocrite cucks to tolerate this.

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas … This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”

-Netanyahu 2019 

Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon admitted Israeli support for ISIS and other takfiri terrorists,  calling them Syrian rebels – failing to explain they’re  imported from scores of countries… There are no so-called “moderates” among them…

In September 2014, a photo of Netanyahu and Ya’alon visiting terrorists receiving care in an Israeli hospital went viral online – Netanyahu seen shaking a terrorist’s hand.

-Thierry Meyssan :

The Straussians are the jews who have had total control over the US since 2001.

They are called ” neoconservatives ” by those trying to avoid the anti-semitism label.

Netanyahu’s multiple talents were highlighted in the books he wrote .

Bibi wrote 3 books on terrorism, he is a specialist, lol.

  • ” Terrorism : How the West Can Win “
  • ” Fighting Terrorism ” [ sic ! ]
  • ” International Terrorism “

I believe that nobody has more qualifications resulting from personal experience and involvement in International Terrorism then Bibi Netanyahu.

A few examples :

-The assassination of Iranian General Soleimani, a collaboration between Trump and Netanyahu.

-The assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, an Iranian scientist .Not the only one. Here is a list of Iranian scientists assassinated by the terrorist state Israel :

-Nurturing ISIS terrorists in Israeli hospitals. I know, he is a big humanitarian, especially when terrorists are involved.

-The Beirut blast :

those who believe that 2750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate stacked in bags on a warehouse floor blasted a 43-meter deep crater in Beirut =  141 feet deep into concrete and solid rock, they are also those who believe that 2 planes knocked down 3 skyscraper towers on 9-11, 2001 : imbeciles and government / CIA shills.

The xplosion at the Beirut seaport devastated the city, killing almost 200 people, injuring more than 6,000, and leaving 300,000 people without shelter. The explosion affected Lebanon’s food supply, as Lebanon imports 85 percent of its food, and the port previously handled 70 percent of the country’s imports. The explosion affected 163 public and private schools and left half of Beirut’s healthcare centers unable to operate.

The destruction of Beirut Port left Haifa port in Israel without competition.

Due to his sacrifice made on the altar of peace ( bwahaha ), Netanyahu was nominated in 2020 for the Nobel Peace Prize.

I am upset he didn’t get it.

Today, with Netanyahu accused of genocide and ethnic cleansing and indicted by ICJ and the entire world ( except, of course, the US and vassals), it would have been a confirmation of what the Nobel Peace Price represents and a great zionist egg on its face.

Obama, with his 7 wars and who dropped a bomb every 20 minutes, got one.

Kissinger, the jewish war criminal Ghoul got one.

As for Israeli PM who got a Nobel Peace Prize, like :

Menachem Begin 

Shimon Perez

 Yitzhak Rabin 

The only difference between them was the degree of their Zionism.

Zionist support for Ukrainian Nazis should make us reconsider all we have been told about WW II, the jews and the Nazis.

The zionist-Nazi Jew, Zelensky with Netanyahu:

Benjamin Netanyahu and Volodymyr Zelensky receive each other at Babi Yar, where 33,000 Jews were massacred by the Nazis and their Ukrainian collaborators. The hypocrisy of the ceremony is obvious: the memorial is accessed via Stepan Bandera Avenue, named after the “Providnyk” (guide) of the Organization of Ukrainian [Integral] Nationalists.

-Thierry Meyssan

Benjamin Netanyahu, is the son of Vladimir Jabotinsky’s private secretary. Jabotinsky is Israelis’ idol.

Vladimir Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s revisionist Zionists have claimed sovereignty over the whole of Palestine.

The jews’ idol, Jabotinsky ( and Netanyahu’s guru) was a collaborator with Ukrainian Nazis and war criminals Stepan Bandera and Dontsov, as well as with Hiltler and Mussolini.

Documents released by Edward Snowden reveal that American, British and Israeli intelligence agencies worked together to create the Islamic State.

As any intelligent person already knows, as the entire world already knows ( except American morons ).

Currently, the talented Mr. Netanyahu is working hard at provoking a war with Iran, which, of course, will be fought by his stupid attack big dog, the USA.

For more than 20 years, Netanyahu tried to convince us that Iran is ” 2 weeks away ” from getting a nuclear bomb.

Remember that ridiculous cartoon he showed at UN ?

Bibi is currently one step away from saying that the boxcutters that the 19 hijackers used on 9-11 were sharpened by Iran- backed Hamas sad Houthis… and Hamas is 2 weeks away from acquiring a nuclear bomb from Iran….LOL.

Meanwhile, the US government is rearranging the chairs on the US Titanic anchored in the Mediterranean, which was hit by a stone thrown by a Palestinian toddler and which is sinking.

I find interesting Israel’s obsession with Iran getting nukes .

The Ayatollah declared nukes as haram, forbidden.

Meanwhile, Israel has at least 200 undeclared nukes and did not sign a nuclear non-proliferation treaty.

Meanwhile, the US, the only country that has used nuclear weapons against civilians twice, is threatening Iran on behalf of Israel.

The US is ignoring its own laws while providing aid to Israel :

FOREIGN AID IS UNCONSTITUTIONALUS Constitution, Article I, Section 9: “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriation made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all Public Money shall be published from time to time.” 

THE SYMIGNTON AMENDMENT : No aid should be provided to clandestine nuclear armed terrorist states like Israel that are not NPT signatories . Since the bans went into effect, U.S. foreign aid to Israel is estimated to be an inflation-adjusted $234 billion, including secret intelligence aid.

The US is ignoring both internal laws and international laws when proving aid to Israel:

US law is : US can’t provide military aid/support to a country that violates the Nuclear Treaty.

International laws says nobody but the UN security Council Members US, Russia, China, UK, France can have nukes. The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) bans the use, possession, testing, and transfer of nuclear weapons under international law.

US screams about Iran, that does not have nukes and ignores Israel that does have nukes and that recently threatened to use them against Gaza.

The US is sending to Israel :

25 F-35 fighter jets ( against Hamas’ gliders, lol )

more than 1,800 MK84 2,000-pound bombs and 500 MK82 500-pound bombs

( against Hamas’ toddlers and women )

Total cost of F-35 is $ 400 billion.

25 jets = $1 trillion . Officially, it is a $ 18 billion package.

Sending F-35’s to fight an enemy that has no Air Force. And no bombs.

2,000 bombs against women and children starving huddling in tents . 

Wow !

But, maybe this is a preparation for the big war against Iran and Iranian allies, Syria and Lebanon.


Where did the money come from?

The Congress has not approve any additional money.

I know, I know… As jew  US Secretary of State  and war criminal Henry Kissinger  once  said :

“The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.”

Meanwhile, The US is currently borrowing $ 1TRILLION EVERY 3 MONTHS .

It’s all for the greater good of helping G-d’s Chosen people. It’s OK , goyim .

Israel’s economy is collapsing secondary to the war, to the maritime blockade organized by Yemen’s Ansarallah in the Red Sea, to the jewish migration ( more than 500,000 already left ). The US will pay for it, as always.

Oy Vey-o, vey-ay-ay-o,

Come Mr. Bibi man, tally me banana

Daylight come me wan’ go home !

Accomplishing his life goals should make Netanyahu an ecstatic mass murderer, but I doubt it does .

I suspect that even Netanyahu can now see what a horrific mistake this was :

It was done at the expense of Israel’s further existence as a state.

Evil always destroys itself, in the end.

Russia has accused Israel of Terrorism publicly.

That has never happened before.

Sharmine Narwani, famous geopolitical analyst, says Iran knows all about boiling frogs, and will do it to Israel.

I agree.

As for the US : Israel is sadly mistaken if they think the USA will be ABLE and WILLING to organize an invasion force of a million men to conquer Iran in an election year on behalf of a rogue nation currently indicted for actual genocide.


Zionists, you need a new plan, fast.

You are going to tell me that the zionists want to bomb Iran, not to invade it.

Bombing would be successful only if done with nukes.

Do it and Israel will burn and disappear from the map, oil will go to $500 and the American zionist empire will will lose everything and collapse.

The geopolitical filed has changed, this is not 1990s.

Iran has a powerful army now and Iran’s position as a country is strategic.

The new powers are Russia and China and Iran is their ally.

The Zionists have not yet understood how the world has changed.

Israel is tepidly backed by the dying and bankrupt USA.

Iran is backed by China and Russia. New game.

They made the same mistake when they thought that Russia would collapse secondary to their stupid sanctions and using Ukraine as a proxy army against Russia.

Ant scenarios involving a war against Iran is a failure and ends up with the total destruction of Israel and the collapse of the US.

Look at the map:

  • the distance between Iran and Israel is huge and Israel would have to fly over Arab countries to attack Iran- not gonna happen
  • if you are thinking The USA will do the attacking, think again- all American military bases will disappear
  • Iran has hypersonic missiles, the US and Israel don’t
  • Iran has efficient AD system – Bavar373 AD system – and unlike the US Patriot system, it actually works. Israel’s Iron Dome…laughable.
  • Hezbollah, right next to Israel, and which defeated IDF in 2006 in a very humiliating way for Israel, are itching to serve the jews their a$$es on a plate : Hezbollah has 150,000 ++ rockets and missiles pointing straight at…Israel. I’m not including their drones either.
  • Iran is a huge mountainous country, Iran can not be invade by American and Israeli twerking rainbow fighting force
  • Iran would close the strait of Hormuz and then, all hell breaks loose on the broke western economies.
  • If Israel and the US use nukes, it’s the end for both of them and for the entire mankind. And no, their bunkers won’t save them.
  • Jewish ignorance and arrogance is exactly why Israel finds itself in the losing and impossible position it is in today.

IRGC chief:

– the Israeli regime will collapse soon, noting the United States is openly supporting Israel so that the occupying entity could control and regulate Washington’s policies.


Israel’s end will also mean the end of jewish power over the western world,

What a legacy, Netanyahu !

Timeline of the 2014 Coup d’état in Ukraine

The US called it the ” Revolution of dignity “, Ukrainians called it ” Maidan “.

Informed and intelligent people call it an American organized coup.

To understand the USNATO war against Russia using Ukraine as a proxy, we need to understand the background and the implications of the coup in Kiev which culminated with the overthrow of the democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych.

The end of 2013 :

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych rejects an IMF loan and on November 26, 2013 , he also rejects an unfavorable EU association agreement.

Because :

-the IMF loan would hand over control of Ukraine’s natural resources and massively increase the cost of living for the Ukrainian people

-the EU Partnership Agreement was formulated in such a way as to make membership in the Moscow-sponsored customs union impossible. Russia was Ukraine’s largest economic partner and investor and their economies were basically complementary and integrated ( inheritance of USSR).

Also, EU offered no guarantees of EU membership for Ukraine.

Ukrainian PM Azarov asks :

“What will be our compensation for the huge losses from losing the Customs Union market, what, I am asking you? Unfortunately, we did not receive a realistic answer to this question.”

Ukraine would have been forced to rebuild all its economies from scratch and Yanukovych asked EU for compensation, something like 160 billions euros, which was what Ukraine would have lost by cutting economic ties with Russia.

EU refuses.

For EU, a coup was cheaper.

The second important point was ” tax free imports from EU ” :

– Ukraine has tax free trade with Russia

– but Russia has no free trade zone with EU

– European goods could flow into Russia through Ukraine without paying due tax, effectively robbing Russia

-EU refused to negotiate with Russia and Ukraine about this

Russia offered a better deal :

 Russia will invest $15 billion in Ukraine’s government debt and reduce by about a third the price that Naftogaz, Ukraine’s national energy company, pays for Russian gas.

-Vladimir Putin told Yanukovych : ” sure, you could join the EU but this would make the Customs Union untenable ” ( The Customs Union of the Eurasian Economic Community or Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan )

On November 21st 2013, Maidan starts with large protests ( after Yanukovych has rejected EU deal ).

 February 2014 : 

The color revolution named ” Maidan ” becomes more radical.

People are payed to come to the center of Kiev ( Maidan means square) and protest, violence follows.

It is organized by the US with help from EU, especially UK, Poland, Germany+ France.

The US has invested over $ 5 billion to prepare this revolution, and has been meddling in the Ukraine since 1991.

Victoria Nuland Admits Washington has spent $5 Billion to “Subvert Ukraine” .

NED, the civilian CIA branch, has recently deleted its records of funding the color revolution in Ukraine, but the archived web pages can be found here:


Before the CIA 2014 coup in Ukraine, it was The ‘Orange Revolution’ in November 2004

The election split East/ West and the result initially looked like going to Yanukovych – who was from Donetsk and was more pro-Russian.

 The winner Yanukovych was replaced in a “ special election ” by Yushchenko, an American trained banker married to an American citizen and State Department / CIA official, who glorified NAZIs and proclaimed Stepan Bandera a “Hero of Ukraine”.

Then, in 2010, Yanukovych ran again and won.

So, he had to be removed through a bloodier coup, the 2014 Maidan.

Maidan coup starts with protests on November 2013 but ends in a bloodbath.

It is now documented, including by 51 Ukrainian wounded witnesses, that the shooting came from Maidan-controlled buildings, done by the opposition that was supported by the US.

14 videos of snipers in Maidan-controlled buildings, including 10 videos of far-right & other Maidan snipers in Hotel Ukraina aiming or shooting at Maidan protesters are shown here :

Protesters, policemen , even Western journalists are shot.

*After the Maidan coup in 2014, President Poroshenko sawed down the trees opposite Maidan Nezalezhnosti with traces of bullets to hide absolutely obvious evidence that the bullets that killed civilians and policemen were shot from the hotel that hosted the leaders of the Maidan opposition .

“The probes into the killings have been hindered by missing evidence. Many guns allegedly used to shoot protesters have vanished; many of the bullets fired were taken home as souvenirs. Barricades, bullet-pierced trees and other items of forensic evidence were removed”, lawyers say.

A leaked conversation between EU Foreign Affairs Commissioner Catherine Ashton and Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet discuss Maidan snipers and Paet says that a doctor named “Olga” told him opponents of Ukraine’s ousted President may have been responsible for deadly sniper fire.

Paet told Ashton :

“ Doctor Olga says that it is the same handwriting, the same type of bullets, and it’s really disturbing that now the new coalition that – they don’t want to investigate what exactly happened. There is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind snipers, it was not Yanukovych, but it was somebody from the new coalition,”

Apparently, the snipers were Poles, Georgians and at least 2 form Baltic states, trained in Poland.

Ukrainian police is blamed .

Initial ballistic examinations did not match bullets extracted from the bodies of killed and wounded protesters to the Berkut Kalashnikovs of the police.

Forensic examinations of the bullet holes by the government experts for the Maidan massacre trial suggested that Berkut policemen were shooting in the Hotel Ukraina snipers above the Maidan protesters and in trees and poles.

So, Yanukovych and his police were NOT guilty.

108 protestors and 13 police officers are killed by the snipers hired by the CIA.

The opposition calls for Yanukovych’s resignation.

On February 21, 2014, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and leaders of the anti-government opposition reach an agreement Friday to hold new elections, form a unity government and restore a constitution drafted in 2004.

The Foreign Ministers of France, Germany and Poland travel to Kiev and help broker the deal, basically guaranteeing new elections.

The three opposition leaders who signed the deal at the presidential palace are supported by the US :

Vitali Klitschko of the pro-EU Udar movement, Arseniy Yatsenyuk of the main opposition Fatherland and Oleh Tyahnybok of the far-right Svoboda.

Police leaves the area.

Protestors take over government buildings :

The CIA does not want to wait for elections and, as always, decides that violence in a coup is more effective.

On 22 February, the Ukrainian parliament votes to remove Yanukovych from office by 328 to 0 (about 73% of the parliament’s 450 members ), also Yanukovych has agreed to early elections.

Yanukovych has to flee and he is chased by unknown people ( probably CIA and SBU).

He asks Russia for help. Russia sends a helicopter and Yanukovych escapes from being killed by the US ( like Gaddafi was ).

Hillary could not laugh and proclaim :

“We came, we saw, he died. Haha ! “

The organizers of the coup, Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador to Ukraine, Jeffrey Pyatt , discuss who will be in the Ukrainian government, post coup.

Toria Nuland :

” Klitscko should not go into the government.

Yats is the guy who has economic experience ( Yatsenyuk ) “

What do you know , that exactly what happened .

…. ” it’s great to help glue this thing and help UN glue it and fuck the EU ” !

Nuland mentioned Svoboda’s Tyahnybok ( Nazis ) as one of the leaders they were working with.

Notice what she says at the end :

I wrote to Sullivan ( Jack Sullivan ? ) and he got to me saying ” You need Biden to agree ” ( Biden as in Joe Biden ).


The coup took place during Obama’s presidency, but Republicans backed it : 

Republican Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain in Kiev, supporting the Nazis, like Oleg Tyagnibok,

Obama did the coup, Biden starts the war ( make no mistake, Russia was forced to attack ).

This short video explains the US involvement in organizing the coup :

Assisted Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, Ambassador Jeffrey Pyatt ( who was in constant contact with the opposition leaders , Senators and ex- presidential candidate John McCain, Senator Chris Murphy and Joe Biden, who was VP then and is president now.

This looks like an involvement of the highest echelon of US power in the Ukrainian coup.

McCain with ” Yats ” and Oleh Tyahnybok from the Right Sector ( the Nazis ).

McCain likes to have photo shoots not only with Nazis, but also Islamic jihadis, like ISIS leaders :

McCain was a busy man.

I hope he is as busy in Hell.

The US nominates the next leaders of Ukraine :

Vicky Nuland : “ I think Yats [Arseniy Yatsenyuk] is the guy”  ( for PM ) 

Ukraine becomes an American colony. It is NOT independent and sovereign.

Everything Ukraine does from now on is decided in Washington D.C.

Since 2014, the year after the Maidan, Kyiv has been under the total control and influence of Washington. Ukraine is not an independent country

~ Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico

Even Eastern European countries see the truth.

PM Yatsenyuk ( Yats, Vicky’s guy), a banker, accepts a $15 billion IMF loan offer which reportedly has increased the price of natural gas by as much as 50 % for the Ukrainian people and signs the EU association agreemen in 2017, that Yanukovych refused to sign.

The US used Ukrainian Nazis to organize the coup.

Oleh Tyahnybok, from the far-right Svoboda was one of the opposition leaders involved, the other two were Klitschko and Yatsenyuk.

Nuland also insisted on the appointment of Dmitry Yarosh, the head of the Right Sector, as an adviser to the commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valery Zaluzhny ( Zaluzhny is out now ).

Andriy Parubiy founded in 1991 ( after Ukraine declared independence ) the Social-National Party of Ukraine, together with Oleh Tyahnybok, another coup leader and the present leader of the Svoboda party.

The name Social-National Party was chosen as a fully intentional allusion to Adolf Hitler’s Nazi party called National Socialist Party.

This interpretation has been confirmed by Der Spiegel, Germany’s leading weekly news magazine.

True to its historical inspiration, the Social-National Party (SNUP) did not conceal its radical nationalism and its neo-Nazi features.

Its official symbol was the somewhat modified Wolf’s Hook (Wolfsangel), used as a symbol by the German SS division Das Reich and the Dutch SS division Landstorm Nederland during World War II and by a number of European neofascist organizations after 1945.

German SS Panzer Wolfsangel

Ukrainian Social-National party logo :

Before becoming part of the Ukrainian army, the Nazi Azov forces and Aidar Battalion were funded by the jewish Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoysky.

Kolomoisky was also the owner of UkrNafta (Ukraine’s largest gasoline companies ), Kalinin Coke Plant, and other companies, owner of PrivatBank and owner of Media Group 1+1. He owned 3 Ukrainian airlines + 3 Scandinavian airlines, all went bankrupt.

He was Governor of Dniepopetrovsk.

Rumors are that Kolomoisky, together with the CIA organized the shooting down of

MH-17 plane.

Kolomoisky is a citizen of Cyprus and Israel.

Kolomoisky made Zelensky the jew president of Ukraine- he became famous in a TV series ” Servant of the People “, where he played a president fighting corruption [ sic ! ].


Zelensky becomes the next president after Poroshenko.

Zelensky’s campaign promise was to make peace with Russia and stop the civil war with Donbass.

Burisma Holdings Gas Company enlists Hunter Biden ( Joe Biden’s son ) on its Board of Directors and pays him $ 83,000 per month for doing …nothing.

Kolomoisky, the jewish oligarch who made the jew Zelensky president of Ukraine, was later arrested in 2023. He robed his own bank of $5 billion and then hid in Israel until Zelensky became President.

He knows about the money laundering involving PrivatBank and this may include Obama and Biden.

Fighting corruption, jewish style :

Zelensky and his Jewish partners in Kvartal 95 set up a network of offshore firms dating back to at least 2012, the same year the company began making regular content for Ihor Kolomoisky. The offshores, which filtered Kolomoisky’s money through the British Virgin Islands (BVI), Belize, and Cyprus in order to avoid paying tax in Ukraine, were also used by Zelensky associates to purchase and own three prime properties in the center of London. The documents also show that just before he was elected, Zelensky gifted his stake in a key offshore company, the British Virgin Islands-registered Maltex Multicapital Corp., to Serhiy Shefir — soon to be his top presidential aide.

Kolomoisky is the president of the European Jewish Union, an organization he cofounded in 2011, and a major donor to Jewish causes in Ukraine and beyond.

In 2015 Kolomoisky was charged by Russia in multiple crimes including prohibited war methods, financing terrorism, murders, kidnappings, torture, heists, money laundering, interference with the professional conduct of journalists.

The Moscow district court decided the case brought up by Russia’s Investigative Committee (an equivalent of the FBI) represented 2700 victims of Kolomoisky’s crimes and convicted Kolomoisky on absentia and he is on Russia’s Most Wanted list. The Investigative Committee (the SK) interviewed more than 4000 witnesses in the cases against Igor Kolomoisky, Arsen Avakov Ukraine’s Minister of Internal Affairs and Serhiy Melnychuk, a member of Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada and a former commander of the NATO mercenary death squad ‘Aidar,’

Kolomoisky was convicted in absentia for the murders of Russian journalists Igor Korneluk and Anton Voloshin.

Mazel Tov, Toria Nuland-Kagan and Ihor Kolomoisky, on your work to Nazify Ukraine, this should be listed as one of the most exceptional achievements of the chosen.

Here are a few Ukrainian Nazis who are honored by Ukraine :

Roman Shukhevych

Commemorative coin for Shukhevych

Roman Shukhevych and Schutzmannschaft Bataillon 201 in 1942- Ukraine Nazis

Commemorative stamp for Shukhevych

Statue of Bandera in Lvov/ Lvyv.

Clarifications :

*The Maidan color revolution was anything but spontaneous.

In April 2013, 4,000 young Ukrainian men were sent to Poland to be taught the basics of street demonstrations and to form the youth cadre. That fact has been reported by several sources.

*IMF is the financial imperialist tool of the American zionist empire.

*EU is a subsidiary of the empire and was created by the CIA : Jean Monnet, considered the father of the EU, was a CIA asset.

Here is an excellent video where the French politicians explains, at length, ” Who runs France ” and who created EU . It is long and in French. For those who speak French, it is an excellent information:

*In 2016, VP Biden withholds aid for Ukraine until General Prosecutor Victor Shokin is fired.

*In 2001, Bush pulls out of ABM treaty with Russia

*In 2008, Bush announces plans to admit Ukraine and Georgia into NATO.

*In 2019, Trump pulls out of INF treaty with Russia.

My view on Ukrainian coup= Maidan :

The Birth of Ukrainian Venus

Ron from the muddy waters in Maidan,

in a CIA shell,

Baptized by Satan’s two Angels of Death : Toria Nuland-Kagan and ambassador Jeffrey Pyatt,

fed with a bag of cookies offered by Nuland,

wearing a EU scarf ( that’s the only thing EU offered )

A Georgian con, ex- president Saakashvili ( who chewed his necktie after the US failed a coup in Georgia in 2008 ) is offering neckties to Poroshenko .

Poroshenko did not chew those neckties, but Zelensky will.

Victoria’s Secret : Roots

Victoria’s Secret : no, not that one, I would not dare.

Her secret is her jewish Ukrainian roots : real name Nudelman.

She holds Trotsky’s finger ( real jewish name : Lev Davidovich Bronstein )

Zelensky is Hitlerjugend , showing his talent at making noise

See the similarities between 
Khazarian Tamga ( seal ), 
Moloch Sigil 
Ukrainian Coat of Arms.