Monthly Archives: December 2023


Can the truth be hate speech to anyone other than those who promote hate by other means ?

What is truth?

In the rules-based order, Truth is whatever the government decides it shall be.

What is wright and what is wrong ?

Today one thing, another tomorrow.

What is an unjust law? 

A law that protects the government’s “ truths and rights” and punishes/ gags the critical thinkers.

He who asks questions is a fool because he is not going to get answers, only official lies.

The people in power in the US are against humanity and they are Satanists – and I am not talking politicians. Politicians are only the spokespersons of the real power.

Nothing is more important than WHAT IT IS BETWEEN YOU AND GOD and this is the absolute truth.

“Free speech is my right to say what you don’t want to hear.”

~ George Orwell 

” Pour savoir qui vous dirige vraiment, il suffit de regarder ceux que vous ne pouvez pas critiquer “.

“To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”


The censorship on old twitter and the other social media was so primitive, brutal, uninspiring that a caveman could do it. And, indeed, we have cavemen doing it.

Elon Musk, being an intelligent and elegant oligarch, redefined and refined his censorship, adding to it, of course, some mercantilism.

He bought twitter, said ” free speech on twitter “. Then, he changed the name to ” X ” and did not say anything about free speech.

He had a feud with ADL, which sabotaged his advertisement revenue.

I am glad that the noticing is intensifying

Even if X is censoring , it is still the only social media where someone can communicate in relative harmony .

But now, Elon Musk is in Israel discussing anti semitism with Netanyahu( who said ” Kill all Amalek ” ) and Israeli president ( who said that ” there is no innocent in Gaza ” ).

They showed him a crib where ” 40 babies have been decapitated ” and some broken windows. While Gaza has been erased to the ground and more than 20,000 civilians were killed, half of whom are children.

Musk trying to find the 40 heads of the beheaded Israeli babies
Musk kissing Israeli ass

More censorship coming to twitter, disguised as ” anti semitism “. People will not be able to criticize the crimes and genocide committed by the biggest anti semites, the Israeli jews ( Palestinians are real Semites ).

Over 20,000 Palestinians killed, half of them being children, Gaza destroyed and Musk is concerned about anti semitism.

Money is good, more money, is even better. But, having a conscience, which guides you to the rights side of history, is priceless . No shekels can buy this.

Enjoy your money, Elon

The owners of the US reminded Musk he is only a rich man and wealth can be lost .

Wouldn’t he be better if he was allowed to invest in the reconstruction of Gaza according to jewish rules in exchange for blocking on twitter those who criticize Israel and calling this anti semitism ?

The US still has the First Amendment in its Bill of Rights / Constitution – Freedom of Speech . 

The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land.


Everything else is censorship by other name.

The First Amendment protects inconvenient speech and does not mention anti semitism, hate speech, disinformation, community rules.

It is very clear : the Congress shall make NO LAWS against free speech.

You didn’t like it ?

Do a Referendum and amend the Constitution !

But, this won’t happen.

That’s why the US is using “ private platforms which can apply their own rules “ and new, fancy names to go around the First Amendment.

Censorship is now called following “ Community Standards / Guidelines “ and not allowing :


-hate speech

-graphic violence




It is like when they replaced “ Fuck Joe Biden ! “ with “ Let’s go, Brandon ! “

Censorship is still censorship even if by another name.

It is interesting that these social media oligarchs do what the government says . 

Or is it, vice-versa? 

The government does what the oligarchs say.

It is also interesting that the government/ oligarchs feel the need to protect the public from different opinions they consider harmful, as if the common man can’t think for himself and filter information.

The government/ MSM/ social media owners do not follow their own Community Standards :

What they say about Russia/ the Russians, Iran/ Iranians, Syria/ Syrians, China/ the Chinese, Palestinians and any other nations/ people / individuals who do not want to wear their imperialist shackles is HATE SPEECH / DISINFORMATION / THREATS / HARASSMENT / RACISM . But, since it is done by the government and its representatives, it is allowed.

Those who stand in the way of the “Rules Based Order World” must be dehumanized and vilified.

The social media oligarchs say that they are following the laws.

My question is :

Which law ?

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and I can’t find the paragraph in the Constitution where “ hate speech, anti semitism, disinformation, harassment, etc. “ are listed .

“ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances “

The First Amendment makes no general exception for offensive, repugnant, or hateful expression. Speech by adults as free citizens does not lose First Amendment protection because it is considered hateful.

That’s why, I apply my own standards to what the government / MSM / and most social media say and I censor all of them. Why would I believe those who are telling me that men can get pregnant and give birth, there are 150 genders, children can transition from one sex to another and 19 jihadis armed with boxcutters knocked down 3 towers with 2 airplanes ?

When I judge an event, I want to hear what the other side has to say, but this has become very difficult because censorship is increasing .

The Overton window has shifted to the maximum and the noticing of the sheeple is intensifying.

The Overton window is an approach to identifying the ideas that define the spectrum of acceptability of governmental policies. 

It says politicians can act only within the acceptable range.

 Shifting the Overton window involves proponents of policies outside the window persuading the public to expand the window.

You, the government and affiliated MSM, expose people to propaganda making the

“ unthinkable “ acceptable and then, you legislate it .


You make the rejection of “ unthinkable “ unlawful under names like :

-hate speech

-against community standards


-far- right

I don’t hate these people, it’s worse :

I despise them.

Maybe they should add to their censorship “ disposal speech “ or “ contempt speech “ .

” The further a society drifts from the truth , the more it will hate those who speak it “.

– George Orwell

Censorship on old twitter and the rest of the social media :

Musk , being an elegant and intelligent oligarch, has redefined censorship – he is using the X as a boomerang.

Notice that 2 letter X make a stylized Masonic Square and Compass. Could be a coincidence, but I don’t believe in coincidences.

Have you thought of this irony ?

We are grateful that a billionaire is not completely censoring free speech.

Why is censorship necessary ?

Censorship is ” the safe space ” of the trillionaire ruling class, they need to be protected from certain words / ideas which could cause them to become emotionally unstable, and this emotional instability is dangerous in a trillionaire ruling class.

In order to feel safe, they invented ‘fact checkers’ too.

We need ‘ fact checkers ‘ to guide us as we are not mature enough to think for ourselves had been founded all the way back in 2003 by the Annenberg Foundation, a Jewish activist and lobbying group run by the Annenberg Family.

Fact checking means deleting articles, banning accounts, or  “deranking” (shadowbanning) the content which contradicts the officially approved thinking.

You see, it is for our own good, it’s for the children.

But, there is a danger :

What happens when Americans discover that they have been lied about everything ?

Because the Empire of Lies is collapsing, and this is inevitable.

 Censorship is the pillar of American democracy.

It is not possible to maintain the current system without total censorship of speech.

Censorship is an absolute necessity for every aspect of the Western rules-based order.

Western democracies are afraid of the truth.

If the truth isn’t challengeable, then it’s probably not the truth. 

Censorship, like sanctions, is the best form of flattery .

Censorship is promoting the mediocrity of evil.

Why has censorship increased ?

-The bad part:

The top 0.001%  banking cartel has all the power and own everything.

-The good part :

They are few.

-The good part :

The  slaves are more numerous.

-The bad part :

Most of them are ignorant about reality, believing the propaganda of the ruling class.

-The encouraging part :

More and more people are becoming aware of reality.

That’s why the owners increased censorship.