The Present and Future for the American Slave Goyim

A zionist boot stamping on your face for ever, American goyim : this is your present and future.

If you continue to play the game of submission.

Look at what happens to the students protesting the genocide in Gaza !

The police is violently repressing the students across the U.S. and Europe who are rejecting the horrible crimes committed by Israel, their non-stop Palestinian genocide and ethnic cleansing  .

While the US government supports Israel with money, bombs, planes, ammunition, diplomatic cover, and troops.

This exposes the total control of the US by the jewish power.

In the Zionist Empire, it is not illegal to commit genocide, but to protest it.

“To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

Jews’ lackeys in Congress , who lack strategic depth and swim only in the shallow waters of complacent irrelevancy, immediately passed a bill to equate antisemitism with antizionism and make illegal any criticism of jews’ behavior.

Why do we have a class completely protected of any criticism ? Why are they the only group against whom nobody can say a negative word or do a boycott ?

Jonathan Greenblatt is upset about TikTok? It gets banned.

Netanyahu is unhappy about student protests, saying “ It’s unconscionable. It has to be stopped.” ? Congress immediately passes the Antisemitism Awareness Act with hardly any debate.

While Israel commits crimes with impunity .

“Nearly all of the some 600,000 children now crammed into Rafah are either injured, sick, malnourished, traumatized, or living with disabilities.”


This, on top of mass graves discovered.. And over 40,000 civilians assassinated, 2/3  being children.

A separate UN report recently revealed it will take 80 years to rebuild Gaza, based on the historic levels of materials allowed in by Israel. On a highly unlikey, best-case scenario, it will take 16 years.

Israel is the only country in human history that has bombed TENTS. Starving Palestinian in tents in Rafah.

This is a new low, even for Israel.

And the US MSM , Congress , White House, celebrities, etc. have nothing to say against the monstrosities committed by jews in Israel.

Jewish billionaire have the right to dictate how private universities conduct their business and how Americans think and about what they are allowed to say.

First Amendment does not apply and is replaced by the ” antisemitism ” scam when jews are involved in any misconduct, theft, crime.

But, students who pay hefty tuitions there, have no right to express their indignation against crimes against humanity committed by Israel .

“The students have NO RIGHTS to dictate how a university invests its profits and endowments.” they say. Only the jewish billionaire have this right.

On every MSM and social site we are asked to support Israel.

They are lying and ignoring Israel committing genocide and ethnic cleansing.

But, that’s the thing with lying, especially when facts can not be hidden anymore :

every time, the lie has to be bigger than the prior one. Until it is one too many lies and it blows up. And then, the people start looking back at all the lies.

It’s what’s happening now with Israel and the US, aka, the American zionist empire of Lies.

The protesters are shining a spotlight on an issue to which, for decades, few Americans paid very close attention. Zionist slime prefer to operate in the darkness, so they’re not at all comfortable with the attention the protesters are bringing to Israeli atrocities.

The best thing is that these students have put Israel and their supporters, the jews in power in the US and their shabbos goyim, in a very uncomfortable place, with no face saving exit.

 If the protests are able to continue, then the uninformed general public will start to wonder what all the fuss is about, why can’t students exert their First Amendment right.

The brainwashed American public will eventually learn that the Israelis are filthy mass murderers, whose crimes are enabled and covered by venal American politicians.

On the other hand, if our Zionist-occupied government (ZOG) cracks down too hard on the protests — which is what’s happening now, with mass arrests, expulsions from

universities, threats against students’ future employments, calumnies, slanders and defamations of the students, hateful vilification of their motives for protesting — then the level of Zionist control over our politicians and officials is finally revealed.

Both outcomes are equally lethal for jewish power.

Israel has become a world pariah, its survival completely dependent on its US lobbyists. Americans are finally getting wise to this parasitic relationship. The process of awakening accelerates in proportion to the number of innocent deaths. The Israeli morons think that they’re winning something with their cowardly, despicable massacre of women and children. What they’re doing is destroying any standing Israel ever had on the world stage. Eventually that will lead to their downfall as a nation.

The jews controlling the American zionist empire think that they can solve this problem by increasing their control and censorship. It will not work anymore, it’s too late.

There will undoubtedly be other consequences for the jews around the world .

Some Jewish “ businessman ” was gunned down in Egypt recently. The group who killed him said that he was a Mossad agent and wished him ” Shalom from the children of Gaza”.

We can expect that sort of thing to happen in various places around the world MUCH more often in the months ahead.

Biden declared :

“ We are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people or squash dissent. But order must prevail.”

Of course, jewish order must prevail, by any means necessary : the zionist boot stamping on your face.

This is how the American jews controlling the US want to solve the problem of Goyim’s Great Awakening :

Tikvah’s CEO Eric Cohen had a Special Address on
The Exodus Project:
A Jewish Answer to the University Crisis

” The long-brewing crisis on our university campuses has reached a tipping point. The anti-Israel encampments that recently took over Columbia, Yale, UCLA, and dozens of schools across America—chanting pro-Hamas slogans, harassing Jewish students, vandalizing and trespassing—force us to confront the moral confusion that plagues so much of higher education. This assault on Jews and Israel is also an assault on America and the West. How should American Jews respond? Can our most prestigious universities be saved, or is it time to build new centers of learning that advance our noblest Jewish and American values? Are these storied institutions of higher learning worthy of our children, our creativity, and our support, or is it time for an exodus?

Tom Cotton, a despicable shabbos goy, posted :

These little Gazas are disgusting cesspools of antisemitic hate, full of pro-Hamas sympathizers; fanatics and freaks ”.

Elliott Abram is a head of Tikvah.
Tom Cotton, US Republican Senator, is Abram ‘s little bitch.
Larry Arnn of Hillsdale College has participated in Tikvah seminars.

Elliott Abrams in his book “Faith or Fear: How Jews Can Survive in a Christian America ” stated:

“Judaism demands “apartness. This is a “metaphysical” separateness; a Jew shouldn’t live in a psychological or physical ghetto. But everything should be done to prevent “prolonged and intimate exposure to non-Jewish culture.”

Tom Cotton, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Donald Trump, etc are prominent American

” conservative ” politicians, all supporting Israeli crimes.

The Democrats need no introduction anymore. Biden cabinet is run by jews.

As for the presidential candidates :

Donald Trump, the assassin of Soleimani, is fully on board with the slaughter and says that” Netanyahu needs to finish the job “.

RFK, Jr., who seemed to have some courage and common sense regarding the mRNA issue, has grotesquely characterized the long brutalized Palestinian people as ingrates for the 75 years of generosity, love, and kindness provided by their Israeli benefactors and that IDF is protecting the Palestinian children and women when it bombs them (if that won’t make you puke, nothing will ).

As for Biden, I doubt he even understands what’s going on and makes any decision except what ice cream flavor he will have .

Zionist scum, your time is up.

Your experiment has failed.

The entire decent and humanitarian world is united against you.

Your repugnant lies have been exposed. Your crimes can not be hidden.

We are currently toring up your victim card.

We do not accept yellow stars any more, they lost their values.

Your claim to Palestine has no weight anymore.

Labeling us as antisemites does not scare us .

You will not come out of this clean or unscathed. You lost your power. Keep kvetching . Keep increasing your repression.

Keep clutching at straws while the water drags you under.

In short, you’re so so over.

“ Cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity

This is how Voltaire described the Jews.

Insolence leads to fatal mistakes.

We are witnessing them now.

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