Tag Archives: economics

Yankee-Doodle Bald Eagle Has Payot Curls and a Kippah

Caution : this is a long essay and not suitable for this having a short attention span .

My caricature depicts the American zionist empire as it looks today.

An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.

-Charles Hery Burowski

See my caricature as the hard thing explained in a simple way.

I will now try to explain this simple thing in a hard way.

Everybody knows that the Bald Eagle is America’s symbol.

The current events have updated its image .

The eagle has :

  • Jewish payot curls
  • a Kippah / yarmulke
  • A Raytheon missile in one claw. To threaten recalcitrant countries and protect the debt bomb
  • The debt bomb in the other claw. To enslave ( through IMF and WB ) the rest of the world + its own population through the Federal Reserve
  • The multiple gender flag to spread degeneracy
  • The bird has one Republican Party wing and one Democratic Party wing.
  • It is, however, losing feathers and is plucked. But, it still is dangerous

Ezra Pound was right :

“Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a ‘country run by )ews’” Ezra Pound (30 October 1885 – 1 November 1972)

No wonder they kept him locked away in the old St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, D.C. for 12 years…

It’s hard for the American people to fight an enemy that they cannot identify and define, and frankly, name, because the US has ” hate speech ” laws and ” antisemitism ” laws.

  • 1. The Debt Bomb, the Payot Curls and the Kippah
  • The Bomb is the result of the yarmulke / kippah and the payot curls

You see, Americans, being “ chosen “ trumps being “ exceptional “.

And the chosen living in America are chosen and exceptional. You can’t beat this.

And you don’t even noticed this because the Americans are too preoccupied by ” sports ” on TV ( Talmud Vision ) and too fat from fast food and don’t understand reality .

If you had any doubts about who rules America, you shouldn’t anymore :

the US’ total support of Israel and its sadistic ethnic cleansing and genocide in Gaza, made clear who owns America.

In the United States, Jews occupy almost every niche of advocacy and control from the municipal, to the state, to Washington D.C. , to the Federal Reserve and Wall Street.

Americans are a nation of cuckold white. and black goyim men, ruled by chosen people, drowning in other people’s blood. Pathetic.

The US is a jewish Central Bank with nukes, trying to impose on the rest of the world its Talmud rules-based order: its usury, degeneracy and oppression.

In Victorian British Empire, it was the jewish PM Benjamin Disraeli who told us how the geopolitical sausage is done :

“The world is governed by very different personages to what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”


It is obvious by now, to even the dumbest and the most ignorant that everyone in power in the US, UK and EU is either a jew, a pedophile, a jewish pedophile, or someone being blackmailed by jews, pedophiles, or jewish pedophiles.

Power means to be able to PRINT YOUR OWN MONEY as debt and use it to enslave the rest of the people and punish the recalcitrant by withdrawing the credit line.

 Power is the ability to get people fired or blackballed for criticizing you.

Who has this power ?

Only the jews in the US do.

The source of Zionist power is the Tribal financial industry and its control over the money supply. The rest is only bribes and blackmails.

How did we get here ?

How did the eagle grew his payes/payot curls and started wearing a kippah, which resulted in the national debt ?

Slowly at first, then, all at once.

The Eagle grew some payot curls with the first two central banks established in the US :

the Bank of the United States (1791–1811) and a second Bank of the United States (1816–1836).

Hamilton, then President George Washington’s Treasury secretary, was the architect of the Bank, which he modeled after the Bank of England. ( haha! )

The BoE was established in 1694, after the Cromwell revolution of 1688 had killed King Charles 1st and the jews were allowed back into England.

It was the first bank to create money as debt. Its creation played a pivotal role in jewish interests in regards to the slave trade in the Americas and to their goals to form a Central Bank within the United States.

Jewish banking interests moved from Amsterdam ( 1609 ) to London ( 1694), following the Dutch East India Company ( corporation ) -> to the British East India Company

( corporation ). Then, it moved to the US, which became a Corporation in itself.

A famous scam ( the Dutch Tulip Bubble in 1630 ) vastly enrich the jewish bankers -> this wealth was used to start the ” Glorious revolution ” in England in 1688-> Cromwell allowed the jews back in England in 1656-> creation of the the Bank of England in 1694

-> England spreads this ” new form of banking based on usury ” to all its colonies …-> three attempts to establish a bank in the US, the third one succeeds – > and now, here we are :

The first Central bank of the United Staes had foreign ownership. Its charter was not renewed by the Congress in 1811, because there was no AIPAC then ( lol ).

This resulted in the war of 1812.

You see, jewish rule forbids cutting off the jewish bankers’ payot curls .

This leads to war.

Andrew Jackson killed the second Central Bank of the United States.

For 77 years, the Bald Eagle had no payot curls and no kippah.

There was basically no inflation and the dollar was backed by gold.

A dollar today can buy less than 3% of what it could buy in 1836.

On December 23, 1913, when most of the Congress was in recess for holidays, the Federal Reserve Act was passed.

I consider Woodrow Wilson as the worst US president .

Blackmailed and compromised by the Zionists, he gave us the Federal Reserve, the federal income tax, and a disastrous entry into WW1.  

The Yankee-Doodle eagle started growing rapidly his jewish curls in 1913.

In 1929, its hair was already on fire.

Only 16 years after the creation of the Federal Reserve, the Federal Reserve pushed the US into the Great Depression.

Cycles of recessions/ depressions and inflations were the result of those curls growing longer and longer.

The inflation in the US would have been even higher over the years, but the US enjoyed having the world reserve currency and was able to spread the inflation to the world and the wage inflation at home was kept in check by sending factory jobs overseas and by importing cheap labor in the form of mass immigration. As they are doing now, on a large scale.

The tragic-comedy is that the Federal Reserve was supposedly created to keep the inflation under control, promote stable prices and maximum employment and moderate long term interest rate. Hahaha.

The Great Depression of 1929, only 16 after the Fed was created, clearly showed how the Fed was implementing its mandates.

The Federal Reserve was created to serve the interests of its shareholders, not the interests of the people.

But in recent years, the rest of the world started rejecting the dollar. If you think that the inflation is bad now, wait till all those trillions upon trillions of dollars circulating in the world come home to roost .

The dollar was adopted as world reserve currency after WW II.

Bretton Woods agreements : The Bretton Woods System required a currency peg to the U.S. dollar which was in turn pegged to the price of gold.

The countries agreed to keep their currencies fixed, but adjustable ( within a 1% band) to the dollar, and the dollar was fixed to gold at $35 an ounce.

The second big step after the creation of the Fed was taking the dollar off the gold standard and making the dollar Monopoly money.

The reason the US was able to IMPOSE the dollar and its financial system on the world was because , after WW II, the rest of the world was completely destroyed:

Europe, USSR, Japan, China. Korea and Vietnam were less affected, but the US took care of this through through Vietnam war and the Korean wars.

The ONLY country NOT AFFECTED was, coincidently, the US. It had suffered only 400,000 dead and 200,000 wounded.

Soviet Union HAS WON the WW II, by defeating 80 % of German Wehrmacht and raising the victory banner over the REICHSTAG.

How American propaganda worked :

Immediately after the war, French people knew that USSR had won the war.

In 2004, after years of American propaganda ( their media is completely controlled by the American zionist empire ) , they think that the US had won the war.

The Soviets won WW 2 making a terrible sacrifice :

USSR lost 27 million people ( 19 million civilians ), all major cities were destroyed, its infrastructure vanished, lost 35 % of its GDP.

America, which entered the war late, on June 6, 1944, and had to deal with ONLY

15-20% of Hitler’ demoralized army, took credit for winning WW II.

It was easy to accomplish this, as the US was the only country still standing, its infrastructure unaffected, its cities intact, its industry booming as the US was the only country able to produce goods and sell them to others and ” help ” countries recover through loans = DEBT.

The US was selling American manufactured goods for GOLD:

By 1947, the United States had accumulated 70% of the world’s gold reserves.

How convenient.

The United Kingdom had gone from being the world’s greatest creditor to the world’s greatest debtor ( This is when the torch of the empire was passed from Great Britain, which became Little Britain, to the daughter, the US. This is when, jewish big money interests jumped from the British ship to the American ship ).

Countries had sold off most of their gold and dollar reserves, as well as their foreign investments, to pay for the war.


  • let your competition destroy each other in a war
  • wait til the war is almost finished
  • enter the war at the end
  • declare victory
  • everybody is destroyed, except you
  • you are the only country with an intact manufacturing base
  • you sell products for GOLD
  • the rest of the countries have to sell their gold cheap to pay for reconstruction
  • the rest of the world has to accept your DEBT based money and become DEBT slaves
  • impose your financial terms
  • you recover this from the Great Depression
  • the war years of 1941 to 1945 saw one of the most significant short term increases in economic growth in the history of the U.S. economy.
  • you accumulate most of the world’s GOLD through a combination of looting gold after the war + selling goods for GOLD
  • rule the world

A lot of the gold that the US, UK and France have, was STOLEN = looted after the WW 2:

Following the war, much of the gold was divided among the Tripartite Gold Commission: France, Britain, and America.

I realize that the facts might be inconvenient for the American exceptionalism, but this is the truth.

You also have to understand what the US is trying to do today:

The US is trying to RECREATE the conditions present after WW 2, which were favorable for itself and unfavorable for the rest of the world, when all competition was destroyed and the US was left intact.

Only that the world has changed.

When the dollar still had some Gold backing, the US government devalued the dollar this way :

-Roosevelt confiscates gold from Americans

-Roosevelt raises Gold’s value from $20 to $35

It was a tortuous way.

It became simpler after the dollar became fiat paper.

In 1976, the government officially severed any ties to the gold standard by changing the dollar’s definition to remove any references to gold.

The dollar became purely a fiat currency, meaning paper money and coins are legal tenders only because the government says so and not because they are backed by gold.

This happened after the Vietnam war greatly debased the dollar and the French president De Gaulle said ” Your dollar is merde “, refused to take depreciating dollars and asked to be payed in gold.

The US started losing a lot of gold. Other states followed France’s example.


The US had to do something for this gold run and high internal inflation : it UNILATERALLY withdrew from the Bretton Woods accords, in good American tradition of not respecting any treaty signed.

Then, the jew Kissinger made the deal with the Saudis and the petrodollar was born.

Saudi Arabia would sell its oil ( biggest reserves in the word at that time ) ONLY in dollars, this way forcing countries to buy dollars and support America printing paper dollars ( today this is called QE ).

The dollar surplus of the countries would be recycled into US Treasury Bills, this way the rest of the world is supporting the American jewish DEBT . The world gave the US an unlimited credit card.

The countries pay America’s debt, including paying for the multiple wars of the American zionist empire.


All American presidents have been milking the Saudi Oil Caw since 1973. As a bonus, the caw was pooping jihadi Wahhabi terrorists, too.

But now, the Saudis have allied with Russia and China, have entered BRICS and are selling oil in other currencies, especially Yuan.

They made peace with Iran.

They are not funding jihadi terrorism anymore.

The Saudi Oil Caw is dying, and the petrodollar is doomed.

Oy Vey !

Who runs the US ?

The shareholders of the Federal Reserve private corporation, the people who can print their own money and force the rest of the world to use their monopoly money and apply sanctions to those who don’t .

The politicians, WEF / Klaus Schwab, NGOs / Soros, IT oligarchs and Big Pharmaceuticals are their spokespersons .

Don’t believe me ?

There is no government authority that can overrule any decision that we make” 

~ Alan Greenspan, ex chairman of the Federal reserve.

Have you seen how ” the richest man” Elon Musk was domesticated after a jewish ritualistic humiliation and how now he is censoring all accounts too critical to Israel ?

Have you seen what happened to Candace Owns ?

Have you seen what they did to TikTok for allowing uncensored videos and posts about Israel’s atrocities ?

Stephen Mitford Goodson,in A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind (2014) , explains who the shareholders are

On page 76 Goodson presents a list of “ the Federal Reserve’s principal shareholders ”:

Rothschild banks of London and Berlin
Lazard Brothers banks of Paris
Israel Moses Sieff banks of Italy
Warburg banks of Hamburg and Amsterdam
Shearson American Express ( Kuhn & Loeb Bank of New York )
Goldman Sachs of New York
JP Morgan Chase Bank

The shareholders of these banks which own the stock of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York are the people who have controlled our political and economic destinies since 1914.

They are the Rothschilds, of Europe, Lazard Brothers (Eugene Meyer), Kuhn Loeb Company, Warburg Company, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, the Rockefeller family, and J.P. Morgan .

They are your rulers, America.

The US is the Paradise of the Synagogue of Satan.

The original sin is usury, money printed as debt.

The Tree of Life ( for them ) and death ( for us) is the Federal Reserve.

The snakes are the Chairmen of the Fed.

Here I drew the most important ones offering the poisonous apple = the debt : Bernanke, Greenspan, Yellen.

Little snakes are Volcker and Powell.

Coincidently, all, except Powell, are jews in my antisemitic caricature .

Powell was most likely elected because they expect the financial system’s collapse.

The leafs of the tree represent the 7 dollar bills with the heads of 7 US presidents ( like the 7 heads of the Beast analogy ).

The little leafs are the 1 dollar bill which has printed on it ” the All- Seeing- Eye and the pyramid” and all the rest of the Masonic signs.

The dollar is the sign of the Beast, without which ” you could not buy or sell ” if you don’t bow to the American zionist empire’s rule.

If you don’t, you will be sanctioned, your sovereign money will be stolen, you will be banned from SWIFT and all efforts will be made to collapse your economy ( see what they did to Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Syria, Lebanon, Cuba, North Korea, etc).

” The illegitimate freezing of some of the currency reserves of the Bank of Russia marks the end of the reliability of so-called first-class assets…Now everybody knows that financial reserves can simply be stolen. “

~ Vladimir Putin

The apple is poisonous and represents the DEBT.

The roots of the tree ( hidden ) are the 9 shareholder banks ( all jewish, stupid goyim ).

Eve, the Masonic Statue of Liberty..., in fact depicting Goddess Libertas, or Ishtar, or ISIS ( ring a bell?) is the Goddess of immigrants, freedom and “The Mother of All Whores”

( ring a bell?). She is holding not an apple, but the DEBT BOMB.

Adam, the middle class man, is dead; see the skull.

Satan’s All Seeing Eye is above, supervising the ” Talmudist rules- based order “.

Remember the recession of 2008 ?

The jew Hank Paulson was Secretary of State in 2008 and he pushed through legislation authorizing the Treasury to use $700 billion to stabilize the financial system and bail out the very banks responsible for the economic collapse.

He said that if the bail out is not approved ” there will be tanks in the streets “

In late 2008, the TARP Bailout bill was passed and loans of $800 billion were given to failing banks and companies. 

That was a blatant lie considering the fact that Goldman Sachs alone received 814 billion dollars. 

As is turns out, the Federal Reserve donated $2.5 trillion to Citigroup, while Morgan Stanley received $2.04 trillion. 

The Royal Bank of Scotland and Deutsche Bank, a German bank, split about a trillion and numerous other banks received hefty chunks of the $16 trillion.

This was discovered during a partial audit of the Fed done by Ron Paul.

Ben Bernake, the chairman of the Federal reserve at that time ( jew ), could not remember what FOREIGN BANKS were bailed out with American money. Jewish chutzpah.

List of banks that were bailed out :

The list of institutions that received the most money from the Federal Reserve can be found on page 131 of the GAO Audit and are as follows..

Citigroup: $2.5 trillion ($2,500,000,000,000)
Morgan Stanley: $2.04 trillion ($2,040,000,000,000)
Merrill Lynch: $1.949 trillion ($1,949,000,000,000)
Bank of America: $1.344 trillion ($1,344,000,000,000)
Barclays PLC (United Kingdom): $868 billion ($868,000,000,000)
Bear Sterns: $853 billion ($853,000,000,000)
Goldman Sachs: $814 billion ($814,000,000,000)
Royal Bank of Scotland (UK): $541 billion ($541,000,000,000)
JP Morgan Chase: $391 billion ($391,000,000,000)
Deutsche Bank (Germany): $354 billion ($354,000,000,000)
UBS (Switzerland): $287 billion ($287,000,000,000)
Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $262 billion ($262,000,000,000)
Lehman Brothers: $183 billion ($183,000,000,000)
Bank of Scotland (United Kingdom): $181 billion ($181,000,000,000)
BNP Paribas (France): $175 billion ($175,000,000,000)

and many many more including banks in Belgium of all places

View the 266-page GAO audit of the Federal Reserve(July 21st, 2011):http://www.scribd.com/doc/60553686/GAO-Fed-Investigation

Source: http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-11-696

FULL PDF on GAO server: http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d11696.pdf

Do you get it ?

This represents the REAL POWER and it is enjoyed by organized jewry, but you can’t publicly say it ( you will become an antisemitic conspiracy theorist if you do ).

How does is it possible that a small country in the ME totally controls the US foreign policy to such an extent that the US is putting its own image, interests and credibility at risk in order to support Israel’s criminality ?

See the above explanation for the jewish control of money supply.


Blackmails, bribes and defamation campaigns.

Blackmail : see Mossad agent Epstein and his collection of videotapes .

No, you won’t actually see the tapes. Mossad and CIA have them.

Bribes : AIPAC bragged that 95 % of elected officials were backed by AIPAC.

Politico reported that AIPAC unveiled a $100 million war chest it will use in America’s 2024 elections to defeat candidates of either party who are guilty of not backing Israel to extent AIPAC finds acceptable.  

I believe it is much more.

The beauty is that the money comes from the $ 10 billion / year that the US sends to Israel. ( officially, it is $ 3.8 billion/year ).

This is how it’s done:

-The US sends billions to Israel each year.

Most of this money is used to buy US politicians.

-Epstein ( Mossad agent ) runs a honeytrap involving child sex and Mossad uses the tapes for blackmail on behalf of Israel.

-AIPAC ( a foreign organization, not registered as such ) selects the compromised American politicians or/ and bribes them.

-ADL is responsible for character assassination and destruction of anybody criticizing the jews


Billionaire and trillionaire  jews controlling EVERY aspect of American society ” give donations to politicians’ campaigns”, because, as the Supreme Court ruled, ” money is free speech ” in the US.

The more money, the louder the speech; money does not talk, it shouts jewish orders.

Money is free speech and corporations are people with rights.

Ever wonder why all these American corporations promote the same woke Satanist message : perversion, sexual promiscuity,  violence, and pedophilia ?

They are all owned by the same banking cabal who owns Wall Street and the Federal Reserve .

My caricature depicting Jeffrey Epstein :

Jeffrey Epstein’s death was investigated by Inspecteur Clouseau. Bugs Bunny was present .

They testified that all the guards were asleep and all surveillance cameras malfunctioned at the exact time Epstein chose to commit ” suicide “, using a rope made of thin cotton, while he had to kneel down and throw himself forward, in order to hang himself from a 3 feet height bed. ( lol ! )

Jeffrey might be dead and in this case Mossad removed the loose end.

Or, he might be alive and in Israel – he is important, he knows a lot of details that can be used for blackmail.

That’s why I showed him as a Satyr with the wax head of himself.

5 dancing Mossad agents ( see the 5 kippahs ) filmed the sad incident.

Jeffrey Epstein’s ” suicide ” was such a botched affair that it represents a complete national humiliation under an international media spotlight.

Epstein, a Mossad agent, spent basically 30 years blackmailing the US government, politicians, bankers, big business owners, actors, etc.- everybody of any importance .

 And no one knew what was going on or could put a stop to it? Especially after his first arrest and his sweet deal to release him after 1 year during which he spent his ” jail time ” sleeping at home.

The deal was done in 2008 by the U.S. Attorney General for the Southern District of Florida, Alex Acosta, who said that Epstein was declared “intelligence”... and that meant he was ‘off limits’ to a real prosecution.

Acosta became Trump’s Labor Secretary, as part of MAGA . ( lol )

Epstein’s private plane was sharing an FAA tail number with a US military reconnaissance/attack plane , so it was never disturbed .

That’s how corrupt, to the core, the US is. 

Where are the videotapes ?

Not a single person on this list / videotapes has been charged.

No arrests made of the perps…and the case files closed by a Jewish Judge…

Any tunnels under Epstein’s apartment, ranch or island mansion ?

How do you explain the “post-mortem” wire transfers to offshore accounts?

Jeffrey Epstein had in his house 2 paintings :

1.Bush playing with paper planes flying them into Twin Jenga towers ( reference to

9-11,2001 false flag )

Jeffrey knew that Tower 7 did not kill itself .


2.Bill Clinton wearing the famous blue dress belonging to Mossad agent Monica Lewinsky .

Control both sides :

Republican president responsible for the biggest false flag on US soil


Democratic president , one of Epstein’s best client.

Can’t wait to see who is AIPAC’s selection as our next president in 2024 !

This is what happens when you have a zionist private banking mafia ruling the country.

All of these were known to intelligent people, but the total support of the US for Israel’s ethnic cleansing and genocide of the Palestinian people left no further doubt.

All this barbaric violence against unarmed Palestinian women and children would not have taken place without the full endorsement of Jews around the world and the supply of weapons and cash by the US . This is the American zionist empire .

They are now stuck at 33,000 dead Palestinians ( 2/3 children ), but the real number is probably 10 x higher. They stopped counting, as those Palestinians doing the counting are all dead.

That’s why the IDF left north Gaza. The IDF troops kept vomiting 24/7 from the stench.

And now, Palestinians are intentionally starved to death.

This level of violence, sadism, barbarism has shocked and disgusted the civilized world.

Except for the US and its vassals UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and EU.

The US is willing to lose its last vestiges of credibility on the world stage to justify the atrocities committed by the zionist entity. It has no choice, it is a jewish plantation.

I thought the US NATO would collapse secondary to the Ukraine proxy war against Russia ( which is almost over, I don’t think it will last longer than summer time ).

But, the support for the jewish state is the cherry on the last American Pie .

Facts made abundantly clear now :

-the US and its vassals in EU and UK are controlled by big jewish money

-to reject Israel’s atrocities against Palestinians  is supposedly to reveal oneself as antisemitic, as per the new definition of antisemitism issued in the West

-the US is a jewish state : Of the jews, by the jews, for the jews

-The idea of separation of church and state does not apply to the SYNAGOGUE

-the district of Columbia is managed by the district of Tel Aviv

-the US is risking the loss of the last vestiges of its prestige and reputation in the world by unconditionally supporting the criminal terrorist regime in Israel

-the US and the entire western world is being taken down not by the BRICS countries , but its own “ best ally “,  Israel

-the American empire is, in fact, a zionist empire, a jewish empire.

The most disturbing thing, that sends shivers down the spine of any decent human being, is the glee of the jewish savages while they kill Palestinian children and women .

This shows their true character.

They call themselves “God’s Chosen People,” but they are truly enjoying the suffering they are inflicting on innocent women and children. 

Only the Fall can come after this.

  • 2. The Bald Eagle has two wings : a Republican Party and a Democratic Party
  • The American voter has not figured out that they are only wings of the same bird of prey = the kippah wearing Bald Eagle

Even if it is easy to understand this :

The parties represent the interest of the jewish moneychangers, not that of the people.

They quarrel only about some insignificant items and are always bipartisan when they advance the interest of the empire and of Israel.

The politicians and the president are only figureheads.

The politicians and the president are only port- parole for the moneychangers .

The skills required to be selected are :

  • good memory : to remember the prior lies which should not contradict the new lies; this is becoming hazardous, as the lies are bigger and bigger
  • no sense of humor, only ad hominem attacks against the enemies
  • excessive aggressiveness which compensate for lack of intelligence and integrity
  • no shame, no manners, no real education, no soul
  • and last, but not least, they should be easily bribed and/or blackmailed
  • they are only good actors : politics is entertainment for ugly actors

Americans have the Eyes Wide Shut if they are unable to see that they can ELECT but never SELECT.

The selection is done by the chosen at their secret ritualistic gatherings.

My caricature of the last presidential election ( which can apply to the current one ):

Eyes Wide Shut

The prior election was named ” The Marriage “ – American presidents ( the brides ) , Obama and Trump, are marrying Uncle Sam ( Uncle Shlomo : notice his AIPAC hat ). Hillary is only a bridesmaid who ” got mail ” .

The last proof that there is only ONE PARTY with two wings is the vote in the House to pass TikTok  Divestment Bill :

  • Jonathan Greenblatt, Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said

‘We have a major Tiktok problem’, because the youth has become too pro-palestinian and anti- Israel thanks to TikTok videos of Israeli atrocities in Gaza.

  • The House passes the Divestment Bill.
  • Jew Mnuchin ( Trump’s Treasury Secretary ) wants to buy TikTok ( as good investment )

The BIPARTISAN money support for Israel is another obvious proof that we have only 1 party.

3. The missile in the Bald Eagle’s claw

Needed to protect the American jewish Central bank and make MIC rich.

Overt or covert wars, regime changes, bribes disguised as ” foreign aid “, 900+ military bases in 80 foreign countries and 330 biological labs of the Pentagon ( DARPA ).

There were 30 labs only in Ukraine, studying how to use bioweapons to target Slavic DNA



Both parties, Republican and Democratic, have used the missile.

Remember Bush’s ME wars, see Biden’s wars, Clinton ‘s destruction of Yugoslavia, Trump’s bombing Syria twice and killing the Iranian general Soleimani who was instrumental in the defeat of ISIS / ISIL / Daesh. To name only a few.

American wars are the health of the Jewish Empire.

4. The LGBTQ+ rainbow flag

Spreading degeneracy.

It is vital for the American zionist empire’s goal to achieve a one world government under rules-based order.

Why ?

Because a nation accepting sodomy and transgender culture as normative, is destroying itself as a nation based on traditions and moral values.

You want results ?

You first destroy the traditional family, this way you destroy traditions, roots, moral values.

This destruction began with the wide spread of feminism and it is now in the final stages.

They promoted feminism which promoted promiscuity and free sex. They played women’s vanity and emotions. Women tend to judge using ” feelings “.

This dramatically shifts the Overton Window and lowers the threshold for losing moral values and easily accepting bullshit, like multiple genders.

You can’t have a traditional strong family, which is the bedrock of the national identity , while accepting homosexuality and feminism.

Homosexuality is, in fact, an euphemism for coprophilia.

Feminism is an euphemism for killing the male/ father figure in a society.

Taking possession of children becomes very easy after this.

Do you see what they are doing to children now?

The transgender agenda ?

Transgender children don’t exist- only neutered, eunuch children exist.

They will be affected for life, with no way of reversing the damage done during adolescence/ puberty, when the body and mind develop and mature.

The US is forcing countries to adopt its ” values ” : gay marriages, 100+ genders, transgender agenda, including for children, feminism, women consider ” biofrontholes”, no mother and father, only parent number 1 and parent number 2, etc. etc.

“ Today western values mean three things: Migration, LGBTQ and War ”

— Orban, Hungary’s PM

I will summarize it in one word :


****** US Ambassador David Pressman, a gay activist, lectured the Hungarian government over LGBTQ rights

US Ambassador to Hungary :

David Pressman was born in 1977 and grew up in California. His parents were both lawyers, one of them a judge. The family is Jewish with roots in Eastern Europe. Pressman received his Bachelor of Arts from Brown University in 1999. *******

****** Samantha Power, of Libyan and Syrian wars fame, who is married to jew Cass Sunstein, went to Hungary to sabotage Orban and Fidesz Party and to support the opposition and the LGBTQ+ community through USAID  . *******

******* U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel  ( yes, that one, Obama’s jewish Chief of Staff )  has “full confidence ” that the Japanese government will take the necessary steps to ban discrimination against LGBTQ people.*******

******* Madonna’s orphanage in Malawi accused of child trafficking based on LGBTQIA+ content. Madonna studied the Talmud, she is qualified. *******

Why is this rainbow sexual deviancy so important that the American zionist empire is FORCING it on other countries ?

Because, if you can force people to accept absurdities as being normal and true :

-a man can become a woman, get pregnant and give birth

-children can transition from boys to girls and vice-versa and this is called ” gender affirming care/ therapy “

-the annihilation of biological realities 

Then, you can make people accept anything, like a ” New World Order based on rules-based decrees “.

You destroy the concept of ” nation -state ” easily after you destroyed the concept of traditional family.

Promoting these deviant freaks, multiculturalism and diversity and inclusion makes the empire’s rule absolute and, at the same time, obsolete.

These people are loyal to the empire, as they are a fringe and they cling to those promoting them in power.

But, promoting degeneracy and incompetence does not make the empire stronger.

******* Pritzker and his billionaire brother (a transgender) donate huge money to LGBTQ+ causes.

The Pritzkers are in the forefront of the transgender movement.

The Pritzkers are Jewish by the way.

Watch this video of the Transgender Empire and you will understand. https://www.bitchute.com/video/JNwipS3a79Wj/


******* The White House spokeswoman is a black lesbian, Karin Jean-Pierre, whose only qualifications for this job are that she is a black lesbian . She is incredibly dumb, ignorant , no charisma, and no shame. ********

Why Americans are so dumb and ignorant about anything?

Education ( or lack of it ).

Example :

“Genetic female” and “genetic male” are the “two most common chromosomal patterns,” the slides say, “but there are others.”

“People with cervices need to undergo yearly cervical cancer screening,” instead of  “women need to undergo yearly cervical cancer screening.”

“Linguistic practices are open to change as LGBTQIA+ advocates refine their perspectives on language.”

Indiana University School of Medicine, course taught by two females, Dr. Jessica Byram and Dr. Valerie O’Loughlin ( see how women are used to promote this insanity ).

******* The Walt Disney Co. has launched an LGBTQ-themed apparel and accessories line called the “Disney Pride Collection” and will donate all profits through June 30 to groups that support “LGBTQIA+ youth and families.”

The Walt Disney Co. is making good on its promise to embrace the radical LGBTQAI2S+ agenda by casting a transgender actor in its upcoming Disney+ series Willow, based on the 1988 Ron Howard movie.

Indoctrination and grooming of children *******

******* Look what 70 years of American occupation did to Germany :

The German faggot soccer team left Qatar, in total humiliation, after staging a flash mob in support of LGBTQP+ degeneracy 

The final humiliation for Germany : 

  • Its team went to Qatar not to play soccer, but to show support for anal sex 
  • De -industrialization in progress
  • No protest when the US blows up its critical infrastructure, Nord Stream pipelines
  • Culturally annihilated 
  • Politically irrelevant
  • Non sovereign

German Gary Lineker said in 1990: 

“Football is a simple game. Twenty-two men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win.”

Well, in 2023, Germany defeated Costa Rica then it went home. LOL !

Germany went from having Bismarck as Chancellor to having imbecile Scholz as Chancellor, and this explains a lot .

I understand why Germans are so stupid :

After 78 years of American occupation and Americanization, how else could they be ?

German culture is gone and German people were mongrelized .

American occupation brought retardation to Germany .

Germany is spiritually disabled and economically castrated :

40 American military bases make it a reality.

Germany is not a great economy .

If it were , it would have its own :

– currency,

– army

– global banks

-global universities 

-a tech sector

-space program / stations 

And even this non greatness was made great through cheap Russian energy, which is GONE forever .

Russian economy just surpassed the German economy and it is now the 5th world economy- and this, while being under over 5000 sanctions, excluded for SWIFT and with its sovereign funds stolen.


******* The Welsh primary education system has made mandatory sexual “ education “ which includes LGBTQ+ + diversity for children aged THREE and over. *******

******* France has a Jewish PM now, Elisabeth Borne 

Who announced the creation of an Ambassadorship for LGBTQP + rights to fight discrimination across the world.

Anal Ambassador to promote sodomy for the entire planet .

3 million-euro ($3.05 million) fund to finance ten new LGBT+ centers, in addition to the 35 already existing in France. *******

******* Euronews:

Seven players from the Australian rugby league team Manly Warringah Sea Eagles have refused to play in an upcoming game because the club wants them to wear a Pride shirt to support LGBTQ+ inclusion in sport. *******

******* The US barges about the “ triumph of democracy “ in Taiwan because the enactment of gay marriage” – it was the opposite :

The majority of Taiwanese opposed it in a referendum ( 67.26% of Taiwanese people were against same-sex marriage) so the implementation of the anal marriage was not exactly democratic



******* Zelensky is pushing legislation to legalize gay marriage . This, in a country where gay culture is not accepted *******

*******America’s Wiener Fairy – Dr. Rachel Levine

US has replaced The Tooth Fairy with The Wiener Fairy.

Dr. Rachel Levine is full of magic. 

Applying this magic now as Assistant Secretary of Health for Biden administration.

He/ she / it believes that all children should be allowed to select their gender and have access to government-funded sex reassignment programs ( hormones, surgeries).

Dr. Rachel Levine was at one time Dr. Richard Levine and worked as Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry at Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center .

Chief of the Division of Adolescent medicine and Eating Disorders.

My theory is that he used too much magic on children while treating them for eating disorders so he was forced to hide under a skirt.

Transitioned as a woman in 2011.

Took voice lessons to sound more like a woman.

Unknown if she/ he/ it still has a penis or not or if took/ takes hormones.

Even if he did, he still has XY sex chromosomes at cell level.

******** The  multiple gender concept comes from Talmud – here is an educational moment on jewish “ values “ :

“The Talmud, a huge and authoritative compendium of Jewish legal traditions, contains in fact no less than eight gender designations including;

  1. Zachar, male.
  2. Nekevah, female.
  3. Androgynos, having both male and female characteristics.
  4. Tumtum, lacking sexual characteristics.
  5. Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics.
  6. Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention.
  7. Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics.
  8. Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention.

In fact, not only did the rabbis recognize six genders that were neither male nor female, they had a tradition that the first human being was both. Versions of this midrash are found throughout rabbinic literature, including in the Talmud.”

PS : the site won’t let me give you the link

I will type it :


Russia does not play this game. Neither does China.

American children learn 101 pronouns

Russian and Chinese children learn mathematics, foreign languages, physicsliterature.

American students graduate in LGBTQP+.

Russian, Chinese and Iranian students graduate in STEM . 

Dmitri Orlov :“In fact, the very term LGBTQ+ is now illegal (in Russia ), and so, I suppose, they will have to use PPPPP+ instead ( “P” is for “pídor”, which is the generic Russian term for any sort of sexual pervert, degenerate or deviant).Russian men don’t give stupid American-style fish-eyed toothy grins, rarely show their teeth when smiling, and never in the presence of wolves or bears.”

Russia calls the US ” PINDOSTAN “. LOL.

PUTIN recently said :

 Once a man experiences the duty of defending his nation, that man is ready to serve society to the fullest.These are the people who should form the elite of the country in the future, not those who expose their genitals or show their backsides…Well, the weirdos. They’re allowed in, too. But the real elite of the country should be formed from (the veterans).”

He also said that :

” A country that is not protecting its children has no future “.

The Russian society stays strong, united and healthy.Not fragmented, fighting between themselves and easy to be conquered.

*******African countries, those who are kicking out French colonialism, do not play this game either .

NIGER sends a letter to the US State Department :

“We don’t want your money, why not use it to start a weight loss program for Victoria Nuland?”

“We don’t want your LGBTQ Foreign Aid Money.” 


5. The Bald Eagle is suffering from feather loss and looks plucked.

Parasitic infestation can cause this.

There is a direct correlation between yarmulke + payot curls- > debt bomb -> feather loss.


America at large, is an empty and meaningless country, en route to karmic collapse. Fat hustlers, hucksters, scumbags and degenerates consuming media bullshit and destroying their bodies and minds with toxic food and meaningless propaganda– that’s the US empire and its subjects.

They are all focused on superficial instant gratifications and unable to process information requiring an attention span longer than 30 seconds.

They all place materialism and greed at the top of their value system.

They don’t value spirituality, they don’t even know what this is.

They are ignorant about everything, even about their own history.

They are willfully ignorant, as there is no excuse to be ignorant today, with such an easily accessible information.

The very few Americans who can see the truth are silenced, their lives destroyed or they are even imprisoned or killed if they dare to speak the truth publicly.

Money is free speech in America.

Bribes are legal and called “ lobbying “.

Lobbying can only distort and corrupt the system and it is a sterile waste of resources just in its own right.

$ 1 billions spent on lobbying adds nothing to the productive economy, but it is counted as GDP. LOL.

Now, the US has to borrow $1 TRILLION every 3 months, in order to keep the financial and economic Ponzi schemes afloat.

Between 2020 and beginning of 2023, the Fed has printed 83 % of all the dollars ever printed by the Fed.

The DEBT to GDP ratio is 135 %= official number, the real one is around 800% to 900 %.

The US has 34 trillions in public debt, 21 trillions in corporate debt and a whopping

19 trillions in consumer debt.

Unfunded liabilities = between $100 trillion and $150 trillion, who knows ?

The Interest on the debt  is over $ 1 trillion currently. Impressive.

GDP is officially $ 27,7 trillion, in reality is probably only 1/3 of this, as the US records shifting dollars from the left pocket of Wall Street to their right pocket as GDP growth.

The current deficit for 2023 of the US government is $2 TRILLION. LOL.

Estimated deficit per year for 2030 is $ 14 TRILLION ( but, I doubt that the US will make it to 2030 ).

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” 

-Henry Ford.


The use of the dollar in international trade has dramatically declined lately :

The dollar’s declined 8% in one year since the sanctions imposed on Russia:

From 55% to 47 %

After admitting in BRICS  SA, UAE and Iran, in 2024 the dollar will probably fell more than 16%.

At which point, the American Dream will become being a 3rd world country, instead of a 4th world country.

Dollar share went from 73% ( in 2001) to 55% in (in 2020).

Went from 55% to 47% since sanctions launched on Russia.

Now, de-dollarizing at 10x faster than the previous two decades.

economist Stephen Jen


Talk about unintended consequences.

This is the Bald Eagle losing feathers at an increasing pace.

When all feathers fall, the eagle won’t be able to fly.

US DEBT after the US abandoned the Gold standard:

Saudi Arabia is abandoning the petrodollar.

Paper fiat ” money ” ( currencies ) will eventually reach their true value = ZERO


The system is approaching event horizon, where the fall into the black hole is impossible to avoid.

China’s economy is larger than G7 countries combined. Ouch !

Russian economy, after the ” crippling sanctions ” , when the Ruble was supposed to become rubble. LOL

The rise of BRICS and the fall of G7 and the ” golden billion “, or ” the jungle ” takes over ” the garden “. LOL.

Nothing lasts for ever.

Not even a self proclaimed exceptional empire.

Live by the weaponized dolla, die by the dollar .

“The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.” 

 — Lord Acton

The Death of the Dollar, Mater Dolorosa

The US is a failed experiment .

The ethnic melting pot ( term invented by a jew in 1910, Israel Zengwill ) was supposed to produce a stronger nation, but, instead, it gave birth to a swamp of degenerates of every stripe, presided over by a freak show.

America will never be great again, with or without Trump .

The US is a zombie country from top to bottom. Even worse, the zombies consider themselves exceptional and their system, the best .

The presidency is a ” the most powerful ” zombie, literally.

The Congress is a fiscal zombie.

The DOJ is a judicial zombie.

The Federal Reserve, a pure pyramid scheme, is a financial zombie.

The culture and society have been zombified .

MSM is zombie news, all fake.

Even their Propaganda has died .

The current financial system ( controlled by the jewish banks in US, through the private Federal Reserve and big banks, like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, and UK , through  The City of London, and BOE and the other 5 big UK banks ) is a zombie Ponzi scheme which is about to blow up.

They have controlled the world, but are rapidly losing their grip on power.

Bank of Japan and  ECB act  in coordination with them.

The supervision is done by BIS ( the super CB ). 

IMF and WB are instruments in their hands, like all other international financial institution ( SWIFT acted on behalf of US when  excluding Iranian Russia from transactions).

Money is created as debt ( credit) and loaned to people/nations with interest ( usury).

People/ nations automatically become debt slaves.

Money  should be a store of value and a unit of account of man labor.

Man-hour work is estimated/ payed in money. 

Using  money with usury  attached to it means that people pay interest on their work.

So, somebody ( moneychangers) , who doesn’t do anything except prints money

( because that somebody has a monopoly on that) can take a profit on your work, only because you are forced to accept the paper that they call money.

People/nations are slaves to the moneychangers.

They print “money” (QE),  this way creating inflation and destroying the store of value of money. 

Inflation is another form of taxation, hidden, that people can’t understand.

Most  people do not even understand this simple concept of money created as debt.

When I see “serious sites” talking about “paying the debt off ” and ” balancing the budget ” I know this.

The debt isn’t meant to be payed off and can’t be payed off. Not because of its humongous quantity.

But because it will instantaneously destroy this system.

The debt ( like money creation) can only increase.

The system is collapsing anyway, because the seeds of destruction are sowed into it.

The compound interest function is eventually fatal to any fractional-reserve created fiat. It’s an exponential one.

The dollar is dying because of mathematics.

Americans are very bad at maths. They now consider mathematics as being racist.

Johann von Goethe: “ The best slave is the one who thinks he is free.”

This slave has also the strongest cognitive dissonance.

Americans are still stuck in their exceptional fantasy.

But, the rest of the world has became more competitive, and more informed about the American financial exploitation system .

And they are rejecting the dollar.

This is lead by three countries : Russia, China and Iran.

Coincidently, these are America’s designated enemies.

The USA is the pretend great state that isn’t fooling the rest of the world anymore.

  • Pretends it is a Constitutional Republic and loves democracy, when it is a Psychopathic Satanic Oligarchy, which shredded the Constitution and transformed the republic into the American zionist Empire of Lies, Chaos and Degeneracy.

This is what we, the people have now, because we couldn’t keep the Republic.

  • Pretends it has a president, when even less mentally challenged prior presidents were only figureheads.
  • Pretends it has “ freedom of speech “ when the truth tellers are in jail like Assange, or dead ( mostly by “suicide” )  like Hunter S Thompson, Gary Webb, Breibart, or tortured to death by the Ukrainian ” democracy “, like Gonzalo Lira, or jettisoned, like Tucker Carlson, Matt Taibbi, James O’Keefe, Glen Greenwald , etc.

Whistleblowers are jailed or killed.

Its media consists of 6 jewish corporations and is a joke telling only lies, that almost nobody believes anymore.

  • Pretends it fights for human rights, when it forced fake vaccines on the population, promotes genital mutilation of children, approves sending depleted uranium shells to Ukraine, organizes state-sponsored terrorist attacks against Russia or Iran and supports genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza, while giving political cover to Israel.
  • Pretends it is the number 1 economy in the world, when it has been surpassed by China long time ago, its infrastructure is crumbling at incredible speed, its population is fat, sick, in debt, dependent on drugs, its cities are falling apart with decaying infrastructure and feces on the sidewalks, homeless Americans are increasing by the day and living in tents, while millions of illegal immigrants are invading through an open Southern Border.

I’ve read this comment somewhere and it best describes America :

” Somewhere there is a 2 year old girl waking up, her mother is a stripper, her father is a drug addict and her grandfather is the president of the USA.”

  • Pretends it has military superiority when the Ukraine adventure showed what a failure it is and that the real military power is Russia.
  • Pretends it supports free markets, when it has a centralized economy run by the private, non federal, non bank, no reserve Federal Reserve Bank and uses the dollar as a weapon to impose sanctions on the competition. Because the US can’t compete fairly.
  • Pretends it is the wealthiest nation when its people have no money and are in huge debt and the dollar its approaching its real value= zero, inflation is skyrocketing and Americans are increasingly unable to afford food and energy bills.

One can go broke in two ways : either he has no money or he has money that is worthless .

Americans, being exceptional, are broke in both ways at the same time: they don’t even have worthless money anymore.

  • It pretends is against corruption ( in other countries ) and it is the most corrupt country on earth .

This was best described by Dmitri Orlov :

The United States can best be described as a singular, highly integrated, systemically corrupt scheme.

~ D. Orlov

I find it fascinating that a person can enter Congress making $180K per year and leave Congress a multi-millionaire.

The most annoying American personality trait is arrogance and lack of genuine humility. They consider themselves exceptional, the exceptional nation.

Jews are even worse, they consider themselves chosen by God.

American jews are the worst : they are both exceptional and chosen. Nobody can beat this.

This perpetual collective inability to know right from wrong, combined with their delusional belief that they are exceptional and chosen and they can do no wrong and anything they want, without repercussions, will be their downfall.

What I am saying is unpleasant to hear and most Americans will reject it.

Some will tell me that ” people are good “, only the government is bad and they are not responsible for their government’s wrong doings.

Wrong. We are all responsible, including myself.

We officially accept we have a form of democracy ( Constitutional Republic ) that’s why we continue to vote and elect these jerks. In this case, we are responsible for everything they do in our name.

Or, we accept we live in a tyranny, voting doesn’t count and they do what they want and we are not responsible.

We can’t have it both ways.

Politicians, like culture, represent the people : good or bad. Garbage in, garbage out.

The American zionist empire expected Russia to collapse and that their broke a$$es be saved by the Russian vast natural resources, worth more than $100TRILLION. It didn’t happen.

Now, Israel is imploding, Europe was put on ice already and the US is ready to follow.

  • God works in mysterious ways .

I tried my hand with eschatology when I drew this :

The US is the Whore of Mystery Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth, riding the Beast with 7 heads and 10 horns

The 7 heads :

-The Federal Reserve

-The Bank of England

-The ECB




-The Bank of Japan 

The 10 horns :




-Bank of Canada

-Bank of Australia 

-Bank of New Zealand 

( these three belonging to the Bank of England )


This is how the Empire controls the world.

The woman is immoral and corrupt, leading others down the same path of corruption. This woman is dressed in expensive, fine apparel, and the beast she rides has seven heads and ten horns. On the woman’s forehead is her identity, “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH” (Revelation 17:5).

• Babylon in the end times will have influence over all “peoples, multitudes, nations and languages” (Revelation 17:15).

• Babylon the Great will promote religious heresy, indicated by its association with blasphemy (Revelation 17:3) and its depiction as a prostitute (see Psalm 106:39; Leviticus 17:7; Judges 2:17).

• Babylon will kill the true followers of God: the woman is “drunk with the blood of God’s holy people, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus” (Revelation 17:6; cf. 18:24).

• Babylon in the end times will once again be a place of luxury, wealth, and opulence (Revelation 18:7, 11–17).

• Babylon the Great will be a center of worldwide merchandising (Revelation 18:19, 23).

• Babylon will actively lead people astray into corruption (Revelation 18:23; 19:2).

There is no mention of America in the Bible.

Wonderland, Looking Through the Looking Glass at Present Day America

No president is going to ever make any difference to the US = it is the system that needs to change .

Mad Hatter, Jack Sullivan, pouring tea into Russian, Chinese and Iranian cups :

“Mad as a hatter and twice as twisted.” His hat has 9-11 listed, because all this insanity was made possible by the 9-11 false flag.

” If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. “

“It’s very easy to take more than nothing.” 

`I want a clean cup, let’s all move one place on.′

The Cheshire Cat, Victoria (Toria ) Nuland ( Nudelman )- Kagan :

“We’re all mad here. You’re mad. You must be or you wouldn’t be here.”

“Let your need guide your behavior.”

I growl when I’m pleased, and wag my tail when I’m angry. Therefore I’m mad.”

“Imagination is the only weapon in the war with reality.”

“I am not crazy; my reality is just different from yours.”

“Well, some go this way, and some go that way. But as for me, myself, personally, I prefer the short-cut.”

“The proper order of things is often a mystery to me.”

“If you don’t know where you are going any road can take you there.”

“The uninformed must improve their deficit, or die.”

“No one does [play fair] if they think they can get away with it.”

“We are all victims in-waiting.”

The Cheshire Cat has currently disappeared- only its grin was discovered during the terrorist attack in Moscow.

The Dormouse – Kamala Harris, VP

She’s hiding in a Russian samovar : “ I am a woman’s daughter and a woman’s granddaughter “ Kamal has said.


“You might just as well say, ” added the Dormouse, who seemed to be talking in his sleep,

“ that ‘ I breathe when I sleep’ is the same thing as ‘ I sleep when I breathe’! ”

The White Rabbit ( or White Rabbi ? ) – Anthony Blinken, Secretary of States .

Kosher. CFR. His watch is showing only 1 minute to midnight .

Alice: How long is forever? 

White Rabbit: Sometimes, just one second.

Humpty Dumpty , President Joe Biden, sitting on a wall :

“When I use a word,”

Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone,

“it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”

“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”

“The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”

“Humpty Dumpty sat on a ( very tall ) wall

 Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

all the King’s horses and all the King’s men ( all the 900 military bases and 300 bio labs ) couldn’t put Humpty together again,” 

The Duchess and Child – CIA director, William Burns and Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security (CFR member. Kosher )

    “Everything’s got a moral if only you can find it.”

    The CIA never seems to find that moral.

    “If everybody minded their own business, the world would go around a great deal faster than it does.” 

    Mayorkas, Duchess’ child :

    “It would have made a dreadfully ugly child; but it makes rather a handsome pig.”

    He is above any fault and can’t be impeached for the illegal immigration disaster, because he is the descendent of Holocaust survivors. lol.

    The Caterpillar sitting on a magic mushroom hookah-smoking –  Jerome Powell, Chairman of the Federal Reserve

      ‘One side will make you grow taller, 

      and the other side will make you grow shorter.’

      His job is to feed the side which makes you grow taller to the bankers and the side which makes you shrink to the people. Power belongs to those who can print their own money and force the rest of the world to use them, with interest .

      Tweedledee, Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader, jewish, leader of the Democratic Party Caucus


      Tweedle Dum, Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader and leader of the Republican Party

      Because they are the same , there is only ONE Party .

      ” Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be;

      and if it were so, it would be;

      but as it isn’t, it ain’t.

      That’s logic. “

      Red Queen, Janet Yellen, Treasury Secretary, jewish, under the magic mushroom

      “Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

      Off with their heads! ( she is responsible for the sanction policy against Russia )

      “Sentence first—verdict afterwards.”

      The Straight Kosher Flush and their shadows :

      Ace – Jeffery Zients, The White House Chief of Staff

      Two of hearts – Avril Haines, director of national intelligence

      Three of heartsMerrick Garland,  Attorney General

      Four of hearts-Rochelle Walensky, the former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , responsible for the mRNA mandates for children. Replaced by another kosher lady, Mandy Cohen 

      Five of hearts-Gary Gensler, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange 

      In a Hasidic dance .

      The Kingdom’s knights :

      The Dark Knight – Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense

      The Pale Knight – Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Now retired.

      America’s Brunhilde- Rachel Levine, admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.

      The Black Knight – The First Son , Hunter Biden . Underage girls, cocaine, Burisma. 

      The Knight Marshal- FBI director, Cristopher Wray .

      America’s politicians are currently curiouser and curiouser.

      Lewis Caroll said :

      “One of the secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others.”

        Three years ago I predicted that :

        -Americans will discover that they are not exceptional

        -Europeans will discover that they are irrelevant

        -Israelis will discover that they are chosen, but NOT by God

        I was right, only that I was off by 2 years.