Tag Archives: russia

Mr. Putin’s Reelection Means that the Western Vampire Ball Is Coming to and End

Immediately after his reelection as President of the Russian Federation, Mr. Putin said this :


President Putin was reelected with a massive landslide 87.86% support and around 90-92% in the 4 breakaway regions. 

His previous win was only 76% .

75 % of Russians voted.

The Russians have united even more than before.

Congratulations Mr. President.

I would also want to congratulate the American zionist empire for transitioning Mr. Putin from the status of a superstar to that of a Demi-God. 

I know they like “ transitioning “ people in the Empire of Lies and Degeneracy, but I doubt that they had this in mind when they attacked Russia through Ukraine proxy.

Their impotent rage after the Russian elections would be comical if not so pathetic :

Putin: 87% of Russians think he represents their interests.

Macron: 17% of Frenchmen think he represents their interests.

Guess which country is called “autocracy” and which one is “democracy” in the West?

And you wonder why “the rest of he world” cannot decide whether to laugh or to cringe in disgust at us?

It is evident that their “ regime change project “ in Russia is over : the Russian presidential elections proved it.

The Russians could not care less about what the West thinks and says and are firmly united around their president, a competent, extremely intelligent, possessing a will of steel and a brilliant vision and, most importantly, possessing wisdom, such a rare quality in leaders ( and non-existent in western leaders ).

President Putin’s reelection is the most important event of the year :

Mr. Putin has to finish his Mandate from Heaven.

Putin’s Mandate from Heaven is not only to save Russia and finish making her an uncontested superpower, but also to bury the Evil American zionist empire for good.

It will probably happen in his 5th term. He just told the western psychopaths :

“ Your Vampire Ball is over. “

The mood in Russia is tremendously upbeat as the economy goes from strength to strength, wages and pensions continue to rise and the Russians’ quality of life has never been better. Social support for citizens remains a priority. Crime is falling dramatically, the streets are safe and clean. 

It just shows what a country can do once it decides to fight back against predatory global capitalism.

6 more years of Putin.

Thank God !

The US is going to collapse during Putin’s reign.

Incredible achievement, considering that when he came to power in 2000, Russia was almost destroyed and the US thought that Russia was never going to recover.

“ The transition program engineered by the American deep state and its Wall Street patrons was nothing short of catastrophic for Russia.

The perfect storm of sudden price liberalization, drastic curtailment of government spending and bank credit, and opening of domestic markets to unrestricted foreign competition produced a toxic brew that devastated Russian economy, destroyed its currency, and plunged much of the population into poverty and hunger.

After 1992, Russian middle class saw their savings evaporate and their real wages halve – if they were fortunate enough to receive them at all.

Economic reforms rapidly destroyed the nation’s agricultural production and store shelves went almost empty. 

In 1992 the average Russian consumed 40% less than in 1991.

By 1998 some 80% of Russian farms went bankrupt and the nation that was one of the world’s leading food producers suddenly became dependent on foreign aid. 

About 70,000 factories shut down and Russia produced 88% fewer tractors, 77% fewer washing machines, 77% less cotton fabric, 78% fewer TV-sets and so forth.

In all, during the transition years, the nation’s Gross Domestic Product fell by 50%, which was even worse than during the World War II German occupation.

A huge segment of the population became destitute. 

In 1989 two million Russians lived in poverty (on $4/day or less). 

By the mid-1990s, that number soared to 74 million according to World Bank figures. 

In 1996, fully one in four Russians was living in conditions described as “desperate” poverty. Alcoholism soared and suicide rates doubled making suicide the leading cause of death from external causes. 

Violent crime also doubled in the early 1990s and during the first six years of reforms, nearly 170 thousand people were murdered.

An acute health crisis emerged, resulting in epidemics of curable diseases like measles and diphtheria. 

Rates of cancer, heart disease and tuberculosis also soared to become the highest for any industrialized country in the world. 

Life expectancy for males plummeted to 57 years. 

At the same time abortions skyrocketed and birth rates collapsed: in Moscow they were as low as 8.2 per 1000.

In all, Russia’s death rates increased by 60% to a level only experienced by countries at war.

Western and Russian demographers agreed that from 1992 to 2000, Russia sustained between five and six million “surplus deaths” – deaths that couldn’t be explained by previous population trends.

That corresponds to between 3.4% and 4% of the total population of Russia. 

To put that number into perspective, consider that during the course of World War II, the United Kingdom lost 0.94% of its population, France lost 1.35%, China lost 1.89% and the U.S. lost 0.32%.

Aleksandr Rutskoy was in fact not exaggerating when he called the reforms program an “economic genocide.”

Grand Deception: The Browder Hoax, by Alex Krainer


The American zionist empire thought it could do a “ regime change “ and install Yeltsin 2.0 and loot Russia’s vast natural resources, which could save the bankrupt financial system . They planned to divide Russia into 4-5 smaller countries so they could “ democratically “ rape her easier.

They could not do it, as Russia has a competent and patriotic leader and a brilliant government .

And they are furious now.

They wanted Russia as an enemy, well they have one formidable enemy now.

They manufactured that enemy in the entire Russian nation.

Russia wanted only to be our friend, integrate in the West and trade with us.

They even asked to join NATO but were rebuffed twice.

They built Nordstream 2 pipelines so they could trade with Europe and help the German economy prosper and be competitive.

They proposed the Minsk Agreements and wanted a peaceful, negotiated settlement in Ukraine, respecting Ukraine’s integrity as a loose federation with Donbass having autonomy.

You, western psychopaths, rejected all this and thought that you could conquer Russia using Ukraine as proxy .

Biggest mistake you ever made . A mistake which will result in the disintegration of the Evil Empire.

President Putin will be recorded in history as one of the greatest, perhaps the greatest statesmen of this era. Knowledgeable, thoughtful, fair-minded, resolute, and diplomatic.

The western leaders will be remembered only as the losers who lived during Putin’s reign, as a foot note of history.

Why was Russia a ” democracy ” under Yeltsin but not under Putin ?

Yeltsin allowed 7 local oligarchs, named ” the Bankers ” ( 6 jewish and 1 goy ) to transfer  Russian state assets to offshore shell companies stripping the country’s wealth.

One was FIMACO, used to pilfer an estimated $50 BILLION from Russia.

That’s a lot of democracy right here !

This looting built up the oligarchs’ fortunes.

Like Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

But, they were not oligarchs, the US called them” businessmen “.

They were also ” entrepreneurs ” removing the obstacles to their wealth and the wealth of American oligarchs.

After the USSR collapsed in 1991 :

The state treasurer Nikolai Kruchina, responsible for Russia’s gold reserves, died by falling from his window .

His successor Georgy Pavlov fell to his death from a window 2 months later : the oligarchs were cleaning house.

In September, the Russian CB announced that the KREMLIN’S GOLD RESERVES had ” suddenly and unexpectedly ” dropped from the estimated 1000-1500 tons to a mere 240 tons.

Then, after 2 months, it was announced that they completely vanished.

That’s a lot of western democracy here, too ( American zionist type of democracy )

As a side note, after the Ukraine became ” democratic” by American standards after the 2014 coup, its GOLD RESERVES, estimated to 44 tons, dropped to ZERO.

But, the real looting in Russia began after Yeltsin, advised by Harvard consultants

( like Jeffery Sachs ) applied ” the shock therapy ” in privatizing everything.

American zionist capital took over Russian industries.

This was the epitome of democracy, by American standards :

privatization, deregulation, austerity, and the opening up of Russia’s companies  to purchase by American oligarchs… sorry, American entrepreneurs .

They formed a network of Harvard boys :

Jonathan Hay ( convicted inside trader), 

Jeffrey Sachs, 

Andrei Shleifer, 

Robert Rubin, 

Larry Summers, 

David Lipton, 

misused funds from USAID and rigged deals for privatization to gain control of key Russian industries in backroom deals.

A closed bidding process for prime national properties was created, in which THE ONLY APPROVED BIDDERS were HARVARD MANAGEMENT COMPANY AND GEORGE SOROS .

This resulted in the acquisition of major stakes in Sidanko Oil, Novolipetsk Steel, and Sviazinvest.

Do you notice how American democracy works ?

Russia had enough wealth to satisfy the greed of  foreign and Russian vultures :

Mikhail Khodorkovsky had a controlling interest in titanium producer Avisma.

Together with his Bank Menatep, he forced  Avisma to sell its titanium BELOW MARKET PRICE to offshore companies which he secretly controlled.

The offshore companies sold  the titanium at a correct price on international markets for profit, which was then funneled back from the offshore companies to Khodorkovsky.

Remember, the west considers him an honest businessman who was deprived of his fortune by Putin .

Russia was controlled by these 7 oligarchs who formed a secret society = Semibankirschina, named after the Seven Boyars who controlled Russia during the 17th century.

The 7 oligarchs:

Boris Berezovsky,

Mikhail Khodorkovsky,

Mikhail Fridman,

Petr Aven,

Vladimir Gusinsky,

Vladimir Potanin,

Alexander Smolensky

6 Jewish + 1 Russian goy

A Russian journalist named Andrey Fadin described their overwhelming power in an article, “they control the access to budget money and basically all investment opportunities inside the country. They own the gigantic information resource of the major TV channels. They form the President’s opinion. Those who didn’t want to walk along them were either strangled or left the circle.”

Andrey Fadin was killed after this article.  

Putin put an end to this American type of democracy after 2000.

In 2001, a state takeover of media seized the television networks previously owned by oligarchs Boris Berezovsky, Vladimir Gusinsky, and Badri Patarkatsishvili.

Some oligarchs were convicted, some fled to the democratic west.

George Soros was banned from Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan.

Putin pushed through a number of populist reforms for criminal, tax, and land laws ( which were opposed by oligarchs in the 1990s) .

In 2003, Khodorkovsky was criminally prosecuted for tax evasion and fraud for which he ended up serving 10 years in prison.

Putin nationalized YUKOS.

Putin’s first agenda items was to pay off all debt to the IMF and holdover loans from the Soviet era.

Basically, Russia is the ONLY powerful state able to NOT operate on a DEBT-based system.

Russia’s gold reserves were restored and increased.

These are not democratic acts, but they represent an authoritarian agendas and Putin is clearly a dictator. LOL.

But, his greatest sin is this :

Putin nationalized Yukos after Khodorkovsky arranged to have all his shares from the Yukos Oil Company transferred to the ownership of Jacob Rothschild.

The transfer took place in November of 2003, giving Lord Rothschild control of shares estimated by the Sunday Times to be worth $13.5 billion.

Putin deprived Rothschild’s of Russia’s jewels


The biggest events that are shaping the demise of the Empire of Chaos and Lies are :

-Putin having enough of the ziocon shit 

-Putin and Xi Jinping creating a strong alliance

-Xi Jinping visiting Saudi Arabia, being received as a superstar, facilitating a peace deal between Saudis and Iran, which culminated with the admission of Iran, then Saudi Arabia and UAE into BRICS.

It is …The Best of Times, The Worst of Times…

Millions and millions of middle fingers are popping up and being directed at the Wretched City on the Hill and at its crooked lackeys.

Fingers accompanied by Putin’s Kinzhal missiles.

When Putin flipped off the Nuland administration in Ukraine, Putin got the ball rolling and now it’s irreversible. Most of the world is looking at Russia now with hope and admiration.

Yes, the Western Vampire Bill is ending.


What is that saying?

If you take a shot at the king, you better not miss !

You missed, losers .

-Great minds discuss ideas and changing an unfair system. Like Putin and Xi do. They are replacing  the world of invented value with real value.

-Average minds discuss and lie about events, like the MSM and western governments do.

-Small minds discuss people like all western sociopaths and sycophants do.

“ Russia won’t play by ‘rules’ invented by anyone “

– Putin

In 1997, Zbigniew Brzezinski, said :

“It is imperative that no Eurasian rival power capable of dominating Eurasia be allowed to emerge and contest the American power”.

This was based on The Heartland theory of the British analyst Halford Mackinder of controlling the world.

The war in Ukraine is about controlling the Heartland.

Brzezinski said that Russia loses its power if it doesn’t control Ukraine. This is obviously an outdated idea, but it is what the Straussians think.

Ukraine is an American occupied country since 2014.

The American zionist empire’s  hostility against Russia is a combination of 5 things:

1) historical, ancestral hatred of Russia 

2) historical hatred of Orthodox Christianity

3) Putin’s and Russia’s opposition to Tikkun Olam (e.g., LGBT, abortion, atheism, multiculturalism, woke culture )

4) Putin and Russia thwarting the destruction of Syria and putting on hold the strategic goal of Eretz Israel

5) Putin’s ending of the rape of Russia by American zionist oligarchs

I’m guessing The Empire didn’t anticipate Russia changing the rules of the game by grabbing Crimea, striking first in Ukraine and forging a strong alliance with China and this way creating TWO POWERS challenging the Hegemony of the US and signaling the end of Pax Americana.

My regret is that Brzezinski is not alive to see his theory going up in smoke

The only thing the Evil Empire of Lies did accomplish is to keep Russia and Germany apart and prevent Germany from joining the Silk Road ( for now ).

You might say that the western cretins can’t play chess.


They are only a symbol of their countries and of the power behind them – and, I am not sure that this power can play chess either.

Putin knows how to play chess. Russians are very good at chess.

Mr. Putin is an irrepressible leader who won’t hold back when he is challenged.

He acts like an accomplished lawyer and bureaucrat, even a scholar with great theology insight, who can offer you a good deal if you are smart enough to take it.

When you annoy him too much, he is like a street urchin from the streets of Leningrad, where he learned that when a fight can’t be avoided, the best option is to strike first. 

You better take his first offer, because the second one will be worse.

Taking on the Empire of Lies is a big job but Putin never really looks too stressed out about anything, in fact, he looks amused while listening to the western lies.

Mr. Putin’s cabinet members are equally competent .

Sergey Lavrov, one of the greatest diplomats of the century, who. at the G 20 meeting in Rio, told the western G7 losers ( in a diplomatic way, of course ) :

“You are irrelevant and we don’t care.”

Lavrov about the famous “ rules-based order “ :

“We asked for a copy.” 


The escalation of violence in the Middle East should provide an impetus for implementing a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

– Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov 

“No Ukrainian/  Western peace plan, the conflict will be resolved on the battlefield.”


“The US and its allies still reject the principle of equality in international relations “


“It is necessary to respect the territorial integrity of those states that respect the right to self-determination of all peoples and represent all citizens. The Kiev regime destroyed the territorial integrity on its own.”


Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Director Sergey Naryshkin, one Russia’s Grey Eminence :

Maria Zakharova, the beautiful, intelligent and sarcastic spokeswoman of the Foreign Ministry . 

I dare to compare her to Karin Jean-Pierre, our DEI spokeswoman, who compensates her stupidity and ignorance with her lack of shame and whose only qualifications for the job are : woman, black, lesbian.

After Biden announced he was born in Israel, Maria said :

 “Hello, we’ve arrived. Biden just announced that he was born in Israel

This would imply that he couldn’t have been elected President of the United States.

“Russian interference in American elections” seems to be getting more sophisticated.”


About the “Freedom Bonds”: US Wants $50BN Bond For Ukraine Backed By Frozen Russian Assets

“Considering that our country has qualified this as theft, the attitude will be towards thieves. Not as political manipulators, not as overplayed technologists, but as thieves. “

Russia reacts to US vetoing Gaza ceasefire:

“The solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict that Washington is pushing for doesn’t exist”.

 Maria Zakharova said that recent remarks by Israeli Minister of Heritage Amihai Eliyahu, in which he said dropping a nuclear bomb in the Gaza Strip is “a possibility,” raised a multitude of questions.

“It raised a great number of questions.

Question number one:

Does this mean we are hearing an official statement acknowledging [Israel’s] possession of nuclear weapons?

Accordingly, the next set of questions that everyone has is:

Where are the international organizations, including the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency]; where are the inspectors?

Such statements by Israeli officials shed light on the true reasons why Tel Aviv is opposing the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East. According to the diplomat, the US made every effort to help Israel acquire nuclear weapons, giving it full support in this matter :

“If this program exists and existed, where were the tests conducted, at what testing grounds? Obviously, apparently not in the region, then where? And isn’t the United States behind all this?”

About Al-Shifa hospital destroyed by Israel which then denied involvement .

Russia has asked Israel to provide SATELLITE proofs that it didn’t strike the hospital at the recent UN meeting convened by Russia, UAE and China.
Israel refused ( because Israel has no proofs ). 
Israel and the US also tried to disrupt the meeting and left early.
This is all you need to know about the issue .

Maria Zakharova :

“We are now seeing a desire [from Israel] to absolve responsibility … If there are serious intentions … to prove it was not involved and is innocent, then it needs not only to comment in the media and on social networks but to provide facts.

Israel and the US should provide “unedited satellite footage” as well as evidence regarding flight locations to back up Tel Aviv’s claim that an errant Palestinian rocket managed to demolish the multi-story hospital.”

After German Foreign Minister Annalena Burbock at the CE meeting in Strasbourg, 24.01 said :

“We are at war with Russia, not with each other.”

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, January 25 emphasized : 

“If we add to this Merkel’s revelations that they were strengthening Ukraine and did not count on the Minsk agreements, then we are talking about a war planned against Russia in advance.”

“The United States will not be able to evade responsibility for terror against the people of Russia, it is the West that prepares and finances all anti-Russian actions, as it was in the 1990s.”

-Maria Zakharova.

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu is fluent in 9 languages including  English, Japanese, Mandarin and Turkish.

But, it seems that the collective west only understands one language : military force

And Shoigu is fluent in this, too.

” We don’t need aircraft carriers, we need weapons to sink them.”

The Main Cathedral of the Armed Forces of Russia was Sergey Shoigu’s idea and project.

“Countering neocolonialism and the terrorist threat is the basic element of Russia’s cooperation with African nations “

-Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu

Yep, the Vampire Ball has ended.

Putin’s victory means that the West, and we, here in the American zionist empire, have a chance to get rid of our Satanic ruling class.

The empire in which I live is so corrupt, so degenerate, so evil that it can’t be reformed- even if Mr. Putin was our president, he would not be able to do it.

Voting does not matter ( you can elect, but you can never select, the selection is done by the big money interests that rule the empire).

A revolution is not possible, it will result in a massacre of the people.

On top of this, too many Americans do not understand who is their real enemy.

The only solution for a better future is the total collapse of the system and Russia is helping with making it happen.

This will bring a lot of misery, but there is a chance that from the ruins, a better system will emerge.

I and many Americans together with most of the word understand that Mr. Putin and the Russian people did not choose this : to sacrifice Russian lives in order to protect Mother Russia and save the world, but you had no choice.

Russia is the Great Balancer of the world.

The Universe / God / The Universal Consciousness has chosen you to lead the fight against the forces of Evil. 

An Evil that the world has not experienced before in its entire existence.

Russia has to sacrifice, again, some of her best sons to save the world.

It is not the first time, but I hope it will be the last time.

I used to dismiss prophecies, but I can’t ignore what the American prophet Edgar Cayce ( the Sleeping Prophet ) said about Russia almost 100 years ago :

That Russia would return to their Christian roots and this has happened and that Russia would become the hope of the world for freedom, and this is happening now.

The entire world will look toward Russia with hope for regaining freedom.

“ Out of Russia comes the hope of mankind. “

“Through Russia, comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism – no! But freedom – freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.

Edgar Cayce

Just before she died in 1891, Helena Blavatsky predicted that 

“ When England ceases to carry the torch of democracy, out of Russia will come the greatest civilization the world has ever seen. “

Well, Britain ceased long time ago to carry the torch of democracy.


-the end –

The Twilight of Victoria Nuland’s Khaganate of Cookies, or Only the Insane Declare War on Russia, Even If through Proxies

Victoria Nuland ( Nudelman)- Kagan is affectionaltey known in DC circles as ” Toria “.

Toria the Torus – definition :

A Torus is like a doughnut, looks like an arse-hole if you prefer, down which your money is sucked as you pay for war against Russia, as it happens in other black holes, and then the money disappears, popping up in another jewish universe, like a hedge fund.

Toria Nuland was number 3 at State Department.

Number 1, Anthony Blinken- jewish.

Number 2, Wendy Sherman ( jewish ) left last year.

Number 3, Toria Nuland-Kagan ( jewish ) took her place for 1 year and now is leaving

( fired ? quit ? ).

The entire anti-Russia war, pro-Ukraine affair is jewish. Is this too antisemitic to notice ?

Today, Toria is out.

Why is she out, you may ask ?

IMO, jewish BlackRock, invested too much hope in looting Ukraine and is losing too much money.

The present situation wasn’t part of the plan. 

The counter-offensive was supposed to sweep the Russians out of Crimea (same as the original planned lightning strike would clear them out of Donetsk). 

Crimea would have become an American base and the Black Sea a US NATO lake and Russia would have lost access to it and to the Mediterranean and its ports in Syria .

Syria was supposed to be one of ” the 7 countries in 5 years plan ” / Oded Yinon plan for which CIA and Mossad implemented the September 11, 2001 false flag which delivered ” the new Pearl Harbor ” as described by the 1997 ” Project for a New American Century ” .

One of the writers of PNAC was Robert Kagan, Toria Nuland’s husband. Small chosen world.

Losing Crimea and Donbass would have been followed by social unrest, which, combined with the collapse of the Russian economy secondary to sanctions ( I believe there are over 4000 now ), would have made a coup against Putin easier and the dismemberment of the country possible.

Hedge funds would receive Ukraine as their personal property and get to loot Russia for a second time round, like in 1990s.

This time , the US would divide Russia into smaller parts, easier to ” democratically “

loot .

The plan did not materialize. And they were so sure it would work :

In October 2021, Victoria Nuland arrived in Moscow with threats to crush the Russian economy if Moscow did not submit to the will of Washington. 

Putin and his team didn’t, and , on top of this, they delivered the Russian ultimatum the end of December 2021= create a mutual security in Europe to involve Russian interests ( as it should be ) :

The American zionist empire had to be rolled back away from Russia’s borders, in one way or another. The USNATO rejected diplomacy and Russia was forced to apply military persuasions.

Russian military plan of demilitarization and de-Nazification of Ukraine is developing beautifully. On top of this, Russia is demilitarizing and de-Nazifying US NATO.

So, Vicky is faced by disappointed hedge-funds (they’re losing huge money on this deal). Plus, the jewish state in the ME needs more American money and blood as the ” mighty , most moral army in the ME ” ( lol ) can’t defeat alone Hamas guys with AK-47.

Jewish nutcases now want to redirect US money and armaments to Israel.

Ukraine is no longer interesting, needs too much money and weapons, did not produce any results.

So, she’s out.

Jew Larry Fink of BlackRock  expected by now to be gulping up Ukraine’s AND Russia’s resources – land, minerals, oil and gas deposits, industries.

Consider this :

In 2012, 71 trillion cf of NG was discovered  in Donbass, Yuzivska gas field   – enough to supply a lucrative EU market for 50+ years. 

And this belongs to Russia now. Imagine the kvetching !

If October 7th didn’t happen in the zionist entity, maybe Toria’s career at the Jewish State Department would have been longer.

But, Netanyahu decided that Israel needs the entire Levant Gas Field + prime Gaza beach real estate.

The Levant Gas Field is one the of biggest in the world, with an estimated 122 trillion cubic feet of NG :  largest part is offshore Gaza Marine and also Lebanon ( oy vey ! ) and the jews want it all.

It will save Europe too, now that cheap Russian gas is no longer available AND American LNG, 5 X more expensive, is no longer exported in sufficient quantities to Europe.

Victoria Nuland is one of the architects of the American coup in Ukraine in 2014, and she occupies a high position in jewish hierarchy, but she is only a tool.

After the Ukrainian offensive proved to be a big flop and Ukraine lost Avdeevka ( which was probably the most fortified Ukrainian position, from which they were shelling Donbass ), it is obvious that Ukrainian Army will collapse soon : there are no other fortified positions left after they lost Avdeevka and Bakhmut.

Victoria Nuland did not deliver.This is a quagmire .

She has NO PLAN B.

In a February 22, 2024 interview at the prestigious Center for Strategic and International Studies, Nuland was asked the following question:

“…if Congress doesn’t act (to provide additional funding for Ukraine)… is there a Plan B? 

She said that they ( the planers ) are still on Plan A ( aka, there’s no Plan B ) :


More money and weapons ( wunderwaffen or not ) will make no difference. More terrorist attacks on Russian territories will not transform the Ukrainian defeat into victory.

The only thing USNATO has is to officially send troops to Ukraine and this means a nuclear war. A nuclear war means the disappearance of US, UK and EU and probably of the world too. And I am sure that Putin told the western psychopaths that he has the coordinates of their bunkers.

Because, as Putin said : A world without Russia would have no value.

Victoria Nuland’s career span over 35 years, under six Presidents and ten Secretaries of State.

Republican or Democratic presidents come and go, but the unelected Nuland, the Straussian from the Ashkenazi tribe stays in power.

Nuland leaves behind a gargantuan catastrophe for which there is no apparent remedy and no easy way out.

Russia is not Afghanistan: we can not expect the US to “ withdraw peacefully “ = ‘cut and run’ like it did in Afghanistan. Even if her replacement is the American ex ambassador to Afghanistan, Bass , who is an expert in withdrawals ( more or less honorable, lol ).

Toria held all positions in American diplomacy :

Political officer and economic officer. Spokesperson and chief of staff. Deputy Assistant Secretary and Assistant Secretary. Special Envoy and Ambassador.

What’s her legacy ?

She is part of a small American group, formed around the thought of the jewish philosopher Leo Strauss, who are in complete control of the American foreign policy, of the Defense and State Secretariats. They are known as the Straussian Neocons.

Leo Strauss, a German-Jewish professor at University of Chicago from 1949, created the group and taught them that democracies had shown their inability to protect the Jews. To prevent another tragedy, his disciples had to hold the hammer. He advised them to build their own dictatorship.

 In 2003, the “revisionist Zionists” of Benjamin Netanyahu concluded a pact with the US Straussians.

This beautifully explains the American wars in the ME ( on behalf of Israel ) and the current unconditional support for Israel’s ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank and the vicious campaign in US, UK and EU to label all the opponents to Israel’s crimes as ” antisemitism “. You see, Israel is above any international law and any human decency.


After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Paul Wolfowitz, prominent Straussian, developed a strategy to maintain the hegemony of the United States over the entire rest of the world, based on Leo Strauss’s teachings.

The document evokes a new “world order ( today it is called rules-based order ) supported by the United States”, in which the sole superpower would only have temporary alliances, depending on the conflicts and interests.

UN, even NATO could be sidelined at any time .

The Wolfowitz Doctrine theorizes the need for the United States to block the emergence of any potential competitors to US hegemony, including “advanced industrial nations” such as Germany and Japan. Particularly, to block the European Union as a competitor :

Although the United States supports the project of European integration, we must take care to prevent the emergence of a purely European security system which would undermine NATO, and particularly its structure of integrated military command”.

Nord Stream Pipelines enter the chat.

After all, during the coup in Ukraine, Vicky did say ” Fuck the EU ” and the American zionist empire did fuck it really well.

The entire Ukrainian debacle and the current economic crisis in Europe are the result of American diktats.

The Americans established the rules and the Europeans are paying.

The Europeans were forced to include in the Maastricht Treaty a clause subordinating their defense policy to that of NATO, while the Pentagon report recommended the integration of the new States of Central and Eastern Europe within the European Union, while allowing them to benefit from a military agreement with the United States protecting them against a possible Russian attack.

Europeans have only started to pay for all this .

The Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 stipulates that Ukraine is now exempt from all arms control procedures, including final destination certificates. Very expensive weapons are sold under lend-lease by the USA to the EU to defend Ukraine. When the war is over, Europeans will have to pay for them.

The war against Russia using Ukraine as proxy, the ME wars with direct US involvement or through proxies like ISIS / ISIL / Daesh and Al Qaeda branches like Al-Nusra Front and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, the current war against the Axis of Resistance ( Iran, Hezbollah, Shia militias in Syria and Iraq, Yemen ) , the ethnic cleansing and genocide against Palestinians = all of these disasters and atrocities are the result of the Straussians’ total control of the American foreign policy, after September 11, 2001 and the alliance with Netanyahu’s zionists in 2003.

And, make no mistake, if Trump becomes president again, I am certain he will bomb Iran and Syria. He recently said that Netanyahu has to ” finish the job in Gaza “.

Remember that Trump did not ” make America great again “, but he certainly did make Israel greater .

The American voter will have to grow up and understand that there is only ONE Party, the big jewish money interests control both sides and voting is useless as the American voter can elect, but can never select those he elects . The selection is done by the chosen masters .

Unfortunately, the American voter is still a toddler and will choose one of the toys presented by the Joker : the donkey (the Democratic Party’s mascot ) or the elephant

( the Republican Party’s mascot ). One shouts ; Russia…Russia…Russia, the other shouts China…China…China

while the Joker shouts Iran…Iran …Iran

I’ll let you decide who is the Joker

Vote harder ! LOL.

The Party of the big money interests has 2 wings :

The Republicans and the Democrats.
Don’t forget that in the US , the Supreme Court decisions say :
-money is free speech (  bribes are now legal)
-corporations are people ( the top 0.001% are more equal than regular folks ).
That is the current Constitutional Republic for you ( because you couldn’t keep it) .
The R’s and the D’s have the same goals :
partition Russia and steal her $ 100 trillion in natural resources wealth,
control China ( China is too cocky now and has become the number 1 economy in the world and the US can’t compete )
destroy Iran and steal Iran’s vast natural resources and remove Israel’s enemy.
After all this is done, the rest of the world folds.
R and D ONLY differ in their ways of achieving all this.
D’s neoCohen Straussians planned to do Russia first.
R’s neoCohen Straussians plan to do China and Iran first.
D’s plan failed. The Straussians might reverse to R’s plans ( also Trump failed too, remember his attack on China with tariffs and Covid ).

Vicky Nuland career took off with the collapse of USSR and the US becoming the only superpower at that time.

Russia became weak, was looted by the Harvard jewish boys and they thought it would never recover. The US had achieved absolute Hegemony in 2000.

Vicky mirrored the American zionist empire’s fate :

she became too arrogant, self assured, fat and ugly and incompetent.

Paraphrasing Choderlos de Laclos in his Dangerous Liaisons :
Toria Nuland is now “wearing her soul on the outside.”

Her career is the perfect example that there is only ONE PARTY, the party of the moneychangers Pharisees.

She was :

– chief of staff , then deputy director for former Soviet Union affairs , for Clinton administration ( Democrat )

-foreign policy adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney ( Republican ), while her husband wrote PNAC.

( it is certain they were both involved in planing the 9-1, 2001 false flag)

-influential role in the war in Iraq ( her brother-in-law, Fred Kagan, was instrumental in the surge in Iraq war in 2007, through the  American Enterprise Institute report

-U.S. ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Brussels,during George Bush administration ( Republican )

– Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs and special envoy for Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, then State Department spokesperson for Obama administration ( Democrat)

-Undersecretary of State for Biden administration ( Democrat )

-together with American ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, she organized the 2014 Maidan coup d’état in Ukraine ( Obama administration )

Karma is a sarcastic bitch :

during Toria’s career as time frame, Putin’s Russia recovered and became an uncontested superpower, gained weapons supremacy over the US, managed not only to withstand being the most sanctioned country in the history of the world, but to become the 5th economy in the world, surpassing Germany and in the process of surpassing Japan. It also became the leader of the de-dollarization process.

That’s why they hate Putin so much.

While the US is slipping into an increasing irrelevance on all fronts : financial, economical, social, cultural and military, Russia has recovered and is ascending.

Russia has gained prestige and respect while the US is currently losing whatever was left of its reputation and it is becoming a pariah state, together with Israel.

If Vicky’s lifelong dream of Russia’s military defeat, Putin’s government collapse, and Russian “decolonization” was imminent, why would she leave now ?

Nothing has gone her way, except that Europe is fucked, indeed.

Ukraine is completely destroyed and still functions more or less through massive subsidies of American and European money and weapons, but both are drying up.

Over 1.3 million young Ukrainian soldiers dead and maimed is quite a legacy.

So Cookie Nudelmann is going ” to spend more time with family ™ “

It would have been better if Russia put her on trial for war crimes ( maybe in the future ? ), but you can’t have it all.

Trivia ( or not ) :

1.The Nordstream pipelines were blown up on 26 September 2022.

The same day that the architect of the 2014 Ukraine coup d’etat, Victoria Nuland, celebrated with her husband and PNAC co-founder, Robert Kagan, his 64th birthday.

2. I would love to see :

-Putin versus Biden 

-Lavrov vs. Blinken

-Maria Zakharova vs. Karine Jean-Pierre

-Dmitri Medvedev versus Victoria Nuland 

in a free dialog about major issues.

I am afraid it is not possible as it would be totally unfair for the Americans.

But, it would be so entertaining. I would pay for this.

3. Over the years, I made a few caricatures featuring Vicky Nuland.

a. Here she is as the ” Angel of Death ” supervising ( together with ambassador Pyatt ) the Birth of the Ukrainian Venus ” ( Poroshenko as Venus ) and ready to distribute her bag of cookies. Ukrainian Aphrodite is born from the murky CIA waters .

I predicted that Poroshenko would need Saakashvili’s ties to chew after everything collapses ( as all American zionist projects do ).

I was wrong – Zelensky is gonna need them.

Inspired by Botticelli ( I apologize to him )


b. Here, I showed Vicky’s and Zelensky’s roots and the roots of the current conflict in Ukraine.

It is a fascinating merge of Trotsky’s zionist doctrine and Hitler’s Nazi doctrine.

This zionist support for Nazi Ukraine is amazing. Maybe we have to reconsider everything they told us about the world history.

Observe that Ukrainian coat of arms is similar to the Khazarian Tamga and the Moloch Sigil.

Toria’s ancestors were jews from Ukraine, in the Czarist Empire.

Her grandfather, Meyer Nudelman (1889-1958), was a tailor from Novoselytsia, Ukraine.After a program in 1905, he had to immigrate to New York City. Like most jews from the Eastern Europe.

Though he spent his adulthood in the USA, Mr. Nudelman never spoke English well. Displaced, this bitter man was so abusive to Victoria’s father, Sherwin B. Nuland, that Sherwin suffered a mental breakdown and required an admission in a psychiatric hospital for electric shocks .Gonzalo Lira, the American journalist living in Ukraine, had a video talking about this.

Gonzalo Lira was arrested by the Ukrainian secret service and was tortured to death in a Ukrainina prison.

The US did not do anything to free him and I am sure that part of his punishment, beside telling the truth about the Ukrainian war, was this video that Toria did not like

The Straussians’ hate for Russia has deep roots.

The caricature is featuring :





c. Here, Vicky is depicted as the Cheshire Cat in Biden’s Wonderland administration.

Vicky is fading away and only her rictus remains now.

Featuring :

Jack Sullivan as Mad hatter

Nuland as the Cheshire cat

Kamala Harris as the Dormouse hidden in a Russian samovar [ sic! ]

Tony Blinken as the White Rabbit ( or should I say Rabbi ? )

Biden as Humpty Dumpty

d. Here, she and her husband, Robert Kagan, represent The Khaganate of Cookies

PS :

I don’t expect that the American foreign policy vis-à-vis Russia will change too much after her departure.

Neocons have no reverse gear.

The US will continue to send money and weapons til Ukraine collapses completely .

The US recently sent Burns, CIA director to talk with the Russians, some say to implore them to let the Americans keep something from Ukraine.

Not gonna happen.

This will end on Russia’s terms.

Unless, the Straussians are desperate enough to trigger a nuclear war.

But, I doubt it, as even in this case, the Russian nukes outperform the outdated American ones and the Straussians like their comfort.

But, who knows? Maybe Vicky withdrew to spend more time with her family in her zionist bunker.