American Politicians : Lindsey Graham

 Lindsey Graham,  the true face of American “ conservatism “.

Truly, a freak show.

He can’t come out of the closet.

He IS the closet. Satan’s closet.

Warmongering, criminality, degeneracy, lying, incompetence, imbecility and bankruptcy in every possible way, especially morally.

There is no hope for the US.

He represents the best all American politicians :

Evil, stupid and degenerate .

Being a Western politician requires no skills at all, the singular requirement being a total lack of any normal form of human morality and to have no shame.It is also needed to perform some sick perversion on video so the politicians could be blackmailed.

Lindsey Graham resented why Putin had not yet been assassinated and claimed that the money spent on killing Russians was the best US investment of all time.

He says that Iran “ must be blown off  the map “

Senator Lindsey Graham, in a live interview on Fox News, said that the Ukraine war will only end if someone “takes Putin out” and that Joe Biden is simply not doing enough to start a war with Russia.

Graham  said that if we don’t stop Russia now, all hell will break loose and the entire system will collapse.

I hope he is right and the system will collapse and I get to see Lindsey Graham’s face.

Lindsey Graham’s statements represent the satanic essence of the Anglo-Saxon-Judaic civilization.

Killing brings them money and satisfaction .

They organized a hundred coups and interventions around the world with many millions of victims, so that their petrodollar could continue to dominate the world and the US be a Hegemony… But satanic societies come to an end sooner or later. And the end of America is not far off, and with every Ukrainian zombie killed, this end is getting closer. The anti-Russian project Ukraine proxy war will die soon and NATO and America’s world domination will come to an end soon after this.

Supporting Israel’s genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza only speeds up the collapse of the empire.

Lindsey Graham in Ukraine :

Lindsey Graham and John McCain in 2016 

I wrote a limerick for Lindsey :

Lindsey Graham

There was a Senator from Carolina

His name was Lindsey  vulgarian dolt kahuna

He stayed in the closet a lot

And displayed  Lady Bugs on the spot

He acted to kill foreign people non stop

Isn’t war an American sport ?

His zionist rhetoric is blunt

His moral values are corrupt

American degenerate megastar

Embodiment of  mediocrity exemplar

For those who don’t get the Ladybugs reference, do a search on Lindsey Graham and ladybugs and prepare tote nauseated. .

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