Monthly Archives: December 2019

A Fish Called “Freedom Of Speech”

A fish called " Freedom of Speech"


Censorship is a multilevel subtle business .

The appearance of  preserving the 1st Amendment is kept, while multiple ways of infringing it are applied through covert operations.

We live in a careful constructed indoctrination fake reality .

Like fishes in a fishbowl: 

They are neither dead , nor alive, only zombified.

All social media sites have:

-rule and regulations, most aiming at 1st Amendment

If someone spreads too much truth, he/she is thrown out because ” he/she didn’t follow the rules”.

Then, there are laws to limit the freedom of speech, laws that are  hiding under impressive names:

-anti hate speech

-anti semitic speech

-anti racist speech

-anti discriminative speech

-anti defamation  speech

They apply only to ordinary people telling inconvenient truths.

These are like  fishing nets .

Your search for the truth is limited by :

  • The search engines, like Google,  are obscuring certain sites and promoting the propaganda ones ( the fish has to find the open window to be able to reach the Ocean)
  • Twitter and other social media are shadow banning  the fishes who were able to jump from the fishbowl
  • Most alternative sites are controlled opposition ( sharks) ; my technique of recognizing them is infallible : I see what they say about


-the Federal Reserve 

-how much they support the little zionist entity in the ME

If they keep quiet about the Federal Reserve, adopt the official story about 9/11 and  unconditionally support the entity, without seeing its crimes, I know they are controlled opposition alternative sites.

On the other hand, MSM can :

-use innuendo


-lie with impunity

-use fake news and proofs

And , for them, it is permissive and legal.

There are multiple organizations that can destroy a person’s career, reputation and life , if that person is using his 1st Amendment right and telling the truth about the power.

-ADL, SPLC, B’nai B’rith, Aclu, etc

-even executive orders, like the recent one signed by the Donald : this transforms criticizing what Israel does in Palestine into “discrimination and racism”

Voltaire once wrote: “To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

Who in American politics are people not allowed to criticize?

Those organizations are the remote controlled shark robots.

A fish called “Freedom of Speech”.

He has to overcome many obstacles.

He first has to jump out of the fishbowl, a controlled environment , where propaganda is destroying his mind.

In that bowl he has :

-limited movement

-he is fed GMO /chemicals 

-has to drink his own urine

If the fish has had enough and takes the red pill and jumps out, he needs to :

-be able to reach the ocean and not splash on the floor

-find the open window toward freedom


-avoid the remote controlled sharks

But, if he succeeds in overcoming all these obstacles, the little fish can swim freely in an Ocean of information.

The ocean ( information) is enormous .

I dedicate this to all twitter users whose accounts were suspended , all sites that are shadow banned and called names because the right to freedom of speech  is an illusion in this country.


Greta and the Deep State

Gretas.Gates and Soros selling indulgences

Indulgences for CO2 producers. Buy them and redeem your sins. Created by Divine Authority : the all seeing eye Sold by Authorized Issuers: Gates, Soros, Gore…


Pollution is man’s “civilized” way to shit where he eats and drinks: all over the planet.

The most evolved and only animal doing this.

Civilized countries produce the biggest shit.

US :

-4% world population

>40% world shit.

-sends its shit to other countries.

There is a problem cause by pollution, oceans inundated by plastic, deforestation, fracking and the destruction of the phreatic , chemtrails and pollution of soil / air, pesticides/ insecticides killing bees/ insects/ and our intestinal flora , etc.

But pretending that there is a man made climate change that can be solved by carbon credits is disingenuous and means only creating another tax, on  people and a fee on countries, to enrich the top 0.001%.

Because the petrodollar is dead, only needs burial and has to be replaced by something else.

It is a like the Grand Inquisition selling indulgences.

Only these are sold by :



-Al Gore

-Hollywood sycophants

for the benefit of the real power, the money changers.

Buy a carbon credit = an indulgence and your sins as CO2 producer will be redeemed .

The planet won’t be saved , but the top 0.001% might be.

Using a chid ( Greta is 16 , but looks 12) with a mental handicap, is just evil.

Why doesn’t Greta say that the US army is the greatest polluter on earth?

Soros and Gates selling indulgences =the two GRETAs.

Indulgences issued by Divine Authority, the “all seeing eye” and distributed by authorized  sellers.

Weather is one of the least scientifically predictable things.

The only insight we can have regarding this complicated issue is to study climate cycles, over a long period, millions years ( tree rings, soil deposits, etc).

The study of climate cycles showed a clear pattern:

Long ice ages , interrupted by short periods of warm weather .

We are long overdue for an ice age.

Nobody can predict when it will start, but , in general, an ice age is preceded by a slight increase in temperature. We have 1 degree increase now.

And that’s the kicker :

we, as a species, could survive a warmer weather, but I don’t believe we would survive an ice age.

But, until this comes, the big boys can fleece people and countries selling CO2 credits.

And , maybe use the profits made to build new bunkers.



Hate China, Americans!

Trade wars

Xi Jinping is about to drop the spinning dishes.

US has a national program now, surpassing even the Orwellian one:

Hate China , says the Republican branch of the uniparty

Hate Russia, says The Democratic branch

Hate Iran

Hate other countries resisting US hegemony.

But, the main recipient for hate is China now.

Americans learn to blame and hate China.

Do we love anybody , except ourselves , as we are exceptional?

We do.

The Donald told us to love more Israel and the jews.

He even gave an executive order making it a federal crime to criticize them, this being

” discrimination and racism”

Judaism  is a religion. Israel declared itself as a Jewish state ( voted in Knesset).

Only a stable genius like the Donald can transform thorough an EO a religion into a race.

But, the Donald is only an instrument – he announced the EO being surrounded by:

-Epstein’s lawyer

-Kushner and Yael ( his converted daughter)

-well established jewish pedophiles :

-Dershowitz ( Epstein’s friend and business partner and frequent flyer on Lolita Express)  

–Robert Kraft, busted in Florida secondary to anti sex trafficking investigation into a string of massage parlors ( but he owns Kraft group, is  a billionaire, owns New England Patriots, so “there was not enough evidence” to convict him).

Someone possessing critical thinking might ask :

why do we have to hate China ?

When, not too long ago China was good and a US partner.

No, it’s not because the Donald is anti globalism and wants to MAGA.

Anybody believing this functions under a misapprehension.

I’ll explain.

Americans were told to hate China bc “China stole from US, especially technology”, is a “threat to the world “, is “communist”, “China manipulates its currency”

Let’s see.

1-China didn’t steal anything, especially technology.

-whatever it had in the beginning, it was given to China by the US corporations that moved their production there to profit from cheap and reliable labored loose regulations.

US corporation made tens or hundreds of trillions in profits.

The money didn’t profit the US public ?

Americans were left poorer and without jobs?

US CEOs had big bonuses, more mansions/yachts/private plains/private submarines/ bunkers, etc

Well, it wasn’t China’s fault.

What China did was to go along because:

-it had no choice, US has the world reserve currency and controls the worlds’ financial system

-the world’s economy is intertwined

-China profited itself from the arrangement.

But, China learned and surpassed the teacher, US.

Now China is leading in technology and US would like to steal it, but it can’t.

2. China is a threat to the world’s economy.

What country is responsible for the economic recessions and depressions?

US. Not China.

Let’s remember the last one , in 2008.

The US crooked banks collapsed the world’s economy with the subprime fraud.

China was the one pulling the world from the abyss in 2008.

What US did ?

Did US solve the problems, did it punish the thieves ?


US saved the banking cartel, nobody went to jail, no measure was taken to correct/ prevent future similar frauds.

US gave the banks that collapsed the world’s economy a cool 1 trillion $ in 2008.

For the beginning.

Trillions after, like we found out in 2009, on a partial audit of the Federal Reserve ( Ron Paul):

Foreign banks got 16 TRILLION dollars .

We don’t know what banks, because Bernanke( the chairman of the Federal Reserve) could not remember which banks. LOL!

And the Senate/ Congress didn’t want to insist and disturb him.

Could they be the shareholders of the Fed?

Rothschild Bank  London 

Warburg Bank  Hamburg 

Rothschild Bank  Berlin 

Lehman Brothers NY

Lazard Brothers of Paris 

Kuhn Loeb Bank  NY 

Israel Moses Seif Banks  Italy 

Goldman Sachs  NY

Warburg Bank  Amsterdam 

Chase Manhattan Bank  NY

This is treason and a crime.

The thieves continued their fraudulent activity, undisturbed and now things are even worse.

Remember scandal after scandal involving all the big American banks( like JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs, Citi ), making news each month since 2008.

What was the punishment ? The banks payed a symbolic fine .

The situation is now 2.5 QUADRILLION dollars worse .

That is the derivative market, run by JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs( now in the Donald’s government) and Deutsche Bank.

Meanwhile, China took notice. And started protecting itself.

It started building an alternative trade route, the Silk Road( OBOR) and an alternative financial system .

It started accumulating Gold. Massive amounts.

It became the biggest economy in the world, surpassing US and building alliances.

And it just tasted an alternative payment system, a digital one ( that is outside US’ reach and can be backed by GOLD)


The People’s Bank of China pilot will use the digital currency to pay for general services such as transport and health care.

 The first test will come at the end of 2019, with a larger rollout in early 2020.

China’s Central Bank (PBoC), four major banks and major economic participants such as China Telecom will test digital currency payments.

China’s most important ally is Russia.

China and Russia are de- coupling  from US and the US controlled world economy and financial system.

China had its Yuan pegged to the dollar and it is de- pegging it now.

In Oct 2016, the Yuan was declared a Reserve Currency by the IMF. 

Why is this important ( and lethal for US) ?

China and Russia are the biggest US CREDITORS.

They were recycling their dollar surplus into US T Bills, this way supporting US deficit spending / Us economy / US existence.

And Russia and China are getting rid of US debt( T Bills) .

Russia is down to 8 billions ( from 180 billions Russia held in US debt/ treasuries) .

China selling or paying for the OBOR project with US treasuries.







One may say that US has other creditors , like Japan , Belgium, Cayman Island, etc.

LOL! Those are bankrupt nations ; they are  branches of the Federal Reserve , that is monetizing US debt through them.

Japan is a zombie nation, having a debt to GDP ration of 300 %.

And it has 1 T US debt too. 

Japan is completely destroyed after being a US vassal for so long.

Japan can’t even commit a dignified Seppuku and is committing HaraKiri.

Belgium ?-laughable.

Real creditor, with budget surplus and natural resources( real wealth) is Russia.

Real creditor, having the number one technology and manufacturer base , is China.

And they are decoupling from the Ponzi scheme known as western financial system, run by US.


US is doing QE 4, called REPO ( Repurchase agreement where a seller of a security agrees to buy it back from a buyer (investor) at a higher price ).

The Fed is monetizing the US debt , at an increased pace, because it has no choice, there are no creditors buying US debt.

Result of the dollar being a weapon used to sanction countries not complying with US demands.

The Fed is printing trillions.

This month , the Fed prints 1/2 TRILLION dollars , injected in the economy.

And, it seems that on Dec 16, when 100 billion $ disappeared from the market, the Fed injected 1 trillion $ into it, in one day.

QE will last til July( if US doesn’t collapse sooner, which I doubt).

That’s the official number. Who knows what’s the reality. Remember the 16 Trillion $ given in secret to foreign banks in 2009?

3. About China being Communist?

This is not a threat as China is not imposing its system on anybody, as opposed to US , which it does.

Let’s not forget all the wars in ME . Not done by China, but by US.

Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, etc

Color revolutions and “regime changes”?  US  is responsible, not China.

In Ukraine, Bolivia, tried in Venezuela, Russia, Iran, even China ( Hong Kong)… the list is way too long.

And , I argue that China is more capitalist than US .

The Chinese economy system is an obvious  big success .

If US is envious, it’s still not China’s fault . It is still US’ fault, because US can’t compete in a fair way.

Why doesn’t US compete ? It proclaims itself as being  the best ?

US can’t . US is used to steal – US is  the real thief.

After WW II, US was the only country left standing in a destroyed world .

It was selling goods for countries’ gold ( plus the gold US stole during the war from Europeans, Asia ).

This way US became great and the country with biggest gold reserves.

Bretton Woods agreement followed , giving  US the world reserve currency advantage

( and control of the financial system).

But, US cheated even this and withdrew , unilaterally from it ( after America debased the dollar and DeGaulle asked to be paid in gold, not US paper).

Then, US , through Kissinger , stroke gold again, , black gold, with the petrodollar agreement with the Saudis .

Saudi Arabia( plus the rest of Gulf States would sell oil ONLY in dollars ( forcing the world to buy dollars and creating the need for them) and would recycle $ surplus in US T Bills , (supporting US deficit spending).

When US opened the huge Chinese market , US made a big mistake ( or China was too smart ):

The US banks were not allowed to penetrate the Chinese financial system.

China’s Central bank is state controlled.

China doesn’t manipulate its currency as the Donald says, without blinking.

China ( and other countries) REACTS to the US manipulating the dollar, which is the world reserve currency and this way , US spreads inflation to everybody.

Countries need to protect from US manipulating the dollar, the world reserve currency.

It’s a race to the bottom.

China is protecting its currency and economy from US manipulations/destructions.

You see, this trade war is not as much about ” bringing back US manufacture and jobs back to America”

This is not possible anymore. Too late.

Even if some  of the production is moved away from China, it goes  to Vietnam, Mexico, Indonesia, etc, not back to US.

This trade war is about US BANKS trying to infiltrate China’s financial system.

And China opposing it.

US is bankrupt on all levels:






and , mostly, moral

And can’t recover.

US has lost to China and Russia( and now, Iran ).

The parasites controlling the financial system and US, can’t jump to another host:

-Russia kicked them out when Putin came

-China won’t allow them into their country

-Iran kicked them out in 1979

The parasites that the Donald is asking us to love, the ones who created the Federal reserve in 1913 and sucked US dry , are left with NO HOST on whom to migrate.

China will not open its financial system to them.

That’s why Americans have to hate China ( and they are ignorant enough to do it) and not realize who are the ones who destroyed and are destroying their lives .

That’s why US is at war with :




That’s why US tries to steal what it can from weaker States:

-some oil from Syria( while still possible)

-some gold from : Libya, Iraq, Ukraine , Venezuela, etc

-some lithium form Bolivia

-some factories from Europe( France , which is being dismantled as we speak)

It is that simple.

To summarize it:

  1. US printing trillions, manipulating the dollar , lowering artificially the interest rates and pumping the US stocks.
  2. This situation ends in a few ways:

-the dollar is buried by the world as useless and trillions of dollars come home to roost, creating the Weimar United States 

-the Federal Reserve continues devaluing the dollar, but loses control of manipulating/ masking the inflation :

now, the inflation is masked, through keeping the price of oil and food  low enough to avoid pitchforks ( subsidized ) ; when the price of a gallon of gas is 6-10 dollars , it will be  over

-the Federal Reserve has to print trillions to lend to the government , so that the government can pay back its interest on debt

   3. The Federal Reserve is buying US debt ( treasuries) as the biggest US creditors

( Russia and China) stopped doing it.

  4. The Federal Reserve can print as much as it wants, but can’t print OIL ( energy)

And the biggest oil/gas known reserves are on the other side:




Iraq is still occupied, Libya and Yemen are disputed .

This annoying ( for US ) fact explains all US wars.

Same for GOLD.

Al the real, physical Gold is in China, Russia and their allies.

China and Russia have each  20,000 -35,000 ones GOLD, some say.

Wall Street and City of London ( US and UK) were good at manipulating the gold .

1 ounce of Gold rehypothecated 100 times ? more? 

Meaning 1 ounce was sold to 100 or more investors , who have all claims on the same

1 ounce. 

US Fort Knox has no Gold.

   5. If things are so bad when US still has the world reserve currency, imagine how they will be without it?


The Donald just said :



-ignoring the fact that the Fed does QE , even if the Fed says it’s not QE and calls it REPO

-what do we need more : non QE ( REPO)  and QE at the same time ?

-the Donald is not draining the swamp, but what’s left of the middle class


Russian Bear , Chinese Dragon and Iranian Cat ( the cat is Iran’s symbol, as its map evokes a cat) are flipping their claws to the Bald Eagle and its hydra-like tongue

Russian Bear, Iranian Cat and Chinese Dragon







Parallel between Ukraine ” Maidan color revolution” and China, Hong Kong one

The Roman Empire conquered the known world in its time.

But, it left a great civilization behind.

Most of Western law code is based on the Roman law code, for example.

The American Zionist Empire is the biggest, most ruthless and bloodiest of all time and it is trying to conquer the entire world.

What it will leave behind are:

-jeans, cola, pedophilia, GMO food spiked with chemicals and additives, pornography as culture, destruction, paper money created as debt(credit)

-and “The Color Revolution ” book to “elect ” presidents for countries that don’t comply with American interests.

The Romans (who were  educated people) had a proverb :

vulpes pilum mutat, non mores- the fox changes his fur, but not his habits

Paraphrasing this :


Because a US president is only a figurehead.




-Obama ( Democrat president)

-Geoffrey Pyatt, US Ambassador to Ukraine

-Victoria Nuland ( Kagan) the former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the United States Department of State.

-EU ( Germany, Poland, France : US vassals) – guaranteed a deal made with Yanukovych

“Protesters are to withdraw from their camps, and the government refrains from imposing a state of emergency, protestors are to surrender weapons, new constitution, new elections”

Later , Germany, France, Poland forgot about the signed deal.


-Viktor Yanukovych, ex Ukrainian president, democratically elected, who was saved by Russia from being killed.

See a documentary narrated by Putin here:


-100 Maidan protestors, who were killed by the new Ukrainian puppet government/ C!A , after being used to topple Yanukovych ( category = useful idiots)

-Ukraine ( we’ll analyze it later)



Actors :

-the Donald ( Republican president, trying to ” Make America Great Again” [ sic ! ])

-NGOs and  Julie Eadeh form the US Consulate in HK, meeting with HK leaders

-US Secretary of State, Pompeo meeting with HK leaders ( US says that it is supporting freedom and democracy, as usual)

-EU ( German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas’s meeting with Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong)


-civilians attacked by protestors with : Molotov cocktails, bricks( a 70yo man died)

-the city : barricades, destruction, occupied airport,  bankrupted businesses, etc

-HK police attacked with arrows, acid ( two police women disfigured for life)



– it is a failed country now, after 5 years of American freedom and democracy

– its debt is enormous

-its Hryvnia -in 2013, 1 USD = 7.9 UAH. Now- 1USD= 23.84 UAH

-its industry ( including military aircraft) is destroyed

-its beautiful Carpathian forests cut to make cheap furniture

-its soil( chernozem, best agricultural soil in the world) is sold for cheap

-its 44 tones GOLD were stacked in a US airplane in the middle of the night and disappeared

  • on December 31st, will lose the transit fees from Russian gas to EU, as Russia will by-pass it( Nord Stream II, South Stream to Turkey)

-lost Donbass ( coal)

-lost cheap Russian oil/ gas deal

-lost Crimea ( Crimea was temporarily annexed by Ukraine ; Crimea belonged to Russia since 1783, Catherine the Great)

-more than 10,000 people killed in a civil war

-lost 4-5 million people who migrated ( 3 millions to Russia, young, educated people)

-1/2 country has no gas/ electricity

-increased suicide rates

-pension cuts

-austerity for the people, looting the country by the jewish oligarchs ( ex president was jewish, current president + PM are jewish ;

what are the odds of this, for a < 2% jewish representation in the general population?)

Loses :

  • no EU acceptance or NATO ( not that these would feed the people)
  • Ukraine was used as a blackmail tool by US against Russia and EU , because of the gas pipelines transiting it: this role is over
  • US did not succeed in trapping Russia in a war with Ukraine
  • the big prize, CRIMEA, went to Russia

But, US managed to apply multiple sanctions to Russia for her “aggression” .


The color revolution failed.

China is not Ukraine

To compensate for the loss, US passed a bill in the Senate/ Congress ( unanimity) and signed by the Donald to punish/ humiliate China.

“Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act”

This bill addresses Hong Kong’s status under U.S. law and imposes sanctions on those responsible for human rights violations in Hong Kong. (Hong Kong is part of China but has a largely separate legal and economic system, which, in US’ view, gives the US the right to meddle into another country’s affairs)

This is the stupidest move US did in a long time and long  list of stupid moves.

No trade deal with China( US needs it more than China)

China exports to US -12% total exports .

65 % of the US trade deficit  of > 800 billion $ / year is with China.

My caricatures:

The birth of Ukrainian Venus ( which was a still born, in fact) .

From muddy C!A waters, Poroshenko ( ex president)  is born, two American Angels

( Pyatt and Nuland) are instilling life into Ukrainian Venus.

Saakashvili ( ex Georgian president) is providing ties , to be chewed.

Remember Georgia, 2008 and the US color revolution there?

Russia cleaned up the C!A / NATO Georgian isle and Saakashvili had to chew his tie.

Birth of Ukrainian Venus


Joshua Wong and Hong Kong, China

Joshua Wong, cleaning the C!A floors, supervised by Gina Haspel ( bloody Gina,  torture queen), director of the C!A and Julie Eadeh, US Consulate in Hong Kong

Joshua Wong , leader of Hong Kong protesters .





Christine Lagarde


Cristine Lagarde

She is very elastic.

And seems to be indispensable.

She was part of all recent  French governments

Minister of the Economy,

Finance and Industry (2007–2011),

Minister of Agriculture and Fishing (2007) and

Minister of Commerce (2005–2007)

The only woman to become a Finance Minister of a G 7  economy.

Chairwoman and Managing Director (MD) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) since July 2011.

She did such a good job there for the American Empire that she was awarded the nomination as the President of the European Central Bank.

After her baccalauréat in 1973, she went on an American Field Service scholarship to the Holton-Arms School in Bethesda, Maryland , where she had her apprentice done ( as a US puppet).

She served well the empire of debt at IMF ( headquarters in Washington DC)

IMF is an imperialist tool, colonizing a country through :


-stealing the country’s natural resources ( IMF conditions its loans, forcing the country to favor the extraction of  natural resources  and the investments of foreign investors , aka colonialism)

-IMF prevents a country from developing its own industry

-IMF asks for austerity for people

Now, Lagarde as the director of ECB ( prior director was Mario  Draghi,  an ex Goldman Sachs employee) is acting in tandem with the Federal Reserve.

ECB and the Federal Reserve are coordinating efforts to increase the inflation in US /Europe, because ” 2% is not enough” ( 2% is a bogus number , more like 8-12%)

To “make up” for lost inflation, the Fed will temporarily increase the target range above 2%, also known as “symmetric” overinflation. The policy would “make it clear that it’s acceptable that to average 2 percent, you can’t have only observations that are below 2 percent,” according to Eric Rosengren, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, who recently spoke with FT.

Fed governor Lael Brainard said the new rule is too complex to elaborate on with the public.

Satan's Paradise


Listen to Lagarde’s  mumble jumble , big financial words , in a French accent to make them sexier and confuse the public.

I can’t give you the link as this site is censoring me, but you can find it on YouTube.

They use this sophisticated speech to make people think:

” finance is too complicated for us, let the big boys deal with it”

Weimar Republic cometh.

The end of the road of the Ponzi called Western financial system.


The Federal Reserve is done

Between March and May, Russia‘s holdings of US Treasury bonds plummeted by $81 billion dollars, representing 84% of its total US debt holdings.

Russia once had 170 B $ of US treasury debt and now only 8 B $ and dumping it all fast.

In the last 18 months they have gone from $96 billion to $8 and bought Gold.

US wants to pass bail naming Russia a “ state sponsor of terrorism”.

Dumping the petrodollar triggers this.

Who are the other US creditors?

Foreigners :

-Japan 1.4 T $ . BoJ is a subsidiary of the Federal Reserve and Japan is a vassal, its economy was destroyed by US /BoJ

-China had 1.1 T $ US treasury debt , but it seems that China dumped a lot ( China is very secretive and don’t expect US to tell the truth) ; China is not only dumping treasuries, but not buying any more

-UK : 346 B : BoE is a branch of the Federal Reserve ( Wall Street and City of London) 

-Belgium : 220 B or more and buying. 

How come a little country like Belgium?

remember in  Bruxelles there are :

-NATO headquarters

-EU Parliament

_Cayman Islands : 238 B . LOL!

-Switzerland : 231 B ( BIS headquarters, the central super bank , the mothership)

_ Brazil, Ireland, HK,KSA, Singapore,France, Germany ( ECB headquarters in Frankfurt) Italy

But the biggest holder of US debt  ( 70 %) is the US population/ investors.

The biggest creditors, those with money surplus do not buy US T ( US debt) anymore.

They are dumping the dollar.

The Federal reserve restarted QE 4 ( quantitative easing= money printing) .

To monetize the debt .

The Federal Reserve is buying US debt.

That’s the Federal Reserve job.

The Treasury issues bonds, the Fed issues debt and creates “money” to buy those bonds.

QE is continuous.

One might say that when one has a printing press it can print unlimited amounts of “money” ad infinitum.

But there is a problem:

The Fed can create as much money ( debt) as they want , but this is useless  if the other part can not or doesn’t want to accumulate more debt.

Americans are buried in debt and can’t take more of it

Foreigners do not want new debt and dumping the old one. Most are buying Gold.

So the Fed has to buy its own debt.

What we call markets now are the growth of the debt = Federal Reserve’s balance sheet = parallel with the “growth “ of Dow, S&P, stocks.

How long do you think this can last ?

It’s the end of the road.

These Central Banks have already negative interest rates.

ECB= -0.5%

Denmark Central Bank = -0..75%

Sweden Central bank =- 0.25%

Switzerland Central Bank =-0.75%

Japan BOJ =-0.1%

The Fed is talking about them too.

After 10 years of zero rates and a short period of minimum increase.

 There is no way out.

If they stop printing and monetizing the debt and debasing the currency , the system collapses immediately

If they continue, the system crushes under rampant inflation and enormous debt.

The end of a fake economic model, based on mindless consumption supported by debt to infinity.

Because the system based on fiat paper money , created as debt , with interest ( usury) attached to it, is killed by the exponential function of compound interest, debasement of money and inflation.

There is no escape from it .

The history of the world offers no example of a country / society that survived this system .

The Ghouls

The Ghouls

Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright .



Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright.

Two of America’s most famous and “respectable” ghouls.

Ghoul is a demon or monster originating in pre-Islamic Arabian religion associated with graveyards and consuming human flesh.

A ghoul :

Preys on young children, 

-Seduces humans,

-Steals coins, 

– Eats the dead, 

-Drinks blood

 Both  from jewish families, emigrants from Europe ( Kissinger from Germany, Albright from ex Czechoslovakia) .

Both ex Secretary of State ( a position higher than the president of US, IMO).

Both   serving on the board of CFR.

Both war criminals.

  1. Henry Kissinger was also a National Security Advisor, for Nixon and Ford  (Republicans )

War crimes in :

-Chile ( 1973 military coup resulting in  removal / killing the democratically elected president Allende )

-military coup in Argentina and the “ Dirty war”

-Argentina : military coup and removal of democratically elected president  Isabel Peron 

-Yom Kippur war

-Bangladesh war/ genocide

-Vietnam war / peace

-Cambodia ( from 1969-1973, 50,000 tones of bombs dropped by US ,  2 million deaths and 2 million people displaced)

-operation Condor = killing of political opponents to the regimes supported by US in Latin America, a covert program of political repression and assassination  :

 1976, Orlando Letelier, a Chilean opponent of the Pinochet regime, was assassinated in Washington, D.C. with a car bomb.

The  political assassinations in Argentina

For all this “prestigious” activity , he received a Nobel Peace Prize  in 1973 (two members of the committee resigning in protest)

My belief is he was given the Nobel for the petrodollar deal with the Saudis.

The petrodollar  deal, which assured the American power over the word, after Bretton Woods collapsed secondary to the US unilaterally withdrawing from it ( as a result of Nixon taking the dollar of the Gold standard)

Bush Jr.  gave him the chair of the “National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States “to investigate ( read cover up) the September 11 attacks .

Member of all institutes where foreign policy is made ( deep state) :

  • Aspen Institute
  • Atlantic Council
  • Bilderberg Group
  • Bohemian Club
  • Council on Foreign Relations
  • Center for Strategic and International Studies

So many awards, medals and honors that I need another post to mention them.

War criminals are kept in high esteem in the USA.

Christopher Hitchens authored The Trial of Henry Kissinger, in which Hitchens calls for the prosecution of Kissinger “for war crimes, for crimes against humanity, and for offenses against common or customary or international law, including conspiracy to commit murder, kidnap, and torture”

  1. Madeleine Albright

Was an apprentice of Sbigniew Brzezinski ( grey eminence of US foreign policy)

Secretary of State and  US UN envoy during Clinton administration ( a Democrat)

War crimes:

-sanctions against Iraq ( Saddam Hussein) resulting in the death of 576,000 Iraqi children mostly babies.

It was “worth it “ she said.

It was , for US oil companies.

Before that, in 1989 Iraq was reported to have “one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world “+ universal healthcare and education 

Because President Saddam Hussein nationalized  the country’s vast oil resources, investing certain of its revenue in the Iraqi people. 

Iraq is a good proof that D or R  parties / presidents = are the same thing and belong to one party, the party of money changers.

Clinton  made Iraq  weak through sanctions, Bush started a war against Iraq, based on lies.

Americans are still there , after 16 years and a few D and R administrations.


-Yugoslavia , genocide  and destruction of the country ; US/ NATO bombed Belgrade for 79 days.

The creation of terrorist state Albania ( training jihadis from Al Qaeda or having guests like MEK, the Iranian terrorist group, rehabilitated by US to use it to topple Iranian government ) 

Kosovo , a Muslim enclave in the heart of Serbia, illegally established , no referendum, only through a kangaroo parliament vote. 

Bondsteel in Kosovo is the main base of the United States Army under KFOR command in Kosovo.

Bondsteel is a detention center and , per some reports, a hub for  trafficking children, human organs, weapons and drugs. 

A Guantanamo of US in Europe.

It is not open to inspections by the Committee for the Prevention of Torture .

Why not, if it has ” nothing to hide” ?

Milosevic was later killed in a US /NATO prison ( Hague) bc they could not prove his war crimes.

After Milošević’s death, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) concluded separately in the Bosnian Genocide Case that there was no evidence linking him to genocide committed by Bosnian Serb forces during the Bosnian War. 

Look at her hate here :

“Disgusting Serbs, get out!” she shouted at a group presenting evidence of crimes against Serbs in Kosovo war.

I can’t provide the link as this site is censoring me now and doesn’t allow me to do it.

But you can find it on a search with her name and ” disgusting Serbs” .

Of course, she serves on the board of the Council on Foreign Relations.

CFR is part of the deep state , making policies and approving presidential candidates.

And Americans still think that voting counts and they elect presidents and representatives.

Bashar al -Assad, the Lion of Syria

Bashar al -Assad



The true character of a man s revealed in times of great sorrow.

“A man’s character is his fate.” Heraclitus

Nobody expected that the elegant, soft-spoken, well mannered Bashar al -Assad was such a formidable leader.

He became an  ophthalmologist ( eye surgeon) “ because less blood was involved” [sic!] 

He wasn’t even supposed to be Syria’s leader , his elder brother was prepared for the role.

When the barbarians ( ISIS and Al Qaeda, the proxy army of US/NATO /KSA /IL)  attacked he didn’t :

– surrender or flee- Kerry offered him money and a comfortable life for his family 

-betray his allies and friends, Russia, Iran, Lebanon 

-become intimidated  by the formidable force the enemy threw against him and his country 

-wasn’t overwhelmed and didn’t  make mistakes 

-wasn’t discouraged by the enormous propaganda against him

He chose to stay and fight . With great courage and tenacity. 

Never surrendering or showing despair .

His government  was supposed “ to  collapse in 2 weeks, then  months, then years” and he was supposed “to go”.

He’s still there, more loved and respected than ever.

“Every inch of Syria will be liberated “, he said in 2011 , when the war against Syria started.

For those who don’t know, Assad means Lion .

He lived up to his name

I dedicate  this drawing to Bashar al Assad and all the Syrian martyrs .

“Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the Earth—Gog and Magog—and to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore.”

Got and Magog were gathered from > 100 countries and ISIS had > 250,000 fighters in Syria only.

Plus the Air Force of US + UK  ( nuclear powers) / IL and other NATO countries ( France, another nuclear power) Turkey in the beginning .

Money / fighters  from the Gulf States, especially KSA.

But Syria had help from two reliable friends, who knew they had to fight not only for Syria’s independence, but for their freedom too :


Iran ( IRGC and Hezbollah)



Prince Andrew, madame Ghislaine Maxwell and Jimmy Savile

My limerick :

There was a Duke of York

His name was Andrew the dork

He liked shagging juvenile, nubile broad

But, when he got caught

He sweat and blinked a lot

Isn’t lying a Royal sport?

His interview could not move one folk

The Duke is Royally focked

Prince Andrew said in his interview to BBC:

But at the time I felt it was the honourable and right thing to do and I admit fully that my judgement was probably coloured by my tendency to be too honourable but that’s just the way it is.”

A PR disaster.

Seeing it, I understood the expression “to be royally f*cked”. On so many levels.

He is so entitled, so removed from life realities and responsibilities ( I don’t think he worked for 1 hour in his entire life) , that he can’t even lie in a credible way.

British politicians have struggled to bury the elite pedophilia scandal  for years.

Theresa May was one of them:  sabotaged the most recent pedophile inquiry.

Using an unreliable witness and this allowed the government to ‘collapse’ the whole case – and simply jail the witness for perjury.

Margaret Thatcher had pedophiles in her cabinet and she was aware of them.

A few examples :

– former Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath

 – former assistant head of Mi6 Sir Peter Hayman

 – the former head of the Board of Deputies of British Jews Sir Greville Janner… 

-Leon Brittan, member of Parliament and European Commission , ex Home Secretary

BBC entertainer Sir Jimmy Savile , one of the most vile case was knighted by the queen and was never investigated or prosecuted. People who tried to expose what he was were silenced.

There is an order to arrest Queen Elizabeth  issued in 2013 by six judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.

After nearly a year of litigation, Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Phillip, were found guilty in the disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic-run Kamloops residential school in British Columbia.

Grieving parents haven’t seen their children since they left for a picnic with the Royal couple on Oct. 10 1964.

“Margaret Thatcher gave MP knighthood despite knowing child sex abuse claims against Cyril Smith.

” The Home Office is facing calls to explain why a 1980s dossier about alleged pedophiles at Westminster was “destroyed” by officials.”

You see, pedophiles get the knighthood , not jail time.

The most recent case, Epstein,  is the biggest international child sex trafficking network and a blackmail operation run by Mo$$ad, to control powerful figures from different areas , not only politicians.

Epstein and his right hand ( maybe handler) Ghislaine Maxwell were/ are Mo$$ad agents.

A blackmail operation involving use of children for sex run by Mo$$ad.

This is not discussed  by any MSM or western government.

Now, imagine this was an operation run by secret services from  China, or Russia or Iran. How loud do you think US would cry?

Britain, like US , is now involved in covering up all evidence.

“BBC Reporter Liz MacKean Who Sought To Expose BBC Pedophilia Ring Found Dead”

Whitney Webb reports how newspaper articles from the 1990s are being scrubbed from British newspaper sites.